Friday, May 1, 2015



After spending several hours fruitlessly trying to find the perfect Spring flower pictures for the month of May Post the Lord expressed His desire for me to tell you that you are sailing into new spiritual territory on a wave of His glory where there is much more freedom and true fellowship of the Saints, just as the Pilgrims did who came to America on the ship called the MayflowerMay you suffer hardship with that same glowing faith to be a beacon of light to all you meet even your whole  nation.
Ask for your personal prophetic prayer picture, as a Comment under the heading of the Month & Year in which you are asking.  Please use less than 5 typed lines to make a request.
Remember to use a Screen Name or Initials with your prayer request .
Big News! Jane Holland now shares prophetic pictures on The Global Prophetic Voice website (formerly Chicago Prophetic Voice), click on Prophetic Words & there I am and also on the Front Page!! Very excited about this! See you there!
To see all of  the May 2015 Requests & Comments
Scroll to the bottom of this Page, Click Load More then
Scroll back up til you see your name or initials! 
This always happens when there are over 200 Comments!
Exciting news about requests that add a Donation
See  the Comments below.


  1. NOW : I want to be faithful to do what God has called me to do. All prophecy is free but you can get your Prophetic Prayer picture first by making a Donation of $25.00 USD via PayPal to ensure that your request is answered in priority to others as well as being put on our Special Friends Prayer List, For example if you ask for prayer & have donated to this ministry on PayPal, you will receive prayer the same day it has been received. Just let me know the Initials or Screen Name used.
    (PayPal is for anyone with a Bank Account & Email )
    Send Money to:
    Prayer requests are still free and by any amount of donation as God leads you to give but you may have to wait a longer time. I wish that the phone, internet, gas,heat, car repairs and other office expenses were free! Please help to make this Ministry of Training & Discipleship with Prophecy continue. Thanks for your generosity! May the Lord mightily touch you with amazing blessings!

    More News: Jane Holland now shares prophetic pictures on The Chicago Prophetic Voice website, click on Prophetic Words & there I am!! Very excited about this!
    Love, Jane

  2. Jane,
    Blessings. I would like to know more about my future husband I've had dreams but can't tell if it is the enemy or Jesus. NG

    1. @ NG: I sense that the best thing to do is to simply ask God to choose the right husband for you and hand it to him. You will meet him at just the right time. I did not see a specific person but sense that God has a very good man for you and vice versa. Just wait a bit more. Love, Jane

  3. Hi Jane!
    This is MDB. Can I have a word regarding San Francisco, CA. I believe the Lord is calling me to move there for mission work and am needing confirmation.


    1. @ MDB: What a wonderful city! I love San Francisco! I saw a picture of you working with a group of people ministering to "street people" then gathering together to pray for the city. I have a very good feeling about you pursuing mission work in San Francisco. I confirm your feeling and say Go for it! You will be blessed! Love, Jane

    2. How exciting! Thank you so much for the confirmation and God bless!

  4. hi Jane,,,Could i have a prophetic word for this month..!

    1. @ JJJ: The Lord showed me a picture of you unfolding a big red umbrella to protect you bad weather. I sense that God wants you to ask for an increase in the covering of His protection for you, through Jesus. These are perilous
      times. Putting on the "Full Armour of God" each morning is a good way to start the day.(Ephesians 6:11-17). Keep covered! Love, Jane

  5. Hi Jane...its my birthday this month. A word from his throne room will make my day. RM

    1. @ RM: The Lord allowed me to hear the loud sounds of rolling thunder and I saw dark clouds followed by rain. I have the impression that your anointing is to heavily, warn people against sin. It may seem dark and ominous but it brings the rain of heaven and new life afterwards. Happy Birthday, Love, Jane

  6. Hi ,,Could i have a word,!

    1. @ Blessy: The Lord showed me a picture of the most beautifully decorated cupcakes and warned me that you must realize a soft, delicious life will never make you a prayer warrior. Don't just look for happy, encouraging scriptures when you read the word but dig into the stories of triumph in battles and apply that knowledge to pray victory for others! Love, Jane

    2. thank you Jane, but can you explain me what you meant by "a soft and delicious life"? need some clarification...

    3. @ Blessy: A soft and delicious life would be totally problem free in every area of your life- good health, lots of money, good job, happy family, used and appreciated in ministry, good church that helps you grow, talents being used and money to pay for the supplies needed, all the electronic devices you want and more...
      Love, Jane

  7. Hi Jane! Asking for a word for May! God bless you!! SL

    1. @ SL: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing around with a group of friends who were all expressing doubts about their various abilities. I heard you say "You can do it!" to several people and it caught on like a wave of joy with each person say to another "You can do it!" My impression is that God has especially anointed you as an encourager. Love, Jane

  8. May The Lord show any or all of : a military strategist I should study, a time to sleep, a food to eat, and a thing to put in my letters to enhance my guerilla marketing. Thank you. Simon Wang.

    1. @ Simon Wang: A military strategist to study would be Winston Churchill during WW2. He was brilliant, a lover of God and nations as well as being an accomplished watercolour painter in his spare time. The Lord showed me a picture of you stuffing yourself with junk foods and I heard Him caution you to be aware of when your'e into stuffing yourself; stop and drink a bottle of water instead. As far as marketing, just give people what they want and need, show them the benefits of each product in a friendly,caring way! Lots of love to you and thanks for sending your friends here! Love, Jane

  9. Hi Jane,
    Does the Lord have a picture for me this month? When can I expect to meet the man he has chosen for me. Is there anything the Lord is revealing about this man... Have continued to pray and even have others praying with me over this.

