Thursday, March 1, 2012

March 2012 Request Here

God longs to comfort, strengthen you and speak into your life.
Please make your Prophetic Ministry requests here in the Comments (Click where it says 40 Comments or whatever number are there) at the bottom of this Post..This is where your word/pic will be Posted  so please keep checking as it can take over a week before it is given.  Browse thru the Blog Archives on the lower right side of the Page and be extra blessed by the wondrous pictures God has given to others before your  Prophetic prayer requests are  answered under this heading, which is the month in which they are requested.
Love, Jane


  1. @Everyone: This is the place to ask for Prophetic Prayer. The answer will be Posted as a Reply under your request.

    1. I sense the Lord transitioning me and my family into new season of life and ministry but not sure what it looks like exactly.


    2. @Dan: I sense the Lord is asking you "What breaks your heart and makes you want to jump up and do something?" Is it the homeless you see on the streets of your town. Human Trafficking in Thailand, hunger & desperate people in Africa, a book to write., to share Jesus with other faiths? I felt strongly to step out out and do it. If it ;s a fizzle do the next Godly, compassionate thing. follow the desires of your heart. You are blessed to have a very supportive family, I saw them lifting you up to God;s open hand with great love for you..Bless you Jane

  2. Making my request......
    thank you,

    1. @ Rebecca: The Lord showed me picture of you walking along a long road, You were tired and there seemed to be no place to rest. Suddenly you noticed a Lemonade stand at the roadside man. who looked like Jesus, said "I'm glad you looked over here.The whole trip will be easier when you look at the wonders on the side of the road rather than the road itself. This Lemonade is made with Living Water to strengthen you for the trip." You continued your journey and noticed a young boy walking with a white cane., "Can I pray for you?" You asked. "Yes". and he was instantly healed.
      I believe God is encouraging you to use the gifts He has given you & stop evaluating your walk.If you were not doing well He certainly would tell you! Bless you@
      Love, Jane

    2. thank you so much for this timely word..

  3. Please, pray for me as the Holy Spirit leads, please, please keep me in your prayers today.

    God Bless,


  4. Please pray for our financial blessing and needs.
    thank u,

    1. @Mary: Your name reminds me of Mary, the mother of Jesus and like Mary you have been very close to Jesus. You have walked a long road with Him but now you have come to an impasse. I saw a very tall wire fence. It had a gate with a huge padlock on it and it seemed that you could not find the key for it. Your husband and children stood behind you, also looking, but were unable to find the key to go into the lush land that lay beyond the gate. People would come to visit on the other side of the wall but they could not open the gate.After praying in agony, God answered your prayer by His touch in the heart of the enemy of the people who had built this wall. With the fear of God on him he ordered that the wall be brought down, This reminded me of US President Reagan saying "Mr. Gorbachev, bring down the Berlin Wall!" and he did, setting a nation free & restoring unity. Let me know if this is meaningful to you, please. Bless you, Jane

  5. Hello Jane, please pray if the Lord will show you something about the call on the lifes of my wife and me! I like to know something more. We don`t know the direction we shall go, what is the right way to go? Thank you and God bless you, Peter (

    1. @petersornhansen: The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting on a dock with a fishing rod, day after day there were no fish. In desperation you cried out to God "Help me, there are no fish!." If you want fish go the the Supermarket and buy some!" My impression is that God is telling you to quit waiting and do something, I
      sense the Supermarket symbolizes the marketplace and that is where you will catch fish for the kingdom of God. Jesus loves the many different kinds of fishing and an Office, a shop, a Hotel, an tax office, government office are full of needy people. If you make a wrong decision God will certainly correct you. Please let me know if this is meaningful to you,
      Love, Jane

  6. outofafricaFeb 27, 2012 09:04 AM

    I have to take action in my live I believe God told me something to do and would like to have conformation on this. Please help if you can.

    1. @outofafrica: Your answer Posted as a Comment under the month in which you requested: February 92,February 2012 Request Here. Bless you!

