Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May 2012 Request Here

God longs to touch your heart and life. If you are requesting prophetic prayer in the month of May, 2012 please ask as  a Comment  at the bottom of this Post. Be delighted as you browse thru God's pictures for others in the Blog Archives as you await your own picture from Him. Be blessed here/ Love, Jane


  1. Dear Jane I am Linda, I am in desperate need to hear what God is saying to me about my current life-situation, especially concerning relationship/marriage. I am 52, unmarried and waited on God for many years in response to prophecy. God bless you richly.

    1. Dear Jane. I really apriciate what your allowing God to do through your life. Im Allisen, I would likd to know what God is saying about my decision about relationships and if there is a calling on my life. Thanks again.

    2. @Linda: I believe you will marry within the next two years to a godly man who seems quiet and lonely to you but will come alive as you share meals and ministry together. You have a gift of Hospitality and would be advised to offer to help at church, in a job at a hotel or other service area, possibly a Nursing Home. Blessings, Jane

    3. @Allisen: The Lord showed me a picture of you watching a house being built, then I noticed like a subdivision of houses all with their foundations finished and just the framing done. My interpretation is that you are called to a Foundation Building ministry. You will and have gotten many people started in Christian life the right way with a firm foundation. I am unclear as to your relationships. I sense the choice is up to you. Let meknow if this speaks to you please.Love, Jane

  2. Thank you for allowing God to use you in a great way.

    1. Re-posted from April 2011
      Hello Jane, I need a word from the Lord. Thank you John.

    2. @John: You were in the jungle somewhere in Africa on Safari. You have always loved zebras and you saw many of them.Seeing the zebras reminded me of the scripture "By His stripes you are healed" \i believe that God has given you a powerful healing gift that has a prophetic edge that will increase as you use it.You are limited in its usage right now due to your industry commitments but God will bring opportunities to you to exercise this gift...maybe even on an African Safari with your little girl! Let me know if this speaks to you, please. Love,Jane

  3. jane its cindy harmon in columbia ,tn just reminding u ive been waiting to hear from u since last summer ,please pray for me and my cleaning business to pick up real quick got to pay my bills and keep giving to the lord.please email at cindybiloxibeach@yahoo.com thanks god bless..

    1. @Cindy Harmon,It seems that you have been unable to find your prophetic picture which was published under the heading April 2012 Request Here. Your prayer was also published last Summer under the year 2011. It is a good idea to write down the date of your prayer request as I will Post it as a Reply or Comment directly under your request. You can also Search (Top right side of Page)and Search your name or Scree name used in your request. I never send emails of prophetic prayer pictures.God wants them to be shared to build up the whole church worldwide. I email only if I see something intensely personal that would be inappropriate to share with anyone but you. Bless you. Love, Jane

  4. Hi Jane my name is fee b. And I'm needing a word from the Lord and a vision. Thank you so kindly

    1. @@Fee Bird.: You originally Posted in March '12 so your prophetic pic will be Posted there.s (in blue at the bottom of the Post). Look in the B;og Archive under March 2012 Request Here> March 01 then click on Comments til ...Fee B:
      I would prefer to have people only request prophetic prayer once every six months so that everyone gets a chance to be prayed for. Blessyou.Jane

  5. Hi Jane. My name is Priscilla. I realized I posted in the wrong section so ignore the other request! Feel free to share with me whatever the Lord reveals to you. I have been praying and seeking His face lately regarding a relationship situation.

    1. Hi Jane. I wanted to know if you sought a word for me, if it was posted elsewhere? Thanks.

    2. @Anonymous" Please ask again using your name. Way too many people are called Anonymous. Thanks,Jane

    3. @Pricilla: Teaching children will be a blessing for you. God is healing your heart. It takes many years sometimes to heal .I sense that you have a great love for animals, greater even than for people. They do give unconditional love and treat you well when you treat then well. You have been hurt many times and find it hard to trust people but God is bringing people into your life who you can truly trust. I saw you riding a horse & teaching children to ride.Caring for them is part of you the healing process. Bless you,

  6. This is Draylin. I posted a comment on here but it seems as if it has disappeared? I am seeking a word. Thank you in advance!