    Thank you blessings-

    1. @ ilovesunflowers: I saw a picture of Van Gough's "Sunflowers" The Lord reminded me of a famous musician friend of ours who loved Van Gough's paintings so much that he put "Starry Night" on one of his album covers. I have the impression that your future husband is involved in the Music Business, either as a Singer-songwriter or on the technical end in recording or live performances. He loves sunflowers too. I sense that you will meet, through mutual friends before the end of 2015. Love, Jane

    2. wow thanks Jane how encouraging! God bless! - ilovesunflowers

  10. What are you seeing for me? I am wanting to join the military as a guard or reserve? J.D.P

    1. @ J.D.P.: I sense that joining either the reserve or national guard would be wonderful for you! The discipline, exercise and training that is applicable to civilian work is just what you need and just what your country needs. I saw a picture of you in a smart, crisp uniform. You will be blessed. Love, Jane

  11. Hi Jane whatever God has for me...sav

    1. @ sav: The Lord showed me the letters SAV as an acronym meaning "Still Available and a V for Victory sign". I sense that the Lord meant "Still available for Me to use." I was given the impression that any romantic relationship would interfere with the work that God has for you to do at this time. You have a high calling which means personal sacrifice at times. He will make your direction clear through words of scripture and many other ways, even on licence plates and advertising signs. The Nike ad "Just Do It" often speaks to me at just the right times to prod me into action. Love, Jane

  12. can I please get a word or a picture for May.
    God bless you ma.

    1. @ Bolanlevivian: The Lord showed me a picture of you stumbling and falling while walking on an uphill rocky road. You hurt yourself and felt too weak to get up. Many people passed by who seemed to have no problem walking on that rocky road but just looked at you & kept walking not caring for your pain. Suddenly the scripture "Be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might" came to your mind and you shot to your feet with a supernatural surge of joy. Keep your eyes on Jesus, not on man! Love, Jane

  13. May I please have a word for May.. Stay bless Alicia cooper

    1. @ Alicia Cooper: The Lord showed me a picture of you holding a bouquet of flowers. There were white lilies, red roses, pink peonies, deep purple irises and clumps of baby's breath. I sense that these are symbols of your friends, each beautiful in their own way and that you should continue to hold on to them tightly, especially when they have been emotionally crushed. Love, Jane

    2. Hmmm I thought marriage 😀

  14. I just found you on Google. May GOD continue to bless your ministry. St

    1. @ St: Glad you found me! Welcome! You can ask for prophetic prayer once a month and be sure to read what God has given to others to be blessed even more! The Lord showed me a picture of the American Liberty Bell and I sense that God is teaching you about religious freedom right now, or I should say freedom from religious spirits. Let the Lord show you any erroneous thinking and become free to truly worship and have relationship with Him.
      Love, Jane

  15. Hi Jane, thank you for last month's prophetic word. May I please have a prophetic word or picture for this month of May.

    1. @ CeCe: The Lord showed me a picture of men building a railway line. They were working very hard in bad weather and yet they knew that when the trains ran over them life would be so much easier and well worth the effort. I sense that you have been working very hard, not being paid enough and come home exhausted every night and yet this work will give you many good retirement years,nice holidays and many blessings. Hang in here! Love, Jane

  16. Dear woman of God can you maybe tell me somthing about they woman God had for me and maybe some encouriging words because i felt struggels in my Life and need they lord Jesus very close to me. So plz of you could ask thx in advance dirk mike.

    1. @ dirk mike: Do you think that having a wife will make all our struggles go away? I sense that you should resolve these struggles and the causes for them with the Lord before you are ready to marry. You must be able to love your wife as Christ loves the church and only God, through Jesus, is able to help you to do that. I am not seeing a specific woman at this time. Love, Jane

    2. No not really but God promised me and already showed here also too you. They struggels i am having are not easaly solved. They are of they kind of that witches try to attack me at night. I also see to much spirtual warfare that i dont know how To handel in Life and normal Life. It feels like being Christian made things worse. And i already understand that Jane yust wanted to know of God. Had more to say about here.

    3. Also i dont think a wife will make all they struggels go away. But theynlord is clear to me that we have a calling together and she will be like a key to come to my destiny in Christ. Because my destiny and they work i have to do for they lord hangs together with solving a lot of my problems. Some I can tell like work and life. It's probely a big deal to me. But thanks for they advise I will be a very good husband ��

  17. Hi Jane, i got close to a colleague at work and now the friendship is rather complicated. I was wondering what is God's reason for sending him into my life and how should I treat the friendship from here? Thx so much - Bianca

    1. @ Bianca: First of all, a question- is he saved? If he has received Jesus as his saviour and Lord your friendship may be a God-thing. However, if he is already married and making sexual advances towards you, back off right away! When a relationship that leads to marriage is from God he will reveal the reasons for you being together little by little over the years. Ask God if this relationship should lead to marriage and follow whatever direction He gives you. I personally feel slightly disturbed about this relationship,not sure why. Love, Jane