    2. @Rachael Tyson: The Lord showed me a picture of you in m meadow full of wildflowers.You put a Buttercup flower to your nose and it left yellow pollen without you realizing it.
      I sense this picture shows you how you pollinate or plant seeds just by enjoying being with people. You find it easy to keep your eyes off yourself and just exude God's beauty. Sometimes you wish you were in ministry not realizing the vast influence you have just by being you/ People sense your spirit and know there is something special about you.Don't let the accuser make you feel inadequate. You are a blessing from God! Love, Jane

    3. Hi Jane,

      I’ve been praying to the LORD to speak to me about my overall health. The enemy keeps telling me that I’m going to die from some awful disease and that have no future. I have been having major anxiety (hard to concentrate at work or sleep well because of my feelings of dread) because I have made poor decisions and have sinned in the past, but God knows my heart. I have turned from that and am trying to stay focused on him! I know that he is the LORD who heals me and has ultimate control. I’m a fairly new Christian (about 3 years) and my anxiety makes faith hard. Anyway, I want to know that I know that HE is speaking to me. I have been meditating on Jeremiah 29:11 and Psalm 103. I appreciate your response. Thank you.
      Rachael T. (Re-Posted by Jane)

    4. Thanks Jane! It's refreshing to know that the LORD sees me that way. But, more specifically, I am seeking a word about my health.

    5. @Rachael: It may be a good idea to go to someone with a Healing Gift. God has His healers all over the world. Prophetic Ministry builds up the whole person but in addition God may guide you to receive specific kinds of prayer. Bless you and be healed in the name of Jesus.

  7. Hello friend. I've never done this online before,but i wanted to ask you if you had a prophetic word or picture for me.

    Thank you,

    1. @ LM: I saw an old pendulum clock. The:Lord asked me :Which way is the pendulum swinging?" "Back and forth, west to east and back again". I have the impression that you travel quite a lot from an east coast to a west coast, all in God's timing. You may be in inistry or in Sale. Your job involves a lot of travel by are very time conscious,are never late for meeting and live a very structured life. I believe God is going to do some wondrous things in your life in the next few years Bless you. Love, Jane

  8. Hello Jane, I am in desperate need of a word or picture of my life to come. I am still in turmoil with relationships with anyone, family, friends,etc. It is hard for me to make friends, as I grew up shy and my parents never encouraged me to talk for myself or that I can do anything. It made me what I am today...but also that I am about to turn 59 in a few weeks, and I have Fibromyalgia, which has put me in the position to apply for disability.
    I pray you have a gentle, yet constructive picture/s or word for me. I feel so disparate.
    My finances or none to nothing right now. I am about to lose everything...and starting to feel very down.
    God Bless you Jane,
    Desperately Seeking Help

    1. @ Desperately Seeking Help: Not to make light of your financial situation but one time when I was really broke the Lord encouraged me by saying 'Think of the scientific law 'Nature abhors a Vacuum'!" Haha. If something is empty it will be filled so ask God to fill you Bank Account!
      Would you believe that God would much rather hear desperate prayers than repetitious, half-heated prayers?! Just make sure that you are asking not just complaining.
      I saw a picture of you standing in front of your refrigerator loudly proclaiming "Refrigerator be filled!" A few hours later it was filled! I believe God is teaching you about the power and authority you have in the name o Jesus Blessings, Love, Jane

  9. Hi, I'm Kalie..

    I'm a Christian, and I seem to be facing a lot of uncertainty, fear, and discouragement regarding my future... I found your Facebook page about Prophetic Words from the Lord given to you, and wanted to email you ( I wasn't able to comment on your facebook page) and ask if you can please ask God for a prophetic prayer or message for me. =) Contacting me at this address, with whatever God gives to you for me is alright.... I'd appreciate it VERY much!!! Thank you!

    1. @ Kalie: All prophetic prayer requests are answered here as a reply, not by email or other way. TY for asking for prayer!
      I saw a picture of you wearing a Wedding Gown. alone, under a flower-covered trellis, as the Bride of Christ. I had a sense that you had been married before. You loved being a Bride but when it came to the mundane chores of being a wife and being in unity with you husband, you had difficulty. This has to do with long-term commitment and learning spiritual warfare to overcome difficulties. The previous marriages may refer to completely giving yourself to the dark arts and spiritual exercises and beliefs that Jesus is now healing you from. Bless you, beautiful Bride! Love. Love, Jane

    2. @TDM: I sense a spirit if weariness in well-doing that the enemy has used to give you a feeling of heaviness The Holy Spirit showed me the prophet Nehemiah building the Wall. The enemy tried to make him doubt that he was doing the right thing, that they would not be protected, that the enemy was so much stronger but Nehemiah knew his God and trusted Him. You know your God and He will bring you through this hard time! Haha! Your Wall is your Facebook Page! Use it to encourage & protect just like Nehemiah and his wall! Let me know if this speaks to you please. Love, Jane

  10. Hi Jane.
    Trusting God for a Word concerning my life and more specifically a husband and father for my children. I wonder if he has seen the many hurts of my heart?

