Thursday, March 29, 2012


Ask for all your needs
large or small
then act in faith.
"Let the weak say I am strong.
 let the poor say I am rich
because of what
the Lord has done for me:"


  1. Yeah I like that song too.
    I have to pay this semester tuition soon but I don't have money. Even I don't have money to feed my family. that is first concern.
    Second, I don't where exactly do I have to do, do I have to go. I considered myself as a pastor for poverty. And help the poor not only spiritual way but also physical consulting and help. So, my concern was MBA with MPP(Public policy). However I still have burden heart about M.Div. I don't know what is first and how to get my way as like His ways.
    Thank you for concern and pray.
    You're in my pray too.

  2. why don't you say anything to that?

    1. @Peter:Your prophetic prayer answer is under the heading April 2012 Request Here. All requests are answered under the month in which they were requested.Bless yoi and please become a Follower of my Blog! Love,Jane