  18. Hi any picture for me. Thank you

    1. @ yakub: The Lord showed me two rivers of life flowing together : one had the Torah in it and the other had a Bible; as the rivers flowed into each other I saw them arise and form a shawl around you, like a mantle that gave you authority in the name of Jesus based on all of the knowledge of the Torah. I have the impression that God has anointed you to teach His word with great knowledge and to touch many lives deeply with it. Keep speaking it out even in tribulation. Love, Jane

  19. Dear Jane,

    Could you give me a prophetic word regarding my future mate. I saw a man in an open vision, however when I approached him to test the waters he said, "no". I did not tell him of my "open vision" of seeing him for two seconds in color. I'm confused. Was this of God or the enemy? Will my future husband come soon? I am 58 years old and have kept myself right and pure. Could you please give me a prophetic word? Thank you! Andrea

    1. @ Andrea: One of my best friends, a YWAM missionary, cried out to God at age 50 asking why she wasn't married. God answered by saying "Your Maker is your husband" and He did provide beautiful homes, cars, all her needs,just like a good husband would then was called to a war-torn country where she gave everything up to fully give herself to ministry there by starting a Women's Health Clinic, a Radio Station, Soy-bean growing, a Bakery, English classes and more. If you feel a strong urge to marry start pounding on Heaven's door,urgently pleading
      for a husband. The Lord will either tell you to be happy that your maker is your husband or you will meet and marry a wonderful man. Love, Jane

  20. Happy Spring Jane! Congratulations on the Chicago Prophetic Voice! Just curious what God wants to say to me! Thank you so much! Love Kelly

    1. @ Kelly: God has amazing ways of getting His word around to build up the church worldwide. I'm so delighted to be one of the voices of Chicago Prophetic Voice! The Lord showed me a picture of you cutting the chocolate coating off a bunch of almonds and I had the impression He was saying "Kelly is fed up with people sugar-coating the truth. She just wants to hear straight answers, straight scriptures and honest emotions." Telling people how you are feeling will not help! You need to ask God for deep discernment because you need this knowledge for your next phase of ministry. He has wonderful plans for you. Love, Jane

    2. Oh Jane! This is very true of me! THANK YOU for this word! Stay blessed! <3 Kelly

    3. @ Kelly: A new name and website for what was formerly The Chicago Prophetic Voice is now called
      I'm still there when you click on the button for Prophetic Words!

  21. hi..kindly asking for a word..GOD BLESS...THOMAS

    1. @ Thomas: The Lord showed me a picture of Him meeting the woman at the well whom He told everything about her life. I sense that the Lord is moving you deeply into the prophetic and leading people into drinking of the living waters of life. This is not a new thing for you but a tuning of your ears and heart to hear,know and speak the word of the Lord with power. Love, Jane

  22. Hi Jane can I have a prophetic picture for May

    1. @ TRL: The Lord showed me a picture of the big green truck that comes to our neighbourhood every Friday to pick up the kitchen scraps to be used for garden compost. I have the impression that the Lord wants you to know whatever garbage (wrong stuff) you have been through, he is using it to enrich your life and help you to grow in a healthy way, to be a tree of righteousness the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified. Love, Jane

  23. Hello Jane,

    I would love a prophetic word for this very special Month of May.. Thank You for your blessings :)

    M. W.

    1. @ M.W. : The Lord showed me a picture of a dock jutting out into a lake that had rotting wood that left huge ,unsafe gaps that made it impossible to walk to the end of the deck to comfortably sit there to have your prayer time with the Lord. I sense that God wants to restore certain relationships that are preventing you from being taken into deeper waters, more meaningful relationship with the Lord. Repair those gaps with His help as soon as possible. Love, Jane

  24. Hi Dear Jane,
    i would like to have a prophetic picture for helping me to get to the next step in the Lord
    Tony L

    1. @ Tony L: Thank you for your PaPa gift and for your continued support of my ministry. The Lord showed me a picture of you with a heart that's very eager to do everything God wants you to do,which has been a very good thing and caused new attitudes and directions that have been very beneficial but I sense that now it is time to stop working hard to please God and just simply receive. Let Him quietly do His character-building work in you. You may not be aware of the new desires manifesting in you until you look back months later. No striving but arriving! I see locked doors opening effortlessly and the humility of holiness shining in and over you. Love, Jane

    2. Thank you so much dear Jane!
      You saw exactly where I'm now in the spirit, there is those close door locked for so much time particularly in my career at the same time that produce great humility in me but at lot of pressure
      Blessing to you!
      Tony L

  25. Hi Jane, could you please ask God for a Word for this Month. God's abundantly blessings for you.

    1. @ Princess: The Lord showed me a picture of a Mother calling from the kitchen "Dinner's ready!" I was reminded of the scripture "Come and dine, the Master calls." I sense that the Lord wants you to drop everything you are doing when He speaks to you, listen carefully and do what He tells you to do. Don't put it off til later. The word for this month is "Be attentive," Love, Jane

  26. Dear Jane,

    I'm not sure whether I can ask another question in May after having asked in April, but there is something that I have been trying to hear God's voice in that I haven't been able to. Several years ago, my sister-in-law and mother had an argument, after which my brother never spoke to us again. I was still very young when this happened, but the sudden rejection still hurts. I sometimes go on Facebook and look at his profile and all the people he is in contact with. Then I feel broken all over again, because I am family, I did nothing to deserve this and we were very close. I have tried talking to him too, but he doesn't answer. The worst part is that he is a pastor and I have asked God so many times to talk to him and show him my hurt/inferiority, but nothing has come of this. I sometimes, for a brief moment, feel hatred towards God, because my brother, a man of God, chose to reject me. I don't think this is something I will ever get over. I would like to request a Word from God concerning my brother please. Thank you, LBE.

