Thursday, January 1, 2015


(watch,see,notice, be aware )
I make all things new."
(including you!)
Happy 2015!
Ask for your personal prophetic prayer picture, as a Comment ,
under the heading January 2015 Request Here.
Thank you for blessing and encouraging
the work of the Holy Spirit by your  support and joyful responses!
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See the Comments below for info.

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Prayer requests are still free for those who are willing to wait longer.
Ministry support, including prayer, of any amount is needed and appreciated.
Please help to make this Ministry of Training & Discipleship with Prophecy continue. Thanks for your prayerful support! May the Lord mightily bless you and all that concerns you !
Love, Jane


  1. Please could I receive a prophetic word concerning career, ministry and sentimental life, in general what God has to say to me.Thank you very much . Sherylb

    1. @ Sherylb: The Lord showed me a picture of a log cabin in the woods,in Summer, that was part of a Christian Campground. I sensed that you were organizing hikes and ministry for this place & I also saw you sitting around a campfire singing Praise songs with someone playing a guitar.I don't know if you have ever considered a career such as this but I felt that you had a wonderful sense of fulfillment and were a wonderful blessing to many.
      Love, Jane

    2. thank you so much Jane for this word . i appreciate it and wait for God to perform it in my life. Sherylb

  2. hi jane HAPPY NEW YEAR to you ....i wish you a blessed year ahead full of God's requesting a word or picture for this month..God bless you.PMK

    1. @ PMK: The Lord showed me that you have been feeling quite weak. You work very hard and don't rest enough. I sensed that God wants to send helpers to you within the next few months to strengthen you with the joy of the Lord; to encourage and bless you. You will also learn about changes in your diet that will give you more energy.
      Love, Jane

    2. I have been feeling pretty weak spirituality and physically.its good to hear this...thank you Jane may God bless you..

  3. hi, could i have a word?

    1. @ Blessy: I sense that 2015 is a year of you finding treasures in God's word, the Bible. I saw a picture of a treasure chest that had only ideas in it and they glowed.I believe that God is giving you a deep hunger for His word and as a result you will know Him on a much more personal level. Love, Jane

    2. thanks Jane..

  4. What is the lord saying for this year? NG

    1. @ NG: The Lord showed me a picture of you going through a revolving door over and over again. I sense that this picture shows that your 2015 year will be one of doing things over and over until God teaches you the right reactions and right attitudes. The Holy Spirit is a very patient teacher as He corrects things in us that we didn't even realize were wrong! Love, Jane

  5. Hello Jane...anything from the Lord for me for this New Year or otherwise directionally? :D Happy New Year, With love, Kelly

    1. @ Kelly: I heard "The sky's the limit!" God has great plans for you in 2015! You may doubt that you are able or worthy enough to do all that God suggests but if you agree to try He will equip you and put you with the right people on the right path do do great things for Him then write a book about it! Love, Jane

    2. Oh, I love you Jane! God has told me to write a book; but I've sat on my hands for years not really knowing what to write about! Now I understand I must get moving on order to have the material to write! Your word confims and resonates with me... amen! Thank you very much!

  6. Hey Jane, I posted December 20th not sure if you received it but I was wondering it you had a word about my husband's health? He has several things going on but I'm believing God for a total healing! comega09

    1. @comega09: Your December request will be answered under the heading December 2014 Request Here. You will have to scroll down to the bottom of the page then back up to December 20 and your name. Since I pray for,get a prophetic picture and answer each one myself, with the Trinity,I always seem to have some left to pray for at the end of the month.Thanks for being patient. For your husband's health I see a flame of the fire of the Holy Ghost burning faith and excitement for his healing in him! Wow! This is going to be an awesome time in your family.Join in his excitement,go in the Lord's anointing and get an amazing testimony! Love, Jane

    2. Thank You so much!!! it's been so difficult these past few months. I was wondering if God was using this as an opportunity to build my husband's faith. He has been so depressed because he's so young & not able to do the things he use to do but I feel better now. comega09

  7. Happy New Year jane. Blessed be the name of our God who continues to download pictures and word for his people through you. May He Reward you in the open. Kindly give me a word concerning my job and my destiny for 2015, Lucy.

    1. I mean new job as am not working at the moment, Lucy

    2. @ Lucy: Yes, keep the movies from Heaven coming,Lord! I sense that you will have to take jobs this year that are way below your qualifications but you will benefit by the lack of stress and demands on your time, which allows more time with the Lo.rd and His people Next year ,2016, will put you back into a position of authority so enjoy your time of relaxation now! Love, Jane

    3. Thank you Jane

  8. Can i please get a word for this year 2015. God bless you ma

    1. @ Bolanlevivian: The Lord showed me a picture of a door God had opened that had hard packed snow at the entrance.I have the impression that this shows your enthusiasm for ministry ideas God has given you that are received with cold,hard attitudes by the church and those in authority. .Consider this an opportunity to react in the opposite spirit, with love and understanding.As the Lord continued the picture you began to walk into green pastures with Jesus leading you forward. Love, Jane

  9. Hi Jane! Happy New Year!!
    I would love a word about what God has in store for me in 2015!
    Thanks so much!

    1. @ Holly: The Lord showed me that you will be staying on the same path in 2015. It is a smooth, relatively uneventful path.
      Love, Jane

  10. Happy New Year Jane. May God drench you with Favor and blessings this year. May it be a Year of Open Doors for you
    Could you please ask God for a Word for this Month?