    1. @Anonymous: Please re-Post your request using either a Screen Name or Initials. I am unable to pray for the many people called anonymous! Bless you & thanks for understanding.

  11. Hello, I would like to request a prophetic word. I was in a relationship off and on for about two and a half years (I knew him for seven) and I loved him with my entire heart. We planned on getting married, having children, and living happily ever after. But then I found out in November of 2008 that he had been sleeping with his room mate (another guy) for the past 10 months of our relationship. He had cheated on me with several girls before and I always forgave him because he told me it was my fault for remaining pure, and I had hope that he'd eventually change. But after finding out about his room mate, I knew he had gone too far. And so I finally let him go. I have not dated anyone since him, I'll be 25 this year, and its just hard for me because I thought he was "it". I know now that he's not, but in some ways I feel like I'm still waiting for him. I've been waiting forever. What should I do? Is there someone else out there for me? Someone who WONT cheat on me with a guy?? Or at all?? Thanks

    1. @Betrayed: If you truly love this man get him help!!!Find the healing Rooms in your city and encourage him to go for inner healing! Pray for him as he must get over this wrong decision of following raging hormones instead of Jesus. Still praying for God's prophetic pic for you/ Watch this space. Bless you, Jane

    2. @Betrayed: The Lord showed me a heart wrenching picture of you sitting in a chair crying, bruised spiritually and very hurt. The scripture "A bruised reed I shall not quench" was spoken to me. I believe the Holy Spirit will come to you with comfort and healing. I am praying for you to receive.There are some very good books to read "The Battleground of the Mind" by Joyce Meyer and some of John Arnott's books available at or Catch The Fire bookstore. This is your healing time. No man can ever show love like Jesus. Bless you, Jane

  12. Hi Jane,

    I was reading your blog and it's beautiful the way you hear from the lord, I would love if you would be able to pray for me and see if the lord says anything to you! I have a prayed and prayed about a situation in my life and have received scripture as an answer! I guess I just want the lord to confirm to me what he said! I just need to discern if it's the lord who spoke!
    I would love to hear back from you, please don't feel pressured tho, I'm sure whatever you get will unlock another part to the puzzle!
    Thank you, and I will let you know how what you hear from the lord relates to my situation to encourage you and build your faith :)

    1. @Anonymous. Please rePost this request using either a Screen Name or Initials. Too many of you are named Anonymous! Thanks for understanding! Love, Jane

  13. Hello Jane,
    My name is Sheryl. could you give me a picture or prophetic word for my life.Thanks Sheryl

    1. @Sheryl The Lord showed me a picture of you kneading bread on a floured wooden bread board. You love baking and everyone loves your wonderful creations.The Lord had asked you to feed the poor so you were taking several loaves of home-made bread to a homeless shelter in your city. The Lord has given you a compassionate Mother;s heart for the hurting and He always gives you fresh words of encouragement. You wear the Lord's anointing in such a humble, warm way.During the next 5 years you will receive many of the desires of your heart as you continue to serve Him with joy. Bless you. Please let menow if this speaks to you. Love, Jane

  14. Hello Jane

    I am requesting prophetic prayer. Whatever God places on your heart as He knows better!


  15. Dear Jane

    My name is Ell. I would like to know if the Father has a word concerning the matters of my heart. As I seek a Godly husband and father for my children.

    Thank you,

    1. @Ell: The Lord showed nw a picture of you as a Teacher of children im maybe Grade rwo. There was ab apple on your desk one of the Students had given you.Even though your Students really liked you and learned very well from you, you somehow felt inadequate to teach. You looked out the Classroom window and saw a yellow School Bus drive by. You were considering getting more education, maybe a Master's degree. I sensed the Lord was saying "Being
      in my Presence will teach you great lessons in life. Possibly after you are changed from glory to glory ityou msy be called back to university." The Lord is personally discipling are very blessed! Love, Jane

    2. Ell& Everyone: Pardon the typos. I am having problems with my eyes. Pray fo healing! TY! Love Jane

  16. Dear Jane, so I finally found the right spot for posting, sorry about that. I would be greatly encouraged to receive a word from the Lord. I believe God is taking me out of a relationship to a man, I believed was to be my husband. I don´t have peace about it anymore at all, and I had to tell him. The whole process has been confusing, since I sensed God confirming it, but that changed! I follow the Father, He knows best. Maybe it´s for a season, we be apart, for God to do somethings in our/mine/his heart. But I need to move on with my life, and I seek the Lord for what to do now. I be so helped right now receving a word from the Lord. Thank you so much. God bless, Anne.