    1. @ LBE: I am delighted to have you ask for prophetic prayer once each month. Some people have been asking once a month for several years and God gives them something new and life-giving each time. Praying for you now. Love, Jane

    2. @ LBE: It's too bad that you got caught in the middle of that argument! Actually it is your mother who needs to ask forgiveness of your brother's wife and your brother. Jesus is the restorer of the breach. It is obvious that you can't do this alone. You need to get some other Christian friends to agree on restoration, pray with you and believe for a wonderful turn-around. Love, Jane

  27. Hi Jane,request for a prophetic word/picture.kind regards.

    1. @ Mazimpaka Eric Estarico: The Lord showed me a group of people standing together but you were standing alone outside of the group and feeling very happy about it. I received the impression that God had told you to only listen to Him, not to the opinions of any other person about what you were doing in your life. I sense that God is very pleased with your obedience in spite of the rejection of some people. Love, Jane

  28. Hi Jane, may I have a prophetic picture.
    Thanks! RC

    1. @ RC: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking along an upward path that was very smooth with green grass and wild-flowers growing beside it but every once in a while the road would get bumpy and full of big rocks that you had to walk around. I had the impression that this showed your walk in the spirit. You handled the changes and difficulties well, while keeping your eyes on you goal, to be told when you reach your destination "Well done, good and faithful servant." Keep going this way!
      Love, Jane

  29. Hello Jane, may I please have prophetic insight for my life. Thank you. Have a nice day. BAO

    1. @ BAO: The Lord showed me several kinds of birds floating around a pond then I noticed an eagle high up in a tree. I was reminded of the scripture "You will rise up with wings like eagles, you shall run and not be weary." I sense that you have been feeling rather tired and drained lately. I ask that God will strengthen you, refresh you and fill you with His joy, which is your strength. Love, Jane

  30. Hi Prophetess, i will like to know what God is saying in this season of my life.

    1. @ heyma 777: Please be patient. It can take a week or more for me to receive a prophetic picture for you. Thank you. Love, Jane

    2. @ heyma777: Next rime if you are in urgent need to receive a prophetic picture you can pay $25.USD to> to be made a priority and receive same-day prayer.

    3. @ heyma777: The Lord showed me a picture of you moving around just to have something to do, or as my grandmother used to say "She's got ants in her pants." I have the impression that you know God has something important for you to do in terms of ministry but you cannot figure out what it is. It may help to know that, as we say in YWAM "Character comes before ministry." Let God take His time in teaching you how to draw near to Him; to hear His voice; to be humbled by Him and more and before you know it you will be changed into a powerhouse for the Kingdom. Love, Jane

  31. Please give me a personal prophetic word for the month of May and or the year 2015. Thank you and God bless

    1. @ Anonymous: Please ask again next month signing with either Initials or a Screen Name. Thanks and blessings, Jane

  32. Hello Jane. Can you please pray and hear or see from the Lord Jesus if and when yes, how he wants to use me in a seer prophetic ministry!? God bless you, Peter!

  33. Hi Jane, I really feel I may lose my job and I very much need a job and I feel that when it rains it pours...Please tell me if God has something better for me and where should I be led to look...DAH

    1. @ DAH: I always recommend joining as they have so much good advice about doing Interviews, writing a good resume and more. they even send you jobs available in your area that fit your qualifications.I sense that you would get a much better job if you had more training: Computer Aided Design for a Manufacturer comes to mind; Film Animation and Electrical Engineering. Lots of Grants are available and God will give you the money to become qualified in a more satisfying area.
      Love, Jane

  34. Hi! um if your led to may i have a word about my future wife and me? - Walter

    1. @ Walter: Just seeing a soft cloud, indicating a girl with a soft, sweet spirit as our future wife. Sorry, that's all at this time. God is preparing you for marriage and the responsibilities required. Love, Jane

  35. Hi Jane,
    I would love to recieve a word or picture from you.
    Thank you,

    1. @ Cdm: The Lord showed me a picture of a well with an old fashioned pump. You were working very hard pumping the handle up and down to get water into your bucket. The Lord gave me the impression that you think you have to work very hard at prayer and good works to receive blessings from God but actually all you have to do is ask Him and believe Him! Love, Jane

  36. Hi just wondering if I could get a prophetic word from God for my life.


    1. @ Quinn: My husband and I were naming some of his paintings today and for one we thought of the title "Get Under The Spout Where The Glory Pours Out!" I sense that you need a real, deep, life-changing touch from God that comes in power from the Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.
      If you let me know your location I can suggest a place for you to go. Love, Jane

    2. Thanks for your reply. Right now I'm staying in a small town called Kenora in Ontario just for work but hopefully I can find work and move back to Manitoba soon which is my hometown.

