Friday, March 30, 2012


The Lord showed me a  person wearing  a coat with many pockets, some small some deep. People kept   stuffing the person's pockets  so much that the money overflowed onto the ground. A wind came and blew it all away.

Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ask for all your needs
large or small
then act in faith.
"Let the weak say I am strong.
 let the poor say I am rich
because of what
the Lord has done for me:"

Monday, March 26, 2012


The Lord showed me a long road filled with people following a Band Leader who swung a baton in rhythm.  Every once in a while the Band Leader would notice someone off on the roadside who was being whipped and beaten by a cruel master. He would go to the roadside, grab the whip in one hand & the baton in the other while guiding the person to an open  place in the line, The whip turned into a baton and the Leader passed the original baton to the person directly behind him.  Occasionally he would ask that the baton be passed back to someone far back in the line. Consider godly leadership.  Jane

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Swimming with Jesus

In a vision, the Lord took me swimming.  We were out deep  in the ocean way over my head.  The Lord picked me up under my arms and threw me a long distance in the water.  As I plummeted into the deep water I feared I would drown when suddenly the Lord scooped me up lifting me high in the air laughing. Three times He threw me out into the water and each time I feared for my life.  The third and final time  I opened my eyes underwater and was reassured to see His hand reaching toward me.  This time He lifted me high in the air laughing and saying "Isn't this fun?!"   "Not  really, hehehehe!"  I answered.     xoxoxo Jane

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Hi God
Once I get beyond my own struggles
 I can rest in you!
I need your light today
to to guide me through
this dark world
and your  Holy Spirit
to be a light to others
Thank you!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Dumpstera/Where Does Sin Go?

The Lord showed me 3 dumpsters the kind you see at Construction sites/ The one to the left side was labeled Garbage, on the right side was labeled Recycling  and the one in the middle glowed so brightly I could not see its name-
In the Garbage dumpster were all our sins: our pride, our selfishness, our unforgiveness our fleshly activities.  In the Recycling Dumpster were our sins that could be used as before and after stories- as testimonies to draw the unsaved to Christ, gifts, ,our talents and good habits. our efficiencies. and learned skills,   The middle container continually glowed with the most beautiful brightness.  I asked the name of this container and  I heard "Holiness!"  As I looked again at the Garbage dumpster I thought that  God may open the pit of hell to  dump the garbage there but realized Jesus had already taken them on the cross and these were just the dead carcases/ Suddenly the Garbage dumpster opened and with  huge power spewed forth  the contents.  I knew they were being sent  as far as the east is from the west.Be blessed and freed. Love, Jane

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Divine Appoinmtments

This is a
Divine Appointment.
It is no accident that you are here
to seek God's prophetic pictures.
He loves His people
Ask for prophetic ministry by clicking  the Blog Archive (lower right side of page)  click on 
March 2012, then March 01, 
 then click on the bottom of  that Post where it gives the # of Comments on
March 2012 Request Here 
& scroll down til there is a blank  Space
 to post your Comment.ive the pic from God as a Reply, 
Love to you!  Jane

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Get on the bus!

God was doing dramatic things by the Holy Spirit when a friend shared this vision. He saw a lot of people from our congregation getting on a big tour bus.He ran into the church office to pack his briefcase and a  suitcase of clothes.  The bus started to take off just as he gpt there.  People were leaning out and shouting "Get on the bus.  Hurry up"  He surged forward and got on the bus just as the doors were closing.  He sat in a window seat and looked back to see some of the church elders going through his papers to see what they could use for ministry or to condemn him, Let's run for direction God is going & leavve our luggage behind!

Thursday, March 15, 2012


We may catch a few fish
 on our own 
but the word of the Lord
 brings an overflowing net!
Ask and believe it!
Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Tea Bag

The Lord showed me 
a Tea Bag brewing
in hot water
and compared it to
getting infused with His Spirit
soaking in His presence.
Thank you, Lord

Sunday, March 11, 2012


Tell your friends 
to visit and ask for 
prophetic prayer  
(See Blog Archives-March 01>
March 2012 Request Here)
God wants to bless
and strengthen
 the Church
Always Ask in the month you are requesting .
Your  prophetic pic will be there too.
Holy hugs, Jane

Saturday, March 10, 2012


God can do even more
than we can 
when we ask in the name of Jesus!
Ask & Post at March 01. 2012 Request Here in the Blog Archive

Thursday, March 8, 2012


As the Apostle Paul said
"Appolos planted.  I watered"
Here I am with the word  of the Lord
to keep you growing
by the Holy Spirit's prophetic pictures!
Young plants need nurturing; 
older plants can become root-bound.
 all need the rain of Heaven
and healthy soil/
Ask & Post at March 2012 Request Here

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

You are unique

Just as you are unique
so is the Holy Spirit's prophetic picture.
for you.
Each one is different.
some are gentle correction
some make you burst out laughing

Ask & read pix as a Comment in 
March 2012 Request Here

Monday, March 5, 2012


I  began to laugh when the Holy Spirit told me to tell you that "We glow in the dark." Then He reminded me that we are a light in the darkness, not to hide our lights under a bushel, to be like a city set on a hill, to keep our lamps lit and to let Jesus shine in us,  Glow on!
Ask & Receive Prayer at Blog Archive February 2012> February 2012 Request Here,Be blessed!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

You Need A Vision

"Without a vision the people perish/"
Proverbs 29 v 18
No God-given vision. yet?
Ask for Prophetic Prayer !
 See March 2012 Request Here to
 make a request as a Comment/
Click the Comments under each Post  as you
 await your own prophetic word.
Be blessed here!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2012 Request Here

God longs to comfort, strengthen you and speak into your life.
Please make your Prophetic Ministry requests here in the Comments (Click where it says 40 Comments or whatever number are there) at the bottom of this Post..This is where your word/pic will be Posted  so please keep checking as it can take over a week before it is given.  Browse thru the Blog Archives on the lower right side of the Page and be extra blessed by the wondrous pictures God has given to others before your  Prophetic prayer requests are  answered under this heading, which is the month in which they are requested.
Love, Jane