    1. @ Princess: Wow! Loved getting that drenching! Favour and God's blessings to you too! The Lord showed me a picture of you laying down several things at the feet of Jesus then giving them back to you in different,more beautiful wrappings. There was a flag, which symbolized your interest in politics; a stack of CDs which showed your love of praise music and a grocery bag from Publix that showed your heart to feed the poor. These are all things God will ask you to give Him this year so that newness of life may be poured out. Love, Jane

    2. @ Princess: Regarding politics, God may suggest becoming a serious Intercessor for political situations you are shown. Love, Jane

  11. Is pr the love of j.d.p life. I feel like PR is the of my life but sometimss unsure jdp

    1. @ jdp: The best way to know if pr is the love of your life is to ask the person plainly "Am I the love of your life?" We know for sure that Jesus always loves us whether or not people do!
      Love, Jane

    2. Well I really just want to know if I should keep pursuing this relationship.

    3. @ jdp: Ask again in February please. Jane

  12. Happy new year prophetess. I am requesting to receive a prophetic picture about my finances in 2015. I am also requesting to know God's will about my life in 2015 that i might be positioned. Thank you

    1. @ Cain: I have the impression that 2015 will be a year of discovering the true riches of the Kingdom of God: the richness of the living word of God; the joy of unabashed worship; the realization of who is around you and their value to your life. If you read some books by Bill Johnson of Bethel Church in California, you will be so enriched and your financial life will thrive too! Love, Jane

  13. I need prayers for a turning point in my life and a prophetic picture for 2015. God bless you!

    1. @Simon Kwesi Fabian: The Lord showed me the word "Truth" floating up in the air then it folded up into an arrow and pierced your heart bringing great revelation with it. I have the impression that 2015 will be a year of you speaking truth to many people that will set them free! Love, Jane

  14. Good morning and Happy New Year! May I receive a prophetic word for this month or year? Thank you and God bless, LC

    1. @ L C: Happy New Year!!! The Lord reminded me of a poster someone gave me that had a picture of a sailboat in stormy waters and said "Calm seas will never make a sailor." I sense that God is teaching you to be an overcomer of every problem that arises this year. He is teaching you to use scripture with authority and to speak words of faith into hopeless situations. This may sound ominous but you will find it immensely enjoyable as you triumph with Jesus! Love, Jane

  15. Hi Jane...A blessed new year to u.Looking for the Lords leading in 2015. Would value a word from the Lord. - RM

    1. @ RM: The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting in an Airport waiting for your plane and speaking about the Lord to the woman in the next seat to you. I have the impression that travel will be prominent in your life in 2015 and as you sit waiting in Airports God will bring people to you who have problems only God can solve. Love, Jane

  16. hi Jane,
    I would like to recieve a prophetic words from the Lord for 2015.
    Happy New Year!
    God bless you

    1. @ Garam: Happy New Year to you too! I see this as a year of God easily opening some doors to give you the desires of your heart but I saw you searching around in books, on the internet and talking with people to find keys to opening some of the doors that remained locked. Be patient and be renewed as you wait.
      Love, Jane

  17. Asking for prayer for this new year!
    God you , Jane! SL

    1. @ SL: The Lord showed me a picture of you being pregnant with a plan God has give you within the last 6 months. I saw fields with furrows in the soil that were getting ready for planting seeds and that would bring forth an abundant harvest for the Kingdom of God.Was not shown exactly what the crop was but I sense that you know in your heart. Love, Jane

  18. Happy New Year. Requesting insight into relationship with Kevin as well as i'm deiring to move to Tennessee and want to clearly understand what God has to say about these issues as well as 2015. Thank you.....Trish

    1. @ Trish: The Lord showed me a picture of you driving a convertible car, with the top down, along a country road with green fields on either side and country music playing on the radio. I sense that this shows a joy and freshness regarding your move to Tennessee,the home of country music in America. The seat next to you was empty but I sensed that you could invite Kevin to come along with you.I feel he may be very bogged down & needs some refreshment in the spirit & his life. Off to a good start for 2015! Love, Jane

  19. A happy good new year to you Jane, i wanted to thank you for helping me last year :). Do you see a picture for me from they lord:). May they lord bless you in this new season greetings dirk mike

    1. @dirkmike: I love getting feedback like this! I'm so grateful for the Holy Spirit's wisdom & help! Thanks for saying thank you! I was shown the scripture "Your word is a light unto my path." and I have the impression that God is expressing the urgency of you seeking guidance from the Bible daily, especially in 2015. Love,Jane

    2. Thy Jane, when you whas praying the lord told me there is a light after the tunnel. So it makes sense that im in a molding proces :D. Thy you Jane keep up the good work :D. greetings dirk mike

  20. Hi. Would like a word from the Lord for the new year please..Bless Monie

    1. @ Monie: The Lord showed me a picture of you eating a big, double-dip ice cream cone then another picture of a scientist taking the ice cream cone apart to look at all the layers of the cone and the grains of ice cream. I sense that God is showing you that sometimes it is good for you to closely examine the word of God and other times to just enjoy it. I have the impression that 2015 will,spiritually,be a year of intense study of the Bible and also a year of increasing enjoyment of it. Love, Jane

  21. hello Jane, This is Athoniel Ripon Sarker from Bangladesh. May I request a prophetic word for me and my family for 2015. What is GOD's plan for my life. May God bless you.

    1. @ Athoniel Ripon Sarker: The Lord showed me a picture of a Bible Study in your home and one of your children playing a piano to accompany praise and worship songs. I sensed the presence of the Lord very strongly there. I you do not already offer a Bible Study I suggest that you start one and be very blessed for 2015. Love,Jane

  22. Jane, I already asked my question once last month and once this month, not sure why it didn't get posted? When you get a chance could I get a word from the Lord? Thanks jw

    1. @ jen williams: My apologies! There were some technical difficulties that caused your request to be delayed. Praying for you now & will Post tomorrow.. Love, Jane

    2. @ Jen Williams: The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting on a bench in a park when suddenly a huge flock of black birds appeared in front of you. You simply clapped your hands and they flew away. I sense that God has been teaching you about binding and loosing the enemy and about the power for victory that is yours in the name of Jesus. Don't allow yourself to be intimidated! It's as easy as sending grackles away by just clapping your hands. Love, Jane

  23. hi jane, i'd like to hear what god has to say about my school situation this month. i dont know what to do. i have no place to study or work. and if he has something to say about my healing/health, please let me know. michael.