    3. @ Quinn: The closest spot I know of is a long way south of you but could cause amazing life-changing blessings. Visit www,, watch some of the videos and read some of the books available from their bookstore and when you get to Toronto actually go to a Conference (free at night) or stay in a nearby hotel and stay longer. Love, Jane

  37. Dear Jane, I love my son his name is elnathan.Please pray for him and bring me the vision of the Lord for Him.Amen. mamilem

    1. @ Mamilem: The Lord showed me a picture of an eagle flying that turned into an airplane. I have the impression that as your son rose up to meet God He told him to join the Air Force and that God would use him mightily there.
      Love, Jane

  38. Hello Prophetess. Any picture for me this month.God bless you. kiyayo

    1. @kiyayo: The Lord reminded me of the altars and shrines to other gods that were destroyed during the recent earthquakes in Nepal. He wants us to have no other God before Him. He is a living God and his very nature is love before law. I sense that God uses you as an intercessor to bring people who are seeking other gods into the Kingdom using the name and teaching of Jesus.
      Love, Jane

  39. Hey Jane, please give me a word/picture . Would like to know in what line of job God sees in in this season. God bless you. My name is Lucy K

    1. @ Lucy K: The Lord played the Beatles' song "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" then showed me lots of sparkly bracelets on a model who also wore pink sunglasses. I have the impression that you would be blessed by a job in the Wardrobe department of a Theatre or Film Crew but not just working in a jewellery store. These areas are also places God wants His people to plant seeds of the truth of the Gospel. Love, Jane

    2. Thanks Jane.

  40. Hello prophetess Simon brought me here to try the prophetic people. May I have a word? -Ingi Shim.

    1. @ Ingi Shim: Bless Simon! I just love him! He is so hungry to hear from God & delighted when he does, even encouraging his friends to also receive prophetically to be built up in their spirits! The Lord showed me a picture of a man walking down a street, lined with famous designer name shops,,who had a leopard on a leash. The Lord showed me that you are like that leopard. Everything has a price, even freedom. Only the God who loves you through His son Jesus can give you complete freedom. He may tell you to stop having manicures, not because He wants to make you less fashionable, but to keep you in good health, away from toxic fumes and chemicals in nail polish. He will bless the work of your hands and strengthen you with His joy. Love, Jane

  41. Hi Jane just simply requesting a prophetic word for this month concerning the writings that i have been doing in my spare time. the Lord knows what am talking about. God bless you Jane.i had sent one before this but i do not know if it has gone through if it has ignore this one. PMK

    1. @ PMK: The Lord showed me that you are not only writing the things God shows you but also adding little drawings and ornamentations to them. They are enclosed in a satin cover tied with a big organza bow,not sure if that's in the spirit or in reality. I saw two tall angels standing guard as you were writing. I sense that God is protecting you and your writing until it is released to be published to be a Book of Hope. Love, Jane

    2. OH MY GOD!!!thanks Jane it is in reality i write....thank you so much and God bless you.

  42. Hi Jane, just wondering if the Lord is showing you anything for me this month, Christine

    1. @ Christine:The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting on a couch in your Living Room watching TV programs on a flat-screen TV while nibbling food. I sense that God wants you to get up and go for walks, go to a gym, swim and be much more active. If your budget won't allow classes, ask the Lord for some basic exercises you can do at home. Love, Jane

  43. Hi Jane! May i have a prophetic word/picture from you. Thank you and God bless! Michael

    1. @ Michael: The Lord showed me a picture of men playing chess on a table in a park. I sense that the Lord is showing you that life is more than a game of outwitting your opponent.When the enemy comes after you to destroy you you just ask God for His strategy to win! He has a plan that is perfect. Trust Him more!!! Love, Jane

  44. Hi Jane.....feel so miserable.....i do not wish to become mad.....pls gv me a word......thnks....

    1. @ healed whole: Jesus said "My peace I leave with you; My peace I give unto you, not as the world gives it." Meditate on this over and over while I pray for more insight for you. Love, Jane

    2. @ healednwhole: You've chosen a good screen name. Positive Confession is always good but there is a battle for your life going on and you will win it if you have received Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. We are powerless without His help! The Lord showed me a picture of you dressed in armour and wielding a sword that made the enemy disappear into a poof of smoke. Put on the full armour of God each day as seen in
      Ephesians 6:14-17.Shake off that miserable spirit and go forth with the joy of the Lord as your strength unto victory! Love, Jane

  45. Hi could I get a prophetic wordsl?

    1. @ Carena: The Lord showed me a picture of you in an unplanted garden. The soil had been turned over and was ready to have seeds planted. You walked up and down the rows wondering where to plant the seeds as some soil had little stones in it, some had a few weeds and some was in shade, You took the unopened seed package back home with you where it just sat. I have the impression that because of your unsureness about hearing God's directions for you you prefer to do nothing rather than make a mistake. I'm speaking to that insecurity "Be gone!" in the name of Jesus and "Deep knowing and understanding of God's directions, come!" I reassure you that stepping out in faith is always better than doing nothing. If you are wrong, God will gently correct you and lead you in another direction. Love, Jane

    2. This is true, I have insecurities and I am afraid to make a mistake and fail. I will meditate on this word.
      Be blessed Jane

  46. Hello Jane,
    Can I get a prophetic word concerning my future husband, job, family and life
    Be blessed

    Car Mar

    1. @ Car Mar: The Lord spoke to me saying that "The one who brings you a chocolate cake with fancy icing that he bought at a Bakery is the one that you will marry." Be aware of this occurrence..Not seeing anything about job, home or family at this time. Love, Jane

