Wednesday, August 1, 2012


The Love of God is shed abroad
to build up  the Church ( Christians) worldwide.
Follow this Blog and be blessed.
Make your Prophetic Prayer Request, only under this heading
August 01> August 2012 Request Here Too
as a Comment by clicking at the bottom of this Post.
Your Prophetic Prayer Picture & Word will be 
published as a Reply to your request underneath it.
Welcome Holy Spirit!


  1. I noticed that the place where you will Comment to give your August, 2012 prophetic prayer requests was actually published under July 01 Request Here! Oooops!Zoe, Neil,Heather, Michelle,Naomi & a YWAMer will find their prophetic pictures under July instead of August.
    Bless you all. Thanks for being here!
    Love, Jane

    1. Please do not put any prayer requests under July 2012 Request Here or any other heading. If you request prayer in August 2012 please do it under this heading as a Comment. Thanks for making it easier for me to find you!
      Love, Jane

    2. I would like to hear what God is telling you about me and my life, please. (This is Eric Russow aka PeaceInternally

    3. @Peace Internally: My Spirit heard Paul Baloche's song "Above All" playing the part where it says "Like a rose trampled on the ground, He took the fall and thought of me above all." I have the impression that although you may have found the peace of the Lord internally, you need to know the love of the Lord even more. To gain a heart understanding of the crucifixion in a very personal way. This love helps you to look outwardly, rather than being inwardly self-absorbed, to see the great need of hurting people around you and to minister His healing to them. I saw a picture of you taking people to the Emergency entrance of a Hospital but it is unclear if this is an actual job for you or a ministry. Blessings to you. Love, Jane

  2. goodmorning Jane
    i am one of those who are very sceptic when it comes to Prophetic words becoz I think people like to say things when they know more about you as a person but becoz you dont know anything about me I would really like to know if God has shown you anything about me?

    1. Debbie Du Toit August 7, 2012 7:10 AM

      thank you Jane, i take this word as confirmation for me. i am from south africa and didnt tell you anything of what type of person i am and what my biggest desire is, but you have confirmed who i am and what i need. thank you for this and for listening to Gods voice.
      Debbie du Toit

  3. Hi Jane, wasnt sure if you wanted me to repost in the correct place :) So here it is again just in case :)I'm in a situation where I could possibly loose my home to foreclosure, but that is a few months away as I still have savings left, I have been praying about whether or not I should try to sell it and walk away or try to hold on to it, it has a lot of sentimental value as it was the home I grew up in. But I'm trying to put my desires aside and follow the path that God has for me and I just don't feel I'm getting clear direction on what to do. Thank you and God bless! Neil

  4. Hi Jane,

    Can you seek the Lord for a prophetic word or vision for me, really need one.


    1. @sb: The Lord showed me a picture of you driving a Jeep with big, knobby tires,a rack of lights across the top, and the doors removed. You were driving on a road strewn with boulders and rocks and having lots of fun. I have the impression God has given you a mission or vehicle that involves people in very hard circumstances but you are not intimidated in the slightest by their roughness, in fact, you enjoy it. Your life is wide open just like the doors of the Jeep. God shines His light into the darkness of their lives as symbolized by the lights on the roof. God has led you on this road that many would refuse to travel. He has entrusted you with power to heal and prophecy. You are seen here alone. You work best alone, although your team of prayer warriors keeps you protected in prayer. God draws you to rest by the still waters. I sense it is time for a rest before jumping in the Jeep for more challenges. Bless you, Love, Jane

  5. This is Laura....
    i requested a word in seems to have disappeared.... perhaps because i didn't leave a name...anything of the Lord will b received...thank u...