    1. @Anne: The Lord showed me a picture of you shaking the branches of an apple tree.When the fruit fell down you carefully inspected it to select only the most perfect apples to put in your basket.I had the impression the Lord was saying "This girl is very picky about receiving only the best fruit of the fruit of the spirit. She can be very insistent on what she knows is right. This is called a gift of discernment. She must write down these leadings she is getting. They will greatly benefit the body of Christ." Be blessed, Love, Jane

  17. Hi Jane,

    Seeking the lord for deeper revelation.


    Carley Burton
    Love you xx

    1. @Carley B. : I saw you with what I can only call a"Molasses Anointing...hehehe. A sweet anointing that sticks to everyone you touch,dark and rich and the taste is one you cannot get enough of. God opened uo a picture of a huge dome-shaped church where you quietly sat in your seat receiving downloads from heaven that you would use for your worldwide ministry.God has gifted and blessed you to very clearly hear His voice and has drawn you into an extraordinary relationship with Him M he will use you more and more as you listen to His still, small voice. Love you! Jane

    2. @Carley B.: The Lord showed me a picture of you with bruised and hurting hands. He said "They hurt because she has been smashing down walls that block her view of heaven.She has tried knocking them down with a sword,with a hammer and her fists but she needs to knock down those walls like Joshuah did at Jericho! Her hands won't hurt as much" Let me know if this speaks to you please.

    3. Hi jane,

      Thank you sorry for the long reply back, have been waiting on the lord, 1st one with the dome shaped church, yes that is my home-church, dome shaped in the spirit hehe! The second oh yeah have been walking through deep waters of late. Yes I receive what you saw, am going to seek the lord more on joshua! Thank you Jane, Praise you JESUS. xxx

      Carley b xx

    4. Testimony from Carley B.1st one with the dome shaped church, yes that is my home-church, dome shaped in the spirit hehe! The second oh yeah have been walking through deep waters of late. Yes I receive what you saw, am going to seek the lord more on joshua! Thank you Jane, Praise you JESUS. xxx

  18. From Emma-

    Dear Jane,
    I love how you hear from God and I would be very grateful if you could pray and get a picture for me, basically, I have been given a scripture by God and I basically wanted a confirmation from him because the scripture he gave me is amazing but I know God Needs to confirm his word, I'm looking forward to hearing what he says and I will let you know how the picture you get relates with what's going on.
    Thank you again, Emma

    1. @Emma: If you got a scripture promise about a husband just wait on God! Here is a prophetic picture to build up your life as a whole:The Lord showed me a picture of you just about to go outside into cold, stormy weather. You came back inside to put on a warm coat,hat and scarf, The lord said "You must prepare for the storms of life each morning in the same way. Put on the full amour of God! Put on a robe of righteousness. Be in God's hiding place, Be filled with the Spirit. Bless you! Love, Jane

      Hi Jane
      My name is Tasha. At this point in my life I need direction. I have been saved since I was 15 I have been baptized in the holy spirit and everything, but in 2009, I lost my best friend and that scarred me. Also I sung in this gospel group that was broken apart. I stopped going to church and have not been since 2009. I am also in a relationship with this guy that I love very much. We have a baby boy and I am pregnant again with another one. All I do is talk about God and try to help him get on the right track. He is a good person, but he is very neutral I give him my all, but he give me so little. I need to know what kind of spirits I am dealing with because he want me to bare with him, but I have done that for over 3 years. I don't want to lose him but our views are different. He believes in God, but look at me crazy when I talk about what God expects out of our relationship. Please ask God to show you some direction for my life. I believe that post you put up this morning was for me because I believe God don't want me to continue this life of poverty, but I don't know how to keep my bless

    2. @Tasha: You cannot expect blessings when there is sin in your life. Praying for God;s uplifting picture for you.