    1. @ Michael: I was reminded of a young Korean man that we prayed for who was studying to be a Minister but shared an apartment with 5 other people who constantly had parties and made noise so he could not study or pray properly. The Lord spoke to us saying "Take him in.".We had only a small 1-bedroom apartment so he had to sleep on the couch but he had peace and quiet & did very well with his exams as well as learned about the Holy Spirit from us.We learned about Birthday Soup and Korean cooking. What a time of blessing. Ask a Christian married couple if they could give you a room to be quiet and study and you will be so blessed. Re your healing- just believe it's happening! Love, Jane

  24. Do you see marriage in my future?

    1. @ Nichole: Yes, I see marriage for you but no details right now. Love, Jane

  25. Happy New Year.... Asking for a word about my job situation, What is God plan for me?- Alicia Cooper

    1. @ Alicia Cooper: I heard "Used cars,used books and used by God!" I have the impression that you may be given a good used car this years and will read many 2nd hand books as you learn about God's wondrous ministers and miracles as well as be used as a prayer warrior (nobody will know about this) to keep peace and favour at your job that will open to you soon with increased responsibility and income. Love, Jane

    2. Amen, this is right on time...

  26. Hi Jane Happy new year
    can i have a prophetic picture for my career in 2015 plz

    1. @ RTL: "Happy is the people whose God is the Lord! " Happy New Year! The Lord showed me a picture of a FedEx delivery truck driver taking parcels to the front door of a house. I heard the words "Deliverance isn't just taking something away,for example a bad habit,but it is the Lord bringing something new or renewing something already existing into the real you. I also sense that you will deliver many good teachings to people and even deliver them to the emails of those who need to know these things. I also saw you drawing flow charts on a whiteboard in a Board Room that were a blessing to people to help them understand difficult concepts. Love, Jane

  27. Dear Jane, can i ask you for a prophetic word picture about if God will make us move or not from where we are in 2015 please

    happy new year

    1. @ Cynthia: I sense that you may have to move but only because God has something much better for you! God has a place for you with a whole different culture- different foods, different shops,different dances and music. I see a whole new kind of life,that costs less but brings in more income, for you before the end of this year. Love, Jane

  28. I would like a prophetic picture. Thank you and have a blessed and prosperous 2015. ~Yaschica~

    1. @ Yaschica: I heard "After you have done all you can do stand!" I have the impression that the Lord has taught you some things that your family and some friends don't agree with. Stand for what you know is right.I sense a time of testing is coming. Stand! Love, Jane

  29. Hi Jane May the Lord grant you success this year. May i know what Papa has prepared for me this yr

    Blessings OS

    1. @ OS: Thank you! God has made this prophetic prayer place so popular! We are nearing 200,000 views and growing! The Lord showed me a picture of you giving money to a beggar on the street and I was reminded of the scripture that says "Give to everyone that asks." God will teach you many things when you generously give to all those who ask and will bless you in many ways..Love,Jane

  30. Hi Jane!

    This is MDB. I was wondering if you could give me a word from the Lord letting me know my progress in my walk with God. I've been waiting for a breakthrough for 3 years now and was wondering if I'm getting close, if I need to do more of something to see something happen...what else do I need to do?


    1. @ MDB: Sometimes it seems like nothing is happening but when we look back we can see positive changes,although maybe not exactly the ones we have prayed for. The biggest breakthrough I ever got was a result of an awesome touch from God when we attended the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit at TACF in Toronto and then in Pensacola,Florida at Brownsville Church 1994-1997.You can watch some of these conferences on You tube. Real revival is life-changing beyond what you can even imagine! I have the impression that God may want you to get more training at somewhere like; or morningstar ministries.
      Love, Jane

  31. Hi Jane please could I have a word for this new year and also in regards to the word given in december about a marriage partner could you clarify whether this is the same blonde man you had previously given me a word about ...thank you and blessings

    1. oh sorry jane I realized you did clarify however I am confused as you said previously the man was a farmer and now its a pharmacist?? Im a little confused...Blessings....Flowers11

    2. @ flowers 11: The is a different man but he is also blonde with a similar look. God offers several possibilities. Be aware of both of these men as God leads. 2015 will be a good year for you. Love, Jane

  32. Hi Jane. Could I please get a word from the Lord. Thank you.

    1. @ Chris: The Lord showed me a picture of you looking through files in a filing cabinet. I was given the impression that you are a very organized person who loves to put things into categories so that they can be easily found again when you need them.I sense that the Lord is asking you to just listen to the Holy Spirit's guidance more,which does not always seem to be logical, but when followed brings awesome results the mind could never have figured out! Love, Jane

    2. Thank you, Jane. Lord, please blossom Jane's ministry, and bless her with the desires of her heart.
      Love, Chris.

  33. Dear Jane,

    I would like to request a word from God regarding the direction of my life. I am currently in a job that I'm not sure is God's will for my future. I'm not sure if I should change jobs, something related to my dream, even if it doesn't compensate as well as my current job. I would love to know how God perceives me, where He thinks my full potential lies, because I'm struggling to see His will and I know He knows best.

    Thank you,

    1. @ LBE: I was getting a strong warning "Do Not Quit Your Job!!!" I sense that you can work on weekends and holidays at your "dream job" and you can underwrite the costs of it with the salary from your current job. I was also given the impression that you try too hard to please God instead of just enjoying His presence,His guidance and his beauty. He loves you and is very pleased with your heart. Love, Jane

  34. I already spoke to you and needed to hear from you about the status of my marriage but you have yet to post something for me. My name is Eric Yang

    1. @ Eric Yang: Your prayer request was answered and posted directly under it on December 17,2014. Because there are over 200 Comments you need to go to the heading December 2014 Request Here,scroll down to the bottom of the page,click Load More, then scroll back up til you see your name and prophetic word under it on
      December 17,2014. Love, Jane

    2. Please let me know if my marriage to Norma Jarbouh will survive the turbulent current times? My name is Eric Yang

    3. @ Eric Yang: The Lord showed me a picture of the two sides of a mirror.The side on the back of the mirror was dark and I was reminded of the scripture "Now we see through a glass darkly but then face to face." Then I saw the actual mirror and was reminded of times that I have prayed and been close to the Lord at a Revival and saw His Spirit on me,glowing out of me, instead of just me. At first I sensed that the Lord wanted to tell you to quit seeing the dark side of everything but I sense His compassion for you and His willingness to help put your marriage together if you both agree to look for the good things about each other. And "A cheerful heart is good medicine." Agree together with Norma for God's healing and to enjoy your days together instead of dwelling on disasters. I feel hopeful for a fresh start into a lifelong meaningful marriage. Love, Jane

  35. Happy New Year, Jane. Thank you for your heart and outreach to us. My name is Rita and I would love to have a prophetic word picture if you sense something for my life, Thank you.