    1. @Laura: You originally requested as Anonymous so now that I know your name you can be prayed for.
      Love ya, Jane

    2. @Laura: The Lord showed me a Scene from the Facebook game Hidden Chronicles. When I asked why and what it meant I had the impression that God was aware of the many hidden treasures in your life. You see your life as cluttered with too many things going on, to-do lists that are too long and you struggle to maintain the things and people hat are really important to you,focus on these just as in the game Hidden Chronicles. You will be greatly rewarded.
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

  6. hello Jane
    My name is Suzi, and i wanted to hear from the Lord concerning the decision of marriage partner that i have to make soon. There are two individuals who i will initial as M and N who wants to marry me. i am interested in both as they are all Christians. However i want the one that is chosen by the Lord for me. I have been praying for a while for this situation. please help me to find out who is the one i have be married to between the two.

    1. grandmather, Is this my story?-_-a?? Suzi Q.? I have a lot of story with my lover, but I'm not sure whether it is special to my spouse's heart or not. He share a lot of beautiful story with others.. -_-;.. How can I check his heart?

    2. @Suzi: If you wait for true love, the kind that makes your heart go pitter patter, from a perfect man you will probably never marry. The Lord showed me two pictures, side by side. One was of a woman sitting at one end of a very long, formal dining table and her husband way down at the other end. They really couldn't talk or share their day over dinner. The other picture showed a woman and man sitting at a round table, with a red & white checkered tablecloth. Candles were lit & there was a wonderful warmth between the two. I have the impression that you would be happiest with the suitor with whom you have the most common interest, the one with whom you can be best friends for a lifetime. I knew a woman who married her best friend when he was a poor university student but after a decade he decided to become a politician. He is now in the newspapers every day and she must entertain & enhance his image, which is easy because they are best friends & share their lives as they can with noone else. Be led this way, as well as praying for God's choice for you.
      Bless you soon-to-be-bride.
      Love, Jane

  7. Hi Jane,
    My name is Meghan, I'm 27 and I live in Orlando, FL. I lost my job a few weeks ago and have a lot of debt. I am looking for some direction from the Lord and also some encouragement. I have been depressed for a long time and am doing my best.

    Thank you and God bless.

    1. @Meghan:In this prophetic picture the Lord showed me you just leaving the place where you had been terminated from work and a really evil looking guy dressed in black came up behind you and whispered in your ear "You'll never find another job. Now you'll never be able to pay those bills. We've taken you as a hostage and you'll never get out of the traps we've set for you. You'll never be able to pay the ransom we're asking. Nobody cares that much about you. " Suddenly Jesus appeared saying "I've already paid the ransom for her on the cross. Let her go. She is mine and she is free indeed!" I sense God is leading you to learn more about who you are in Christ & to discern His voice rather than get depressed and hopeless when the enemy lies to you. Read some good Christian books on positive confession and you will be happier than you ever have been!
      Be blessed dear heart,

  8. Hi Jane, My name is Pascal.I live in Zimbabwe.I'm 23 years old and not employed.I need prayer and word.


    1. I thank God so much and i also thank you Jane for your word.I used to be fascinated by Science subjects like physics and loved computers.I neglected the area of mathematics due to some country's problems at that time.I'm trying to do maths informally now and i will definitely revive my dreams if i got resources.I also dream of going beyond my country's borders and meet new people, never been out of my country yet.I did sent 2 application letters to the School of General nursing programme.I am still waiting for their response.I love God's word also.Please my beloved sister in Christ, may you continue to pray for me concerning this.God bless you so much !!

      From Pascal

  9. Jane,I realy wanted from the Lord a word concerning my children Stefnie 29 Dawid 27 and franna 20, and if the Lord still Love me.
    thanks mariaan

    1. @Mariaan: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing beside a houseboat at the side of a canal, possibly in Holland. You were debating whether or not to get into the vessel as Christian friends were planning to launch out into the ocean and the weather looked stormy. I was reminded of the Disciples going out to sea with Jesus. The first step was to get on the boat! I believe the Lord is urging you to step out into new territory but you must take the first step. The promised land given to the children of Israel was full of Giants but we serve an awesome God who protects us and empowers us to even speak peace to storms. These ventures are with other Christians so you can pray together & encourage each other.
      Bless you. Love and hugs, Jane

  10. Hi. My name is Wanda

    A while back I received two prophecies over my life, but have not seen it come to light. I seek more light over these two areas :
    1) I would function in a prophetic calling and receive words and dreams from the Lord

    2) I would received the deepest desire of my heart - a strong, loving man for a husband and that I would share a son with him.