    3. Hi Jane
      Wow!! Thank you so much spot on with your picture!! It was indeed the promise of a husband, my ex proposed to me then called it off cause he is scared and he also wants to get his life in order. So God gave me 2 scriptures saying he was sending him back to me and we were to be joined as one...(philemon 12 and ezikiel 37) and the second part, my boss laughed because everyday at work I turn up wearing the wrong clothes for the weather and everyday she asks me where's your coat, your hat, your scarf, your umbrella!! I just got back from Australia! So I'm not used to the weather changing from sunny to stormy in like an hour! Anyway Now im equipped in the natural as I leave the house each morning and I also know that God is teaching me the same in the spiritual, I have to be firm in him and the word no matter what life throws at me and this Is a very very challenging and difficult time of life right now. I don't have any parental support, I have a very low paid job, I'm living in a home where I'm hated and obviously I split up with my partner of 2 years 5mths ago which came as a complete shock as I travelled back from Australia 6mths ago to be with him because he asked me to marry him. All my friends are newly weds or in relationships and I feel incredibly alone, so yes your picture was accurate :) thank you so much - Emma xx

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      Jane Holland
      God has blessed me and called me to share Prophetic Words and His Pictures to edify,strengthen and comfort His people worldwide.1Cor.14:3 Youth With A Mission Toronto Leader of Prophetic Ministry ministering revelation by the Holy Spirit with joy! Married to Artist/Painter John Jeffery Holland.

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    4. Hi Jane
      Wow!! Thank you so much spot on with your picture!! It was indeed the promise of a husband, my ex proposed to me then called it off cause he is scared and he also wants to get his life in order. So God gave me 2 scriptures saying he was sending him back to me and we were to be joined as one...(philemon 12 and ezikiel 37) and the second part, my boss laughed because everyday at work I turn up wearing the wrong clothes for the weather and everyday she asks me where's your coat, your hat, your scarf, your umbrella!! I just

  19. @Peter4px: The Lord showed me a rock with many layers and reminded me that the Heavenly city has a mulch-layered foundation. I also recalled that the name Peter means rock, which also made me think of rock music to praise God & I saw a guitar. You are solid as a rock, dependable, loyal, trustworthy, resistant to sin but you have a soft heart that weeps at the touch of God.You probably lead a Praise & Worship Team, if not, you should or be i group leader that brings people into the presence of God.Promotions are imminent for you in the next 2 years as you follow Jesus. Be blessed. Love, Jane

  20. From Fee: Jane my name is fee..I've read your replies and I truly believe you have a gift a very special gift to edify the brethren. God bless you sister. Please could you pray for me..I need a word from God and I'm suffering from persecution and an unholy addiction. I need a word please ..God knows if it's a yes or no...thank you and may the Lord Jesus christ encourage you today.

    1. @ Fee: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking down an ancient, narrow street. It looked like Jerusalem. A scarf covered your face but you are not a Muslim. You were looking for a doctor's office you had heard had a cure for something wrong with you, As you walked you realized these were the streets where Jesus healed people!Your healing had begun. No more hiding ...letting God put His spotlight on all your flaws, letting Him heal all your hurts and correct all wrong thinking.You have now made the right decisions! I bless you in Jesus' name! Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane for your words. Yes I'm not a Muslim but I will wait on God's healing. But He definitely has put the spot light on my flaws ...Jesus is changing me!

      Thank you and God bless you sister ..

  21. johnc;i would like aword from the lord about what am i to do in ministry and when will it begin and how. what gifts do i/will i have . what does he want me to do in the meantime? what about my finaces?please pray 4 me.

    1. @John r.: Your prophetic prayer request will be answered under the heading April 2012 Request Here- April 01 in the Blog Archives. Prayers are answered in the month they are requested.Pleas rePost your request there. Thanks for understanding! xoxoxo Jane

  22. Hi Jane
    Wow!! Thank you so much spot on with your picture!! It was indeed the promise of a husband, my ex proposed to me then called it off cause he is scared and he also wants to get his life in order. So God gave me 2 scriptures saying he was sending him back to me and we were to be joined as one...(philemon 12 and ezikiel 37) and the second part, my boss laughed because everyday at work I turn up wearing the wrong clothes for the weather and everyday she asks me where's your coat, your hat, your scarf, your umbrella!! I just got back from Australia! So I'm not used to the weather changing from sunny to stormy in like an hour! Anyway Now im equipped in the natural as I leave the house each morning and I also know that God is teaching me the same in the spiritual, I have to be firm in him and the word no matter what life throws at me and this Is a very very challenging and difficult time of life right now. I don't have any parental support, I have a very low paid job, I'm living in a home where I'm hated and obviously I split up with my partner of 2 years 5mths ago which came as a complete shock as I travelled back from Australia 6mths ago to be with him because he asked me to marry him. All my friends are newly weds or in relationships and I feel incredibly alone, so yes your picture was accurate :) thank you so much - Emma xx