    1. @ Rita: I was shown a picture of you having Dinner with Jesus at a Greek restaurant. When the food arrived the Lord picked up a skewer of lamb saying "Strong meat is for mature Christians. Eat and remember the Lamb of God and what He has done for you. Have the yogurt later as,spiritually, it is for baby Christians. Your faithfulness has brought you to a much deeper level of understanding and a hunger for stronger meat has developed. Teaching in new ways is your challenge this year and by the word in power you will see many lives changed. " Love,Jane

    2. wesley nyama Jan 2,2015

      Hi Jane. I need a rhema word from God. Love Wes

  36. Hi Jane :) blessed new year to u...may I hv a word about job, mind , and life in 2015. .? Thanks.... - Roselily:)

    1. @ Roselily: The Lord showed me a picture of you putting a wreath made with golden feathers around your head as a joke and roaring like a lion because it looked like a lion's mane on you. Actually God is teaching you to step out in faith,in many areas of your life,including your job. The Lion of Judah is with you and you can put your confidence in Him. There is a scripture that says "My people can be bold as a lion." Happy 2015! Love,Jane

  37. Dear Jane, I am a christian and I happen to have a long communication and an online ministry with a pastor in California. He says come let us serve together. I am in a country where traveling to the US is not easy nor I have any confirmation. Can you please tell me what the lord shows you about it? Is that God's intentions? Thank you very much and with much love. DRZ

    1. @ DRZ: I saw a picture of you taking a leap of faith in your Spirit,it was like a blaze of glory in and around you. I sense that your online ministry friend is truly hearing God and is encouraging you to be where God wants you to be. If he is willing to help with fundraising to pay your travel and visa expenses, give you a written job offer so you can apply as a Temporary Worker under the Religious category and find a place for you to live, I would consider that as confirmation. I have such a good feeling about this! Go for it !!! Love, Jane

  38. Happy New Year, Jane! What is the Lord showing you in pictures/word re my health, relationship, career and ministry for 2015? Blessings & thanks, V

    1. @ V: The Lord showed me a picture of you closing wooden blinds not so much to keep the sun out but for reasons of privacy. I have the impression that keeping quiet is very important in everything that concerns you. The Holy Spirit will tell you when to openly share your life but remember,when put on the spot, that Proverbs says "Even a fool is counted as wise when he keeps his mouth
      shut." There is a graciousness about you that others think comes so easily to you but they don't see the costs of obedience, the hours of study and prayer, the attention to detail. Humility is so very elegant. I see improvement in all areas in 2015,just don't tell anyone about God's plans before they happen! Love, Jane

    2. Thanks very much, Jane, for the word & advice. It's very true. I'm trying hard to follow God's will, His plan. I learn to not disclose much, not even to my parents. However, people do make plans for me or suggest things that I should do, etc. I often have to fight to stay obedient to the Lord and follow His plan. Some people feel obliged to ask as I am usually very attentive, listening to people & praying for them. In any case, I learn to shut my mouth and be general or vague without being dishonest. However, there are some who like to poke their noses into my affairs directly or indirectly, as you say putting me on the spot. So Holy Spirit guides me what, who and how much to say, which is hardly any. I was led to this website by the Holy Spirit and the Lord had assured me that I would get confirmation re His plan for me and thus shared some information with you since Aug last year. So thank you, Jane! You are one of the few on this earth who was made aware of my situation.

  39. Hello Sis Jane. Happy new year. Please do you see marriage in my life this year. I'm desperately in need of a divine woman God has created before time for me . Chris E

    1. @ Chris E: Truly divine women are found in divine places like Churches, Bible Studies, Healing Rooms,Christian ministries and Missions trips, even on some Conference Chats as they broadcast on the internet but not in bars or secular clubs.I personally believe that God has more than just one perfect woman for you. It takes a bit of time to get to know each other but God will make it apparent in your heart which woman would be a good wife. It's when you quit acting desperate and give your desires to God that He goes to work,behind the scenes, to pick out someone for you. I do see marriage in 2015 or at least an engagement. Love, Jane

  40. Is Glen my husband?

  41. @ Anonymous: Please ask again next month using either a Screen Name or Initials. Thank you, love Jane

  42. Hi Jane, I ask for prophetic word for January 2015

    1. @ Katlin Pootsmann: The word I'm hearing is "Be content where you are with what you have." God may be impressing your heart with a desire to go to certain countries and cities but this is not the time. You have much more to learn that you will be sharing with people and you need to be saving money this year for travel expenses next year. Don't run ahead of God! Rest in the Lord and enjoy where you are and what you have now.
      Love, Jane

  43. Hi Jane! I'm going by the name Grace. Thank you for the word in December. I sent a donation through PayPal. My baby is sleeping a little better after removing the occult things out of my house. Didn't realize the impact of having the items. And I have been reading my word and praying at those sleepless moments. What is the Lord saying to me moving forward in this year? I am stuck wondering if I should move forward in pursuing photography as a business. What should I be working toward career wise and ministry wise? I thought I knew but after this last season I dont. And my husband's calling? I just want to know all that God has to say in this season of my life. I'm hear with open ears. Thank you so much Jane!