    1. @Draylin: Here you are! The Lord showed me a picture of you standing in a field holding a daisy and taking off the petals saying "He loves me, He loves me not referring to the love of God. I pray that God will pour out His love for you in such great measure that you will never doubt again! Bless you, love,Jane

  7. Hi Jane, My name is Lyn. I would like a word regarding my marriage. Thank you.

    1. @Lyn:The Lord reminded me of a News item I saw that showed a tornado ripping through a town in Florida(USA) and a woman praying the storm away from her land. I sense this is a time for you to pray in power. Do mot be intimidated by the severity of the storm. Keep praying! I saw the sun come out and you walking together with the man God has chosen for you just like an old movie romance. Bless you, love Jane

    2. Jane, Thank you so much. This speaks to my situation. God bless you, Lyn.

  8. Hi Jane, I would like to know if God has a husband for me in mind. And if so I'd like to know if it's someone I know now or if I'll meet him soon. Thanks so much.

    1. @Green Eyes: I saw Jesus making water into wine at your wedding. You have already been witness to many miracles and the man God has chosen for you may seem very conservative on the surface, I believe a highly respected Professor or Businessman, but is someone longing to explore everything God has for him including the supernatural and miraculous. You may have to wait a few years so don't jump into any relationship unless he's "the one". Bless you
      Love, Jane

  9. AnonymousMay 14, 2012 8:12 AM

    Jane, you don't know me as yet, but I've just come across your page. I am wondering like others here if you will prophecy over my life to give me an understanding of what Jesus and God have in store for me. I am very genuine about this. Many thanks if you can. From Diane Mck

    1. @Diane Mck: The Lord showed me black and white checkered flags at a race track. I was reminded of how the Apostle Paul said to run the race with patience but sometimes to win the race you have to push on the gas to move quickly ahead. If you have been waiting for ministry to happen or to be invited your to minister with sin your singing gift, healing gift,prophetic anointing,to minister, now is the time for you to promote yourself. Get on the track and go girl!
      Bless you,Jane

    2. Thanks Jane for the prophetic word from God and Jesus. Not sure if I really understand it as I don't sing, am not a healer, not prophetic anymore and yeah. But I guess the main word was "patience". I need to learn more of that. thanks anyway. From Diane Mck.

  10. Hi Jane,
    I hope you are doing well. I love your blog. So sweet!
    Please share with me any words of inspiration from Our Beloved Lord or Father in Heaven.
    Thanks friend and God Bless you,

    1. @Kathleen: The Lord showed me a picture of you dancing in a huge room that had flags of many nations hanging from the ceiling. I believe God is calling you to ministry in may nations both as an Intercessor and in person. I recall a friend in YWAM who had been to 150 different nations. Wow! God will put Nations on your heart. One of the nations I saw was Mozambique where Heidi Baker does ministry. That may be your starting point. Let me know if this speaks to you. Love, Jane

  11. Hello Jane, I would like to know if you see a move in my near future. I feel the Lord may be calling me and my husband to a different state. Thanks and God bless you.

    1. @Cynthia: Yes, I believe you and your husband would be blessed and refreshed by a move to another state, especially if you have relatives there.

      Give them favour, Lord.
      Love, Jane

  12. hi Jane, I don't know if something went wrong but I posted to ask if it would be possible to request a word or prophetic prayer a few days ago but my comment hasn't appeared yet. My name is Rachel and I'd be grateful to hear whatever the Lord may reveal to you. Thank you in advance.

    1. @Rachel: Your Prophetic picture was published a few months ago under the blog Archive heading March 01> March2012 Request Here. Answers are always given under the date in which you have requested so write the date on your calendar then you can easily find it. Bless you.

