The Lord showed me 3 dumpsters the kind you see at Construction sites/ The one to the left side was labeled Garbage, on the right side was labeled Recycling and the one in the middle glowed so brightly I could not see its name-
In the Garbage dumpster were all our sins: our pride, our selfishness, our unforgiveness our fleshly activities. In the Recycling Dumpster were our sins that could be used as before and after stories- as testimonies to draw the unsaved to Christ, gifts, ,our talents and good habits. our efficiencies. and learned skills, The middle container continually glowed with the most beautiful brightness. I asked the name of this container and I heard "Holiness!" As I looked again at the Garbage dumpster I thought that God may open the pit of hell to dump the garbage there but realized Jesus had already taken them on the cross and these were just the dead carcases/ Suddenly the Garbage dumpster opened and with huge power spewed forth the contents. I knew they were being sent as far as the east is from the west.Be blessed and freed. Love, Jane