    1. @ Grace: I heard the scripture "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people." I sense that this is not the time to pursue any kind of business or ministry but rather to soak in the spirit of God and in His word so that you may comfort your baby and your husband as they both grow. The Lord showed me a picture of your husband as a high steel worker,confidently walking along the steel girders of tall city office buildings that were under construction. This picture may refer to spiritual high places that the Lord is taking him and he may be very blessed by reading the Christian classic book "Hind's Feet in High Places." His calling , I sense,does have something to do with building and construction. Is he an Architect? I sense that he is very creative. I thank God for your openness to hear and obey Him. Love,Jane

    2. Hi Jane, thank you for the word! The photography business has been established since 2011 and slowed down at the arrival of my daughter last year and has picked up dramatically in this month. I will pray about what you have said and what is happening and no my husband is not an architect. he is an account manager and he has an interest in alternative medicine. Thank you Jane

    3. @ Grace: Your husband's interest in alternative medicine brings him into contact with a lot of New Age people &publications into meditating on mandalas made of fractals and other eastern religious teachings and influences. I wonder if you have been taking some sort of nutrient that may be giving your breast milk something that upsets and energizes the baby so that it does not sleep properly at night.Love, Jane

    4. Thank you for getting back to me! Celebrated my baby's 1st birthday on the 10th. You are right my husband has come in contact with people involved in those things and has been praying on how to focus his studies and discipline because he desires to help the Body of Christ seek to be physically healthy to be better prepared vessels for Christ being that the church(at least the churches we have come out of, struggle heavily with diseases and obesity etc. and over use of medical drugs) I am closer evaluating my diet as we speak, need to probably cut back on sugar being that my body craves it being so tired and look into the supplements that I am taking from time to time! Thank you so much Jane!

  44. Hi Jane, may 2015 be a year filled with health, happiness, and prosperity for you and your family. What is the Lord showing you for me for this year. Thanks Christine

    1. @ Christine: Thanks for that blessing! The Lord showed me a picture of you walking along a path when a strong wind began to blow behind you, pushing you forward with great force. You felt helpless and wondered whether to get off onto a path with wind or to fight the wind by walking into it to return to where you started. I sense that this is a hint of what will happen for you,spiritually, in 2015. Don't fight the moves of the Holy Spirit,just make sure it is not man pushing you but actually God's spirit in truth. You will rapidly be moving forward in spiritual growth this year which will open new doors in many areas of your life.Love,Jane

    2. thanks Jane, I appreciate your time. I am looking forward to a "spiritual boost" lol Christine

  45. Happy New Year may God pour into you everything that you have been pouring out, thanks for being a blessing to the body of Christ. What is God showing you regarding me this year?

    1. @ Anonymous: Please ask again next month using either a Screen Name or Initials. Thanks and blessings, Jane

  46. Hi Jane
    Is there a word/picture concerning my health, job, mind , relationships, life etc? Thanks

    1. @ Pink Rose: The Lord showed me a picture of you where you were extremely thin,sort of like a runway model in the spirit (probably not in the flesh).I heard the Holy Spirit say"I will fatten her up this year". I have the impression that you do not read your Bible enough.Reading a Christian devotional every morning may inspire you but you need to chew the word of God (deeply ponder the meanings of what God is showing you).Start by getting a one-year Bible and read from it daily. Be glad when you find concepts that you don't understand because these are the times God will light you up with revelation knowledge and you will really know! God says He wants us fat and flourishing but that's not a a physical thing. Love, Jane

  47. Hi. I would like a word for my mother. Thanks and God bless -Kay

    1. @ Kay: I always love seeing you here as my Mom's name was Kay too! The Lord showed me a dark cloud over your mother's head that made her feel tired a lot of the time and filled her with regret. If you put your hand on her forehead and ask Jesus to light her up He will! Also reading the Bible,especially the New Testament, will light her up because "His word is a light unto my path." Love,Jane

  48. Who is the man that God reserved for me? Is he the man who I've been waiting for? When will we finally be together?

    1. @ Melissa: The best ways to meet potential marriage partners are to do things you like to do: go to church, be in a choir, get books at the Library, take a Community College course, attend Conferences and Seminars etc. I met my husband first at a Christian Art Gallery opening then God literally put us in each other's path up to 5 times a day in a city of 6 million people! Finally we laughed, realizing this was a God-thing, and decided to have Lunch together then go to a Bob Dylan Concert.We were married 6 months later.Don't sit around waiting,get out and meet some really great guys! As a last resort there is always an online dating site. This should happen soon. Cry out to God then notice the guys around you! Love,Jane

  49. Good Morning...My name is Cynthia and I seek a word from the Lord concerning my life and my children Garrett & Levitica! Thank you so much!

    1. @ Cynthia: I love your children's names! The Lord showed me a picture of you wearing a dark striped sweater and I heard "By His stripes I am healed." The darkness of the stripes showed me that your gift of healing is being mixed with New Age concepts of crystals, diets, mandalas and meditations that replace the the pure word of God and the power of the name of Jesus.Come back to the lover of your soul,Jesus, and Him only! The Lord also showed me that your children are very helpful around the house and are well behaved and bright. Love,Jane

  50. Hi Jane. If your Led to May I have a Word concerning my family espeshely My Dad. And If your led too May I have a Word concerning me as well? Thank you - Walter

    1. @ Upload3123412: Hi again Walter! The Lord showed me a picture of your father chopping wood to make a campfire where everyone could sit around and sing but he had to stop chopping wood before he was finished as he felt weak and had to go sit down. I saw him as a very tall,slim man who had worked so hard to provide for his family all his life and did not like his lack of strength. Remind him that.the joy of the Lord is his strength and pray for him. I see him as the backbone of your family. I see a special anointing for something coming this year but unclear as to exactly what it is. Love, Jane

  51. Hello Jane. Happy and prosperous new year 2015 to you and your family. Thanks for being tireless in the work of our Lord Jesus Christ even when others are taking yearly breaks or holidays, you've been there throughout touching lives. May you be strengthened, renewed and prosper in all that you do. I will like to ask for a word, if you can perceive marriage in my future. Thanks

    1. @ Yemisi O: I just love how the Holy Spirit inspires me to tirelessly pour out His pictures to build up the Body! Thanks for appreciating that! The Lord showed me a picture of you having coffee at a cafe in the countryside with a girlfriend when she met a man she knew & when you were introduced God touched his heart with love for you and knew that you would be his wife. When you get an invitation for coffee in the country go!!! Love, Jane

  52. Helo Jane. Happy New Year to you, may God continue to enrich your life as you speak His heart. Can you please give me a picture regarding the man I will marry and a word for my finances. Thanks. God bless. Tanya South Africa