  13. I write with so much excitement about my future. I have recently been able to pursue a life-long dream of training my voice for singing and speaking. I long to know what place my voice will hold in a future career/vocation. Also, I have met a wonderful man (Alex) and we seem so perfect for each other. He is everything I have longed for, but situations do not allow us to pursue our relationship right now. I would appreciate a word from the Father especially about the matter of this romance.

    Thank you very much.
    Miss Loverly

    1. @Miss Loverly" God gave me the impression that the man you cannot pursue a in he Armed Forces so you cannot see you until he is on Leave, Another impression I got was that you often sabotage good things in your life. This is something to get prayer for. O pray that God continues His bless ings on your life & you experience the unspeakable joy of His presence frequently.

  14. Did my request not go through?

    1. @Cynthia: The Lord wants you to know that He has great compassion for your situation.He showed me a picture of you holding a Yard Sale on your front lawn. You had worked very hard selecting the items and hauling them out. You were worried about money and desperately trying to raise funds. I believe the Lord is wanting you to totally rely on Him and is teaching you a new level of dependance on Him. Receive His touch right now and trust Him completely.
      Love. Jane

    2. Thank you, Jane. All month I have been going through my house and finding things to sale at consignment stores. I've sold so much stuff. My husband has been out of work for over a month now, and you have confirmed that God wants us to continue to trust in Him. Bless you and your ministry.

    3. @Cynthia: Praying blessings upon your family in this character-building time!

  15. Hello. My name is Barbara and I would like to request a prophetic word, please and thank you. God bless.

    1. @Barbara: The Lord showed me me two pictures of icebergs.One picture showed a coldness that went very deep with only a a small amount showing a cold beauty. The other picture showed a popular Canadian summer iced coffee drink from Tim Horton's called an Ice Cap (Iced Cappuccino coffee piled high with whipped cream) very sweet, refreshing and delicious. The Lord revealed that He had melted your icy heart and made you a sweet delight. Are you Italian? Have a burden for Italy. Take up the prayer challenge God is giving you to help this Nation. Also watch your diet, guard your heart from too many fats. Plrsse let me know if this speaks to you. Love,Jane.


  16. Hi Jane,

    I also want to receive a Prophetic Word!

    God Bless you

    1. @Aalt: The Lord showed me a picture of you pulling weeds from a garden, I believe the Lord has shown you several areas of your life that must be removed to continue to grow as a Christian.This may seem difficult right now but in future there will be great rewards.\god is plrased with you and appreciates your honesty. Bless you,
      Love, Jane

  17. Hi Jane,

    My name is AK and i realy want to request a prophetic Word!

    God bless you

  18. Hello sister Jane,

    My name is Carol. I need a word from the Lord concerning any aspect of my life. God bless you.

    1. @Carol. I saw you standing in the middle of a giant sized Torah. You had been searching for oGd but could not find Him. Jesus sudden;y apprared and lifted you up in the air then placed your feet on solid ground. You knew He was all you had been looking for, your Lord and Savior.I sense the extreme importance of sharing your salvation story. I keep seeing cities in Israel. Maybe you are called to share there. Blessings,
      xoxo Jane

  19. Amen sister Jane! Thanks for the powerful word from the Lord. I receive and embrace it in Jesus' Name. God bless you...

  20. @Carol: I give God all the praise and glory for imparting His knowledge to us! Thanks for letting me know its impact on you, Carol.
    Love, Jane

  21. Hi Jane,
    Thank you so very much for your message. Yes, my heart seeks to inspire others to turn towards Our Beloved Lord...all across the globe. I wish to do God's will in my lifetime.
    May God continue to Bless you in your health, happiness and future.
    Love and Blessings to you ...

    1. @Kathleen: Thank you for confirming God's prophetic picture! You are a blessing.
      Love, Jane
