Monday, April 4, 2011

How Tall Is Jesus?

One Sunday morning, during Revival at our church, while praising God during Worship I saw Jesus moving up and down the aisles of the church, up and down each row.  He came to our row and His presence was so beautiful, so clean and powerful.  He looked me right in the eye, full of love when I realized His height. "Lord, you're so short!" I exclaimed. He was only about the height of Bob Dylan! He said "Yes, I'm at the level of the heart!"  I told my husband and we melted in a hug of tears.


  1. ooooooooooh i love this ...

  2. Jane, not sure if this is how this works? how do I request a prophecy?

  3. Okay so It does not show visibly. good

    Bonnie is a friend of mine who recommended that I contact you per some prophetic direction... I need to know the truth about the lady by the name Karla & myself... I have to have it right & I don't want to be tricked by my emotions...

    Thanx in advance for what ever the Holy Spirit shows you.

  4. Hello, Jane. I have to tell you something funny. I was so excited to see that you saw the Lord and you said the same thing re: His height. When I was young I saw the Lord (by His wonderful, wonderful love) and I remember thinking the same thing afterwards. I think about that time often and I even remarked outloud about it to myself recently. I was glad to hear someone else see a similar thing. But I've heard of others that see Him as massive...b/c He is!! *laughing*

  5. @Linda Biggio: The Lord showed me a picture of you on vacation on a tropical island, sitting at a thatched roof outdoor cafe sipping a coconut drink and looking out a the turquoise waters where you saw a sailboat and wondered about how Jesus was at one moment out on a boat and a moment later was on the other side of the lake.I believe God is leading you powerfully into a much stronger experience of His supernatural power, in the natural seeing humanly impossible healings,angelic encounters and wonders beyond anything you could have imagined by the purity and holiness of your desires.Let me know if this speaks to you, Thanks, Jane

  6. @Loren: The Lord showed me a bunch of drafting tools: a compass, a ruler, an L-shaped ruler, a protractor then I saw a beautiful rich, heavy fabric made into draperies. He said sometimes the more closely you look at something, measuring every angle, it is difficult to see and you miss the overall beauty of the fabric of a life.I believe the relationship in question is and will be very enriching for you and together you will fulfill God's plans for your lives.
    Does this speak to you Loren? Let me know.

  7. Jane,

    Yes, & thank you It does confirm what I have seen...I believe it to be a very prophetic relationship... God has shown me many thing to come concerning it... however the enemy is trying put hinderances in the path that get frustrating... but it is all in His timing, He is strategically working in the background working out the details..... I am in His service.....the enriching & fulfilling God's plans has been shown to me as we have some very strategic things to accompany as a team..