    1. @ Tanya South Africa: The Lord showed me a picture of you at a children's Birthday Party that was held at the house of a friend of yours.A handsome dark haired man was also there with his young son. Not sure if he was widowed or divorced but he was very interested in you and I believe this is a relationship that will develop into marriage. As for finances, just claim God as Jehovah Jirah your provider. Love, Jane

  53. Happy new year Jane!
    It's Melanie Angel asking for you to please send on the word/picture the Lord has for me in this breakthrough year of 2015.
    Be blessed in this new year Jane and thank you

    1. @ Melanie Martin: The Lord gave me the scripture for you "Run the race with patience." I saw you running on a race track that every so often had hurdles to jump. I have the impression that there are several areas of your life that you need to practice to get over problems ,kind of like getting good at jumping hurdles. Be encouraged! God makes you stronger and more successful with each attempt.The breakthrough won't happen suddenly but you will slowly realize that things are now better.Happy 2016,once you get through 2015! Love,Jane

  54. AnonymousJanuary 5, 2015 at 1:52 PM
    Happy New Year Jane. My name is Kaaron Powell (KP) and I would love to receive a word concerning a few topics. These topics consist of my current employment status, my career/business ventures & my relationship.

  55. @ Kaaron Powell: Your prayer request has been shortened to accommodate space for others. Requests should be posted using only 5 Lines. Praying for you now & will post your prophetic picture as soon as possible..Thanks for understanding. Love, Jane

    1. Ok thanks & God bless sister

      - Kaaron Powell

    2. @ Kaaron Powell: The Lord showed me a picture of you on a fork lift machine putting a large box on the top shelf of a storage unit at a retail store like Lowes' I have the impression that the box belongs to you and is big
      because it is full of God's gifts for you. You are really overwhelmed by them and prefer to just use your own smarts rather than God's gifts so you have elevated them to such a high level that they are unattainable.These gifts can all be used in the areas you mentioned. Bring them to ground level and ask God to lead and guide you in using them in practical ways. Love,Jane

  56. Hi Jane, can you please give me a word from God regarding my life, future and love relationship. Will I meet someone special I can spend my life with. I feel very rejected in all areas of my life. What is God saying? Thank You Chantal (S.A).

    1. @ Chantal (S.A): First, you must know that God says "You are accepted in the Beloved." Cry out to God telling Him that you have to know His love and acceptance. Even if you meet a special someone they will never be able to
      love you like Jesus does and you will be unable to return the love they require.I saw a picture of you being cuddled like a baby on Jesus' lap. He understands you and will comfort you with His healing love. Love, Jane

  57. Dear Jane, may you be richly Blessed this year may His love fill all your needs. Do you have a word about Ben? Love, Maria

    1. @ Maria: Who is Ben? Please answer asap. Jane

    2. Jane, Ben was my mentor but we came one the wrong foot for many reasons. He is still telling me though what God says to him about my doings. I have been very confused about him specially earlier.

    3. @ Maria: The Lord showed me a rather shocking picture of you being tied up to chair with duct tape over your mouth, as if Ben had broken into your home in a burglary or home invasion. I see him as having an extreme Control spirit.You should be very cautious with
      him, he could become violent. Try to wean yourself away from him and get some good Bible-based teaching through, Kenneth Copeland or Morningstar Ministries. Love, Jane

    4. Thank you for clearing that! The reason why Ive been so confused is because hes Very strong anointing that has taken me many times to heavenly places, but then came the bad stuff too. That is quite disturbing picture, do you think it is spiritually or physical? Or can he have access into my computersystem?

    5. @ Maria: You must distance yourself from him. He could become physically violent. Don't talk to him on the phone and get into a good church that has a Bible Study with people who can pray protection for you. God's river of life is pure and not polluted. Love,Jane

  58. Dear Jane - I wish you a happy new year may god Bless you more this year .Can you give me a word from God regarding my life, Finance, Spiritual Life, Marital Life, and Career for me this year 2015.

    T V K

    1. @ TVK: I heard "Quit being so busy doing good things for God that you spend very little time with Him." I sense that God's focus for you this year is intimacy with Him. He wants you to be so overflowing with His love that ministry and helping people will be simply poured out as a natural result of being in His presence, being touched by Him and His life from the word. You don't need to join a group or go to a Conference for this just bring your open heart,quietly to Him for as long as you can each day. "Seek first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you." Love, Jane

    2. Hi Jane
      Do you have a word for me for 2015? love LD

    3. @ LD: The Lord reminded me of a vision He gave me to increase my faith and I believe it will also help you in 2015. I was shown a picture of swimming with Jesus. We were out in deep water and He picked me up under my arms, lifted me way up in the air then threw me way out in the water. I was totally unprepared and worried that I would drown when I felt Him reach out and lift me up in the air only to be thrown out again into deep waters . When I looked underwater Jesus' hand was extended to me so I grabbed it & knew I wouldn't drown.One more time He tossed me into the deep saying,this time, "Isn't this fun?!!!" "Hahaha,are you kidding?" I answered but now whenever I go through trials I think may even kill me, I know that He is there to rescue me and I'll be OK. He will always rescue me.
      Remember this LD. He will never leave you or forsake you! Happy 2015

  59. Dear Jane I hope you have started the New Year with good laughter and on-going joy.I am currently applying for a job, and have asked God what kind of job he would like me to serve Him in and whether to just take any job that becomes available or to wait a little longer for the right one.Thank you Jane. T.M.N

    1. @ TMN: Waiting for the perfect job is like waiting for the perfect husband or wife. If you choose the wrong job it will be apparent to you and you can pray for God to provide another one.The Lord showed me a picture of you working in a huge Hotel.I heard the names of two jobs : Guest Services and Convention Planner.Look for a job in the Hotel industry where you will be very blessed. Love,Jane

  60. Hi Jane! Blessings! Thank you for a prophetic prayer/word concerning my career steps and I am trusting God for the restoration of my marriage, and softening of my wife's heart. Thank you Jane and Thankyou HS.