    2. A chocolate cake with fancy icing bought at a Bakery, wow ok.
      Thank you so much dear Lord because you revealed this to your servant.
      May the Lord bless you more and more.
      Car Mar

  47. Hi, Jane, I would like to get the prophetic picture & word from the Lord concerning my business and its new direction, my health & relationship. Many thanks & blessings, V

    1. @ V: The Lord showed me several picture of pristine crispness in your business life: crisp white shirts; crisp dinner napkins, crisp sheets and pillowcase then pictures of you dancing in front of the Lord with wild abandon appeared and I sensed that was showing equal and opposite factors that balanced your life. Even eating a big gooey ice cream cone while maintaining a strict diet! Breaking free occasionally is not a sin, nor is occasionally letting out your feelings in an outburst of tears or a little anger. Love, Jane

    2. Many thanks, Jane. It does describe what I wear, sometimes, and do, even with the ice cream! It also described how I felt last few days, I cried and also I was angry. However, it was not related to business. But now I am fine. The Lord does keep me in balance, sometimes, in a way that I do not expect nor others expect. Only God can do it! And I can only do it through Him! Looking forward to next month's pictures.words! Much blessings, V

  48. Hello Jane..thank you for loving God the way you do. I humble ask for a word from the Lord about my new job.I started a month and a half ago..but so far i am struggling to meet my boss's expectations. T.M.N

    1. @ TMN: The Lord shared with me "It's better to be a God-pleaser than a man-pleaser!" If you are pleasing Him but still finding a dissatisfied boss maybe you should look for a job in a different department or even a different company. I ask God's favour for you in this job!
      Love, Jane

  49. Hello Jane,
    I want to receive prophetic words from the Lord
    Thank you
    God bless you

    1. @ Gk: The Lord reminded me of a photo I saw recently of a baby being dug out of the rubble of a building collapsed around him in the Nepal earthquake. I sense an anointing of Evangelism upon you, bring the almost dead and dirty with miraculous rescues into the Kingdom of God. Saving these babies lives so to speak. Giving them the spiritual nourishment they need. You are especially anointed for this work, as few others are. It's not easy but very important work. God will greatly bless you for it!
      Love, Jane

  50. Yellow ! Can I have a phrophetic picture and a word from God.


    1. @ K: The Lord showed me a picture of you as a hummingbird going from flower to flower to drink of the sweet nectar that was found there. I sense that this is symbolic of the way that you search for scripture and prophetic words, drinking them in with delight. You are seeing more and more of the goodness of God in the midst of the world's catastrophic events. Love, Jane

  51. Prophet Jane I would like a word. I believe the Lord will lead you. Beautiful belle

    1. @ Beautiful belle: The Lord reminded me of today's Facebook post by Theresa Phillips of which showed artwork depicting choosing a handsome prince or the King and his kingdom. You have chosen the Kingdom that is not of earth but of heaven.You will dance on the streets that are golden. You can enter into that Kingdom at any time to bring home wisdom from on high to bless all those around you. Love, Jane


  52. Hi jane, asking for a prophetic word about bethany. I know God said she will be back this year and i really want an answer based upon timing and hoping to know when she is going to come back and what i will be doing, I know she my future mate i don't understand why god allowed her to walk away. I am excited she will come back this year but when. Steven K

    1. @ Steven K: The Lord showed me a picture of the man who pounded on a friend's door at midnight and kept knocking til he got an answer. I have the impression that this is what God wants you to do...keep pleading,keep insisting, keep believing that God will bring Bethany back in an even better relationship than before. Keep knocking on Heaven's door, as Bob Dylan says! Love, Jane

    2. Thanks Jane, My frustration is God made this Promise and i know he said she coming back this year , I just want her to see the error in her ways on this and that she would line up with God has already spoke Years ago. He said I quote what God said to me and I speak and declare it will happen because he spoke it " My promises are Yes Yes and Amen I will give you bethany and you will make a great boyfriend and a great husband. So i am asking that you be in agreement and also asking That god would show you what she doing , what is he prepairing her for , i know on heavens door and wondering about where and when it will all happen.

  53. Hi Sweet Jane, Looking for a word this month, Thank you! and God Bless!

    1. @ Neil: The Lord showed me a picture of you doing a watercolour painting on an easel, outside on a sunny day. You were using a very light touch to make the colours breathe with life. I sense that God wants you to use a light touch in many areas of your life: when correcting behaviours, when eating foods, when handling your Bible.
      Love, Jane

  54. Good afternoon Jane! I would like to request a prophetic word please. I am uncertain of many things in my future (including whether or not I should consider relocating) at this time and unsure of God's will for my relationship. Thank you!
    Pam M

    1. @ Pam M: Certainly the decision to relocate would force the decision as to whether to end the relationship or stay to continue it. I believe that God's blessing would be on this marriage if it were to happen. Choose a place where you would like to relocate, look for a job and refuse it or accept it according to your partner's decision.
      Love, Jane

  55. Hi Jane, I need a word from God if there are any forthcoming better job prospects for me this year 2015. I am in a serious bad head space bothering on depression. Thank you, L.L.T

    1. @ L.L.T.: You better decide to get into a better head space before you go out for job interviews! I break that spirit of depression off you,now, in the name of Jesus! God has a good job for you, so be glad! The Lord showed me a picture of you driving a yellow School Bus. Happy,young children greeted you with joy as they entered the bus. This may be a job for you to pursue. You will probably have to take training. Love, Jane