    These words were spoken over me by a respectable man of God, and I trust and continue to wait on the Lord. It has been 3 years now. I would appreciate more guidance about these two things.

    1. @Wanda: Only three years!!! It took about 30 years, a shaking up in Revival and 10 years of Training on a Prophetic Team at my church plus an impartation from American Prophet James Goll to even begin operating in these gifts. Oh I left out digging deep into the word to share and be empowered more and praying having coffee with Jesus every morning. It was three years after a minister had a word of knowledge for me that I would be married. I met my husband at an Christian Art Gallery Opening & the Lord kept putting is in each other's paths up to 5 times a day until he laughed & asked me out to Lunch then to a concert. We married 6 months later and now have been married for 30 years! So get ready but focus on Jesus more than anyone or anything. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added unto you! Love, Jane

  11. hi Jane
    my name is Letitia.i found your blog through my sister and what i have read here really surprised me. will you please tell me if God has shown you anything about me because i need answers to so many things in my life.
    thank you and God bless you

    1. @Letitia VdS: Thank you for appreciating what God is doing here to build up His people. Yes, quite amazing! Your prophetic picture showed a Hen House where you were collecting eggs in a basket. Two chickens were walking around together in the yard and the Lord reminded me of how Noah took animals by 2's into the Ark to preserve them from the floods. I sense that you are deeply concerned by the darkness, injustice and sin abounding in the area where you live. I believe you are far more concerned than
      most people as you are called to be an Intercessor. God wants you to spend time daily praying for the people and situations He shows you. He will teach you how to pray for them and you will see wonderful results, although some may take a long time. This is a time of God drawing you closer than ever before, for you to hear His voice more clearly and to rest in His peace. Be blessed by the word of the Lord.
      Love, Jane

  12. I would love an encouraging word please. Brittany Paige. Thank you!!!!

    1. @Brittany Paige: In this prophetic picture you were sitting at a table, alone, at an outdoor cafe somewhere I believe in a European city, possibly Paris or Rome. Jesus came out of the front door of the Cafe and gave you a menu. "Choose what you would like from this menu and let me know what you want." There was no food on the menu but a list that included Kindness, Victory, Wisdom, Miracles,Humility, a mantle of Praise and other spiritual desires. Money was not listed."Have you made your choice?" Jesus asked."No, I really don't know what I want most. Choose something for me please." you answered. "It's true. You've made a good decision. Let me change you in My way, in My timing. You will be glad. Now, please give me the menu, I have to pass it on to the next saint who comes in my Cafe. I love you."
      Be blessed. Love, Jane

  13. Wondering if you could pray for me and see if there is anything God would like to reveal to me. Thank you!

  14. Hi Jane,
    I've been going through a rough time for an extended period now. I'm a bit cautious about a word as someone "made up" a word supposedly from God and then later admitted the deception. A true word would be appreciated. Thanks.

    1. @Kathy: You were pounding on your kitchen counter top on a wooden cutting board crying in hurt and torment asking yourself "How could I have been so naive? How could I have believed such lies? " I saw the Lord come up behind you and lay His hand on the top of your head. His gentle touch opened up a river of tears. "Your tears have the salt that will add flavour to the lives of those with whom you share this testimony. Consider this a time of learning and of blessing. You know true love and I will teach you more. This is all part of growing up in Christ." Be blessed and comforted. Love, Jane

  15. Not sure I submitted my request correctly. Is there a way I will be notified? Or do I need to check back here every day???