    1. @ Lost Cities: The Lord showed me a picture of you untangling a mess of intertwined electrical wires and cables.I sense that a job related to Electrical Engineering is a career that God has for you. I sense that the wires relaying negative messages to your wife's heart and mind also need to be untangled.Pray that God will communicate love to her that overcomes her tangled feelings.
      Love, Jane

  61. I'm also asking for insight on my husband, Kevin. He's in college but seems as if we're stuck. And I am expecting a baby in July. Thank you. -hannah

    1. @Hannah Crook: The Lord showed me a picture of Kevin searching the internet for Bursaries and Awards that are available for people studying in his subject area. He is going to need more money to support both a wife and a child. Fortunately there are many corporations and foundations that gladly generously fund students like him.Many blessings upon you, Love, Jane

  62. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  63. @ Ashley Thomas: Thanks for your prayers!!! The Lord showed me a picture of you going through doors that led to light and closing doors behind you that had darkness. I have the impression that you must remember to leave the past behind, leave the doors closed and don't go back to make amends at this time as there is a danger of the enemy tempting you into the same darkness again. Beware and keep going in the light! Love, Jane

  64. Wow happy New year Jane ,Kindly let me know the plans God has for me in 2015.

    Bettey O

    1. @ Bettey O: The Lord showed me a picture of you on a beautiful Cruise Ship. The waters were calm and the sky was blue. Life was good,smooth sailing, but then I saw you arguing with someone in your family. You felt so hurt and unable to resolve the disagreement. I sense that God is using this distressful situation as an opportunity to seek Him more and grow into the next level of spiritual maturity.It may be painful but God will reward you abundantly. Love, Jane

  65. What do you see for me this month Jay P

    1. @ Jay P: The Lord showed me a picture of the Stock Market listings showing the economy going into a decline. I sense that your job is one that is greatly affected by the economy and I was impressed that God wants you to be prepared to find alternate employment so that you have a Plan B and C. Get training in something new while still on the job. Love, Jane

    2. That's interesting I recently was fired but at a warehouse.

    3. @ Jay P: I sense that the Lord is leading you to more secure jobs such as studying to be a Paramedic or working with Seniors in some capacity.Opportunity knocks! Love,Jane

  66. Kingdom greetings sister Jane!
    By the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ upon you, I seek a word from the Lord for me please.God bless you a lot.
    Prince David Ogejah

    1. @ Prince David Ogejah: The Lord showed me a picture of
      you in a church where priests were wearing robes and festooned with medals. I had the impression that there were some elders in the church who actually want you to care more about the church than about Jesus. I sense that God wants you to keep supporting the church financially and prayerfully but to grow into an even more intimate relationship with Christ, the lover of your soul. Love, Jane

  67. Hello Jane, Happy New Year. This year I speak mighty supernatural blessing over you and your family. As the Lord lead I would like to request a word in season. Thank you and be blessed. DM712

    1. @ DM712: Thanks for that blessing! Shhhhabbbah! The Lord showed me a picture of you standing up in a Jeep holding a movie camera filming zebras and other wild animals in Africa.I sense that you either are a Documentary Film Maker or should be.You may already have an interest in helping some African people but God wants you to share the positive side of these nations, especially the beauty of nature that abounds there.
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane for the word. I am not a film maker but do enjoy nature. I will have to wait for the Lord to send me to Africa if that is his will. I do have a question if you don't mind. What does Shhhhabbbah mean? I tried looking it up as a foreign word and did not find a mean. I do realize it is a blessing and I receive it and thank you.
      Love and blessings DM712

    3. @ DM712: Hahaha, I'm not surprised that there is no dictionary translation for the word Shhhhabbah. This is a word I received from the Holy Spirit after Heidi Baker laid hands and prayed for me in 2004. It is an expression of praise and glory to God,by the Holy Spirit, that bursts forth whenever a word,such as you have given in praying a supernatural blessing on me and my family in your request above, If you have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit ask Him to impart this word to you,it is an awesome blessing both for you and God! Shabbbbbbbah! (I always spell it different ways!)

  68. hi ms jane thanks for all that u do with your ministry,may I get a word concerning my life for 2015 thanks in advance Shatora

    1. @Shatora: It is my delight to serve you! The Lord showed me a picture of you with a group of young boys,around 12 years old, that you were naming positions for in a baseball game. I sense that this is part of some kind of ministry to kids in a very rough neighborhood. If you are not already doing this you should be. You will be very blessed and even written up in the Newspaper. Love, Jane

  69. Hi Jane

    Can i ask for a prophetic picture for 2015
    Robert T

    1. @ Robert T: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking on a moving sidewalk. I have the impression that you may feel as if you are on a treadmill but the Lord wants you to know that you are,in fact, moving forward! You may not be getting big promotions in the world but you are in the Book written about you in Heaven. All your prayers are written there too.You are bypassing many who walk the walk on this way God has given you. Be encouraged! A good year ahead! Love, Jane

  70. Hi Jane i would like to have a prophetic picture about what should i study in or my futur career that God has Planed for me ..... Plz
    Thanks in advance

    1. @ N-Elisa: When I asked the Lord what career you should have and what studies to take I heard "Biology."
      Love, Jane

  71. Hi Jane, Can You pray for me and see if You get a prophetic word for me, and where my life is heading...I'm feeling so broken and praying so much but not hearing from God :(
    Thanks in Advance CB

    1. @ CB: God loves a broken and contrite spirit and He will strengthen and heal you and put you together again in the way He originally intended. You must stop confessing that you are not hearing from God.That's not true because you are aware of your brokenness! These things you are feeling are now being healed,it's a good hurt that will bring not just happiness but joy! I saw a picture of you coming out of a deep,dark forest to a stream of pure water where you cupped your hands to drink the water of life. I thought of the scripture "He has turned my mourning into dancing for me. He has thrown off my sackcloth,therefore I will sing praises to thee and not be silent, I will give thanks unto thee forever!" Love, Jane

    2. Thank You so much for this word Jane I claim it In JESUS Name! Much Love CB

  72. Hi Jane,
    Happy New Year! I'm in a bit of a prophetic dry season and would love a word or picture from God.
    God Bless you for your kindness, Jason