  56. Hi Ms Jane may I get a word concerning me and my friend Gabriel does the Lord Bless our union thanks Shaylyn

    1. @ Shaylyn: I hope that you are referring to your union in marriage because physical union outside of marriage is sin and it will not be blessed by God! I sense that God's blessing would be upon your marriage. I saw a picture of you both living in a house with a nice back yard where you had a young golden retriever dog, wagging its tail.
      Love, Jane

  57. Hi Jane , i ask for a prophetic picture plz

    1. @ N-Élisa: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking through a field that had no pathway and was covered in nettles and burrs. I have the impression that you are in a ground-breaking ministry that is very difficult at times and very painful as well. You could have taken a well-trodden, easier, path but the Lord wanted you to be the one that leads the way in this area. You need to wear the full armour of God, the proper apparel and carry the sword of the spirit to cut down those nettles and burrs, to chop off the hurtful things at the roots. You will then teach others who follow your path and they will learn greatly from your experience. Love, Jane

  58. Dear Jane, do you have a word for me. With love, Maria

    1. @ Maria: I asked the Lord for a word for you and He gave me one word: restoration. He then showed me a garden that had been designed by someone about 30 years ago and was very plain and boring. I saw you sitting with a pen and paper sketching in a gazebo and a flower-covered arbour with a lovely pond with water-lilies and a white wooden bench beside it. I sense that the Lord wants to put beauty into the plain,boring areas of your life. Bring in some bouquets of flowers; make some spicy foods, buy a colourful outdoor rug for you patio and even get a lime green phone! Love, Jane

  59. Hi Jane, I want to ask God for a word for this month. This month is my Bday. Thanks

    1. @ rowena rodriguez: The Lord showed me a picture of a black Limousine that had darkened windows to hide the activities and people in the vehicle, As you looked at the Limo the Lord began to reveal knowledge of the people inside and urged you to pray for them. I sense that God has given you a prophetic gift as a Seer. This gift will be greatly enhanced from this birthday on. Use it wisely and often for His glory and the fulfilment of His plans.
      Love, Jane

  60. Dear Jane,
    Can I get a prophetic word concerning my future husband, job, family and life
    Be blessed

    1. @ TS: The Lord showed me a picture of a shoe rack filled with several kinds of men's shoes: running shoes; tennis shoes, boating shoes, loafers and business-like shoes that tied with shoe laces. I sense that all of these are passions of his. You probably will meet him in connection with you job. Be aware of these interests and get to know this man for you. Love, Jane

  61. Hi Jane is the Lord showing you anything concerning me and ZB. Thanks CN

    1. @CN: The Lord showed me a picture of a crime scene with yellow tape marking off the area where ZB was working as a Police Officer. You were not allowed into the taped-off area but knew that he would come out to meet you to take you out for dinner. I sense that he may be called as a Watchman of the church,warning of actual crimes that could be committed,financially,physically and spiritually. He is a very honest man who is deeply committed to you and will always stand up for you in marriage and all life. It's a very good relationship!
      Love, Jane

  62. Good Morning Sis Jane.May please get a prophet picture for this season of May. Thank You. Chris E.

    1. @ Chris E.: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking and carrying a canvas bag that had a T-square jutting out of it. I had the impression that it was being used for plans that you were drafting. I the was reminded of Jeremiah 29:11 "I know the plans I have for you are for good, not for evil, to give you a future and a hope." Love, Jane

    2. Thank You sis Jane.

    3. Thanks Jane the word was just on time . I will hold on to my job until God bless me with something else.

  63. Hey Jane,I want to know what God want me to do in this season he already said he will bless me with business and help,lead people to his kingdom what steps to take to get me there in this season I'm thinking he want me to quit my job and step out on faith.mesha

    1. @ Mesha: I immediately got a big warning: DO NOT QUIT YOUR JOB. You are not ready at all! There are many steps to be taken in setting up a business and you are still formulating the ideas for your business! Even buying a Franchise like Taco Bell could be used to lead people to Christ. Saving up large sums of money for start-up will increase your faith to step out in His business plan.
      Love, Jane

  64. Dear Sister Jane, In college I had a hard time fitting in at the different Christian groups there and often felt isolated. Now that i have just graduated I wonder about the reason for this was and what the Lord says about future Christian friendships. Blessings! -SEM.

    1. @ SEM: Christian College ministries can be very cliquey! They are not really welcoming. I feel for you! Many churches are the same, where a small in-group hangs out together and unless an important member fusses over you and invites you to join in you will feel left out. This is a major problem both in the church today as well as ministries. In my experience it takes about 3 years staying of staying at a church God calls you to for real friendships to develop. Keep praying and believing. God will put maybe one or two friends around you that you can maybe meet at a church home group or Bible-study. Praying for this to happen for you! Love, Jane

  65. Hello prophetess this is Tony Ong coming back to ask for a word for May-Tony Ong.

    1. @ Tony Ong: Glad you'r back! The Lord showed me a red and black flag flying from a flagpole. I don't know what country this flag belongs to. Have to do some research. I sense that it is a country involved in a war and you need to pray for the people there. Let me know if this speaks to you, Tony because if it does, there is a lot more I can reveal to you. Love, Jane

  66. may i please request a prayer for my career amd mrs to be
    winston lil phantacy