    1. @Donna: You will be responsible for checking this Blog a few times each month, or more often, to receive God's prophetic picture for you. I normally do not send notifications.
      Bless you and thanks for being here!
      Love, Jane

    2. @Donna: The Lord showed me a picture of you riding a pony as a young child, maybe 5 or 6 years old. It was instant love for you and that love of horses has continued even until this day. You have even gone searching wild horses in Wyoming and northern California. I recall a teaching at my church from a woman who was a Horse Trainer. She spoke of the gentle way they are trained, very similar to how Jesus woos us & trains us. I sense you should be teaching others these things. Please let me know if this speaks to you. Love & Blessings,Jane


    3. Thank you, Jane. I've only been on a horse one time and that was a pony ride at a carnival when I was a child. I've only passed through Wyoming and northern CA while traveling somewhere else. I am very much a trainer/teacher and agree that a gentle, encouraging approach works best. I've been on the back burner for a while and this encourages me that there is still much to be accomplished. Thanks again for taking the time to pray and post.

  16. Beloved Jane!

    Please, can you pray for me about one very important issue which Lord knows. And please pray for my kids that they will be saved too. Thank Lord and thank you Jane so much.

    Lots of love,

    1. Hi Jane,
      Thank you so very much for your message. Yes, my heart seeks to inspire others to turn towards Our Beloved Lord...all across the globe. I wish to do God's will in my lifetime.
      May God continue to Bless you in your health, happiness and future.
      Love and Blessings to you ...

    2. From Leena:
      Thank Lord and thank you for this message beloved Jane!
      It is true that I have had a guite many challenges lately and my health has been worse. i need also christian friends to talk with, so this all is true!
      I will ask them to pray for us! :-D

      God bless you so much dear Jane!

      Lots of love,

  17. Hi Jane, can you please tell me what you see when you pray for me? Thank you!

    1. @ BW: The Lord showed me a picture of you on a river in a canoe. You were an expert canoeist as Jesus himself had often been in your canoe teaching you lessons. I believe it is time for you to teach others what God has taught you : how to avoid the rocks & dangers set up by the enemy, confidence during storms, hearing God's voice and many others. Be blessed. Love, Jane

  18. I am worried about my daughter right now because she is dating someone I am not sure is right for her. I like him, but he has been married twice before and she has never been married before. She is old enough to make her own decisions, I just want to know what God's will for her is. I worry about her a lot. -Cindy

    1. @Cindy: Hahaha, my husband was married 3 times before we married. Now I say "Number four no more" and we laugh. As you said you need to know God's will for her. If she is a Christian I am sure she is also praying for the will of God in this monumental decision, not led by the flesh but by the Spirit. I am not really getting a prophetic picture in this case. I believe you must just pray for her to clearly hear the voice of the Lord and follow her inner knowing.
      Hugs and Blessings Cindy,

  19. Hi, my name is Jacob, i would like a word as u feel led, thank u!

    1. @Jacob: The Lord gave me a little movie of you walking into a vine-covered building that looked like an ivy league library. I sensed you were there to do research on the Presence of God. You had spread out several huge, old leather covered books which were full of information on religion, closeness to God and Jesus. You were within walking distance of a beach, where you had felt the presence of God before. My impression is that if you are going to study to be a Pastor you must know the Lord & His love first of all. Bless you, Love , Jane

  20. Hi Jane, My name is Jenny. I recently lost my job but continue to minister on Sundays in a local state prison. I know I'm in transition with high expectations. Please pray for me & I pray you'll get a prophetic word, as God/H.S. leads, of course. I always enjoy your posts on facebook. God Bless you and Thank you. What you are doing here is awesome!

    1. @Jenny: I accidentally deleted your prophetic prayer picture today! Eeeek. There is no way to restore it but I do recall what God showed me. It was a suggestion to seek a full-time Prison Ministry job with one of the big Christian Ministries, such as Kenneth Copeland based in the Dallas, Texas area. You may have to get some further education but start finding out about opportunities now.
      Love, Jane

  21. Dear Jane,
    Please ask God for a message for me about my future. Your work really interests me and thank you.
    - Sincerely,
    Julia F

    1. @Julia: I accidentally deleted the answer to you request but I recall the Lord asking you to repent of ever using a Ouija board, going to a palm reader or seeking direction from anywhere but God through His son Jesus.He has important work for you to do in the Kingdom.
      Love, Jane

  22. Hello, delightful Miss Jane..

    I'm Kelly. 31, handmaiden of the Lord. I love what God shows you and I'm patient! Let me know if He has a picture about me!