    1. @ JH: Love your initials! lol! The Lord showed me a picture of you walking along a sidewalk with an iPad that you had plugged into your ears that was not correctly tuned to a radio station that you wanted to listen to.You were just hearing static. I sense that God wants you to know that hearing Him is very similar to tuning in a radio station.Praising Him with scripture and singing or speaking in tongues helps. You can't rush God and you must come to Him with expectation so get a notebook to write any impressions that you may get.I sense that this is not a prophetically dry time but a fine-tuning time to hear the intimate things of God.Turn up the volume, Lord! Love,Jane

  73. Hi Jane
    Happy New Year, was wondering if you could give me a word concerning my relationship with Michael. God blessing to You

  74. Jane,please pray for 2015. Thank you, Wesley Nayama

  75. i need a answer from the lord

    1. hi god bless you jane,pray for my daughter,i need some answer from the Lord am desperate


  76. Good morning! I am finally responding to a request from 10/6 w/ response on 10/25. You asked if my boyfriend is in the Armed Forces/works out of the country. He is retired military & travels w/work. You mentioned marriage? I am hoping you may have a further prophetic picture as it has been a few months. Thank you! Pam M

  77. Hi Jane thanks you for your help!
    Regarding the prophetic word picture you gave me in December,2014. I need confirmation about " something new that you have been trained for but requires great risk."
    plz thanks in advance TRL

    1. @ TRL: I need to know if you already know the new thing that requires great risk and want prayer for that or if you do not know what it is and want me to pray for more specifics. Answer me here then I will respond under your December 2014 request. Love, Jane

    2. Hi Jane
      yes plz if you can pray for more specifics because i do not know what it is exactly


  78. Bless you Jane, this is my third attempt to type here. Last Nov my boss asked me to work from home. I was ok with it at first although I felt a little odd. Lately I've been really down and depressed and not caring about this job. I know this doesn't sound good but I don't know why I'm so down and disliking this job. Perhaps I am over it and my heart's not in it, does the Lord have a picture or a word for me? I will send a gift through Paypal when I finish posting here. Thank you & God bless you!

    1. @ LHW: Thanks for persevering! Glad you finally got here! Working at home can be very lonely. Interaction and feedback is really important. I work both at home and at the Office at YWAM Toronto. I try to go into the Office to pray with and connect with other Staff so I can share and know who has what needs as well as the great testimonies as to what God has done. It helps to be passionate about the work you are doing or at least find it a challenge so that you feel good about your accomplishments. It helps to make yourself work regular office hours like 9am-5 pm with a 15 minute break every 2 hours and take an hour for Lunch and also phone into the office with your progress reports and questions. Maybe there is a job in a different department of the company. The first job I had at the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. was in the Accounting Department & I was so bored that I asked to be transferred somewhere more creative & was moved to TV Film Production where I just loved it! I break off every depressing thought and feeling from you right now,in the name of Jesus. Ask God to choose His job for you where you can thrive, prosper and be a shining light
      for Him.Love,Jane

  79. Dear Jane, Saying this is difficult. I have been addicted to pornography for almost 15 years. I am a christian but could not overcome this problem. I prayed, fasted ,read the word of God, tried to be offline but all the same.After some time I return back to it. I am not sure God loves me anymore. Please pray and bring me a picture from God about how I get over this and why is this happening to me? Am I in some kind of curse? Thanks Joseph D

  80. Dear woman of God
    I would like to receive prophetic picture for this year 2015. PK

  81. Hi, I would love a prophetic word from the Lord, if led. I'm seeking comfirmation on a few a things. Thank you! :)

  82. dear woman of God
    may i please request a picture for january/?

  83. Dear Jane, I will be lodging an appeal concerning my visa, the previous appeal was invalid as you prophesied, so would like to know the outcome of this one. Thank you and God bless. Agnes A

  84. can i have a prophetic picture word for 2015 plz. Thanks, Tony L

  85. Jane whats the word for me for this year 2015?
    Bettey O.

    1. @ Betty O: Please see your prophetic picture posted directly under your original request posted on January 8,2015.
      Love, Jane

  86. Hi Jane do you have a word for my husband for 2015 regarding his career.
    Love LD

    1. @ LD: Are you the same person who requested prophetic prayer on January 6,2015? Please let me know asap.Jane

  87. Happy New Year Jane! May God continue to bless and prosper you this year! Can you tell me what the Lord has for me and my husband this year. Thank you. JB


  88. Hey Jane, Thank you for all you do. I went to the original post and could not find your reply. I think I may have through you off because the original post is under TD which is my first and last name initials. But when I set my google Requesting clarity of my prophetic word in Dec 2014. I also had questions about my estranged husband I'm ready to divorce him based off his actions. But during the mist of me finding my peace. I met someone that I believe my in-laws had a hand in putting together. I am really in to him. But I want God to be the head of my next relationship.
    Tracey N.

    1. @ Tracey: I'm answering your request here rather than going back to December,2014. It's just easier this way. If you are a Christian the first thing to check before getting into a relationship with anyone is to be assured that they are also a Christian believer.Being unequally yoked is far too painful for you. I suggest that you ask God to put a stop to the relationship if it is not from Him and to bring His blessing on it if it is. God hates divorce but you have sufficient grounds go ahead with this divorce. Keep your eyes on Jesus not a man. Love,Jane

    2. Thank you Jane, Yes we have the same believes and we have been focusing on the Lord first and not self. The way we met was through my husband family. And as I stated I think they wanted us to meet. He actually help me put things in perspective about my husband. And our feelings became later. Also I hate divorce to I tried to hang on. But I can't fight for my marriage by myself. And he did do exactly what the exception for divorce. I forgave him and just wanted to work on our relationship but then he completely abandoned me. So I am so please God is actually directing my path. Because I know he promise me a 50+year marriage. And I am patiently waiting because I am in love with God. Again Thank you I pray God continue to bless you.

  89. Please is a picture or Word available from my Love one. Please pray and hear from our Father what He would like to tell you to let me know.
    14 Years I am waiting .........