    Love and hugs in the Spirit, Kelly

    1. @Kelly: A Treasure Chest and a Teddy Bear sat side by side on the floor of your Attic. As a place, the Attic indicated things above and the Teddy Bear was one of the things you had put aside up there. The Lord told you "It is time to put away childish things in order to explore the treasures of the Spirit inside the Treasure Chest." There was a skylight in the Attic that showed a marvelous array of the stars at night. The scripture."The heavens declare the glory of God." came to mind. Each time you open your heart to do the will of God using the Spiritual Gifts you have now He is preparing the next Gift to compliment it. Although God has told you to put away childish things He does love and appreciate your child-likeness!
      Holy Hugs & Blessings of Love, Jane

  23. Hello Jane,

    My name is Caroline. Am wondering if the Lord has a message/word for me.
    Be blessed,


    1. @Caroline: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing in front of a pantry where there were many shelves full of bottles of delicious barbeque sauces, peanut sauces, four cheese sauces and containers of steak spice, cinnamon, cloves and all kinds of delicious condiments and more.You wanted to make something with them but were concerned that there was nothing to put them on. Interpretation: God has given you many gifts to add spice to people's lives & you've been asking God for ways to do it.Soon you will know. These urges are a good thing. The provision will come right thru your front door.Bless you. Love,Jane

    2. Thank you sister Jane. I thank God for your ministry. It is true that the urge to serve God has been getting stronger each day, i just dont know where to start. I will continue to wait upon Him to reveal His will for my life. God bless you for this Word. God is so faithful!

      love and bear hugs,

  24. Dear Jane,
    My husband and I felt God leading us to put our house up for sale this summer. It sold in less than a month in a bad market! We then found a house we loved that wasn't even listed. It felt like God was with us and leading us. However, as the process has continued, we have felt a lot of resistance/lack of favor. We felt like we were on the "losing" end of negotiations for both houses...issues have popped up with the realtors...issues came up at inspection...some unexpected financial stuff. It just feels like a lot of the joy has been taken out of this. We are trying to discern if the enemy is trying to steal our joy and attack us with fear...or if this just isn't what God has for us right now.
    We would appreciate any insight or encouragement you might have.
    Thank you!
    Curt & Amy

    1. Jane,
      As I have thought about this post, the Lord has reminded me that He has never failed or forsaken us and He's not about to start now! I'm afraid I've asked you to reveal some "secret" from the Lord that we are missing on the house situation when He is asking us to draw near and trust Him in all circumstances.
      And so...while we would love and be encouraged by a word from the Lord, we don't want to demand that it be about the house. We want to receive whatever He has for us.
      Does that make sense?
      Thank you for your ministry. We know that a word takes time.

    2. @Curt & Amy: Some gifts require a battle to maintain them. Think of the children of Israel whose promised land was filled with giants. Stay spiritually covered! God is in this! Don't allow the enemy to bring any division in your marriage. Stand strong together! I sense unity is very important at this time- to hear God together.I saw lights on either side of the front door that looked like oil lamps & was reminded of the 5 virgins who kept their oil lamps full,in other words stay filled with the Spirit. Be blessed,
      Love Jane

  25. I just made a horrid booboo and deleted about 30 prophetic prayer pictures that I had answered for the heading August 2012 Request Here Too. I am hoping that you have kept copies of these Comments as apparently there is no way to get them back.

  26. Hi Jane,
    I love your inspiring thoughts from God. Please ask God how I should proceed in my life, according to HIS plan for my life.
    Love and Blessings,

    1. @Kathleen: When I asked the Lord for a direction for you He showed me a huge red arrow, like a pathway, that pointed towards a Hospital. He said "There are so many spiritual needs here. Many believe they are just sick with a disease but really their soul is even more sick.Ask Kathleen if she has ever considered being a Hospital Chaplain." Have you? I believe this would be a path of blessing for you. Love, Jane

  27. Hi Jane,
    My name is Theodora and you gave me a vision a while back about healing but I'm in the worst time of me life and I'm asking for prayer and a word. Thank you for your kindness towards the body.
    Theodora (fee)

    1. @Theodora: The Lord showed me a crystal glass 1/2 filled with water. I sense the Lord is wanting you to focus on the positive things in your life, rather than on sickness & other negatives. "Whatsoever things are of good report think on these things." God is teaching you to be an overcome, with His help, of course. Bless you & hang in their believing for healing!
      Love, Jane

  28. Hello Jane,
    My name is Michael Andrew and I have been experiencing a stir in my heart this summer. Would you be able to affirm what I am feeling and a word of knowledge from Him?

  29. Helloe Jane.
    This is Hadassah here. I would like Gods' word over my childrens lives, especially their education.
    Thank you.

    1. @Hadassah: As soon as I saw your name I was reminded of the awesome Hadassah Bazaar held in Toronto every year! Fabulous designer clothes at bargain prices! I believe God is saying that He is your clothing-you & your family are clothed in righteousness and an armour of light. I sense your children may do well in the various aspects of the clothing business- some in Engineering, designing machinery; another a Lawyer; another in Marketing.Lead the children Lord in their
      education & lives in general. Let me know if this speaks to you,please.Love, Jane

  30. Hello,I'm not sure if you received my request Jane....there seems to be blessings in the wings for me,but they seem to look like they will come to fruition..but something happens to block there anything for me?

    1. The Lord showed me a picture of a very pregnant woman & I sense that He wants you to know that from the very moment the pregnancy is confirmed by a Doctor there is never another doubt that that the baby will be born. By using God's promises as a weapon to fight off doubt you grow stronger as you overcome each attack. Be blessed.
      Love, Jane

  31. Greetings
    I am so delighted I found your website, I really found you by mistake,
    while I was searching on Bing for something else,
    Anyways I am here now and would just like to say thank you for a remarkable post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all at the minute but I have book-marked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time I will be back to read a lot more, Please do keep up the excellent b.

    1. Wow! I get so blessed sharing these pictures from God! Thanks for all the appreciation!
      Love, Jane

  32. Martha Willett

    Jane please let me know what the Lord holds for me.

    1. @Martha Willett: I heard the word "Motherly: the one who gives the medicine, reassures, comforts, directs in healthy ways, loves beyond measure but who will mother you?" God is the Mother you have always longed for, the Comforter, the Advocate, the Counselor, the Protector and more. As you turn to Him you will find refreshment and rest for your soul. His love is like food! Drink it in! Blessings and hugs, Jane

  33. Hi Jane
    Please could you pray and seek a picture for me, your ministry is a blessing, thank you, I will let you know what the picture means,
    Louise xx

    1. @Louise: The Lord showed me a picture of an Office water cooler that was filled with living water. When you drank it you were immediately aware that you should not gossip or brag about your possessions or say anything mean about anyone. I sense that you have a calling to business people, executives especially. Pray that the Lord will guide you in ways that are most effective for Him & most satisfying for you. Let me know what this pic. means to you. Love, Jane

  34. Hi Jane,
    Thank you for seeking the lord and getting a picture, I have no idea what it means... I dont work in an office, I work in a very quiet barber shop.... As a barber...
    There's no water cooler, and I don't really know any business Executives...
    I'm not one to talk about people or My possessions and that's because I haven't had a fixed place to live for the last 4 years So I own virtually nothing....
    Hmmm sorry that I don't understand this picture Was it definately for me??

  35. @Louise: The prophetic word suggests possibilities for the future as well as builds us up in the present. I believe the Lord is suggesting that you undervalue yourself and have not considered that He may use your talents in an Executive environment. In this position you certainly would have possessions that you could brag about. I don't believe you are called to be a Mother Teresa with no earthly possessions & it's time to have a permanent place to live. There are upscale Barber Shops that cater to executives so pray for God to open doors for you to be used there for His glory. Barbers are also used in the Film industry & Television.I believe the water cooler represents the Holy Spirit who will help you. Bless you, Love, Jane