    1. @ Winston lil phantacy: The Lord showed me a stack of old vinyl records and I had the impression that God wants you to listen to some old hit songs to do your versions of them. They could be a big hit. Love, Jane

  67. Hi Jane! Bless you for the anointing.
    May i get a prophetic pic of what the lord is saying to me. Ive had a prophetic word spoken to me recently. God's favor to you friend. Love, ss

    1. @ ss: Thanks Holy Spirit for the anointing! I certainly could not answer anyone's prayers with out it! As the Apostle Paul says I'd be like a clanging symbol. More Lord!!! I almost hate to speak out this picture but I must...I saw a picture of a you as a lovely bride being married outdoors under a an arbour covered with white flowers. The minister had a Bible in his hand and the groom stood by your side. You were thinking "I can't do this! This is the wrong man!" It's good to know these things ahead of time to prevent this from happening. God has someone special for you,plead for God to put you together quickly.
      Love, Jane

  68. Greetings Jane.
    Asking for a word for this wonderful month of May. Sometime next week I will send you a token of my gratitude via PayPal.
    Melanie M.

    1. @ Melanie Martin: The Lord showed me that you are like a spark of light, sort of like the ignition in a car, that gets things started and moving for people. The Lord reminded me of the scripture t "Awake o sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." You bring life to many spiritually sleeping people through the power of the Holy Spirit given to you. Love, Jane

  69. @ Ashley Thomas: The Lord showed me a picture of you moving from apartment to apartment; friends and relatives coming in and out of your life, as if your life was in the hands of a juggler, and often up-in-the-air. God does this sometimes to make life better for us in the long run,even though it's hard to understand what's going on. Know that He is working everything for your good; that He loves you and does have a plan at work for you. Claim "My peace I leave with you, My peace I give unto you not as the world gives it." I sense that remaining in His peace is what you must do during this time, Thanks for the blessing and I send blessings to you too! Love, Jane

  70. @ Ashley Thomas: I give the Holy Spirit all the praise and all the glory for showing these amazing pictures that are so accurate. "The Holy Spirit knows all things." I couldn't answer any of these prayer requests without Him. Love, Jane

  71. Hello Jane, Thanks for your help in the past months. I will like a prophetic word from the Lord. I received a divine idea in the month of April, precisely 19th but have just encountered a major stumbling block from someone who is trying to cheat me of my right. I need God's help to combat discouragement. I'm having doubts if the Lord actually gave the idea. Thanks

  72. Hi, can I please have a prophetic picture of my future wife and where will we meet. Thank you, Kagiso Kabomo(Botswana)

  73. Hey sister Jane. What should I mom and others(witnesses ) told me that prophet had told her that my father was going to die(25 years ago) that night. Five minutes later she got a call saying your husband stop breathing come to the hospital..... The prophet also told her she wouldn't have any financial problems..... My child hood went down the drain we lost our house my mom had to be committed in mental institution for some time. She is doing better now she is out, she has no memory of the past nor is she in financial bind....Can you help me I'm so lost my life seems to be filled with new hardship after another I also took on some of problems she created during her mental illness....I'm 27 I don't know what to do.... Please share what you see. Pray for me sister to jane I hope I made sense explaining my self

  74. I am going through a lot right now. Can you please give me an encouraging word from the Lord?

  75. Hi there.
    I am going through the fire at the moment. My husband and I were called to move to do ministry and we are here but get to attacked left and right. Can you pray and see what the Lord is showing you? God bless you.

  76. Hi Jane can I have a prophetic picture plz

  77. Thanks Jane can I have prophetic picture


  78. Thanks Jane can I have prophetic picture

  79. I hope you are well Jane . May I please have a prophetic picture on the health and safety exams I wrote recently. RM

  80. Hi Jane, would ask if you want to ask the Father what He wants to show me. Pray the LORDS blessings over you in the name of Jesus Christ!! Thank you. AK

  81. Hi Jane,
    I would like to know if a particular girl by the nickname "Gel" is the future wife of God for me ?
    I also like to ask what is God feeling towards me ?

  82. May I have a prophetic word please??

  83. @ Ashley: Are you the same person as Ashley who received a prophetic picture on May 1st? Only one request per month is permitted due to the volume of requests. Please choose another Screen Name. Love, Jane

    1. No, my name is Ashley Johnson. I apologize Ashley is a common first name so I should have posted as Ashley Johnson, to avoid any confusion. Also, if possible I would like to know if you are seeing mariage in my near future.

  84. Hi Jane! Going by Grace.sent $25.asking about my Grandmother, what God is saying in the spirit about her, her and I and car I gave her and what is the next step concerning my 16 month old daughter with weaning and school/daycare.

    1. @ Grace: Thank you for your care! Praying about your Grandmother, the Lord reminded me of my Mother's "Demolition Derby" in the Parking Lot near her house. She smashed into one car on her right side, tried to straighten out & hit the one on her left side, backed up and did the same thing to two more cars then almost made it to the exit but smashed into one more car.She told us that she had lost feeling in her feet. That was the last time she ever drove & we were delighted to take her shopping & to Meetings & Doctor's appointments. You can't just take her car away! Pray that she will give it up thru her own wisdom. Regarding your daughter the Lord reminded me of my own time of weaning from breast milk to bottle as a baby. I had horrible projectile vomiting and never found out until I was in my 30s that I had a severe milk allergy.There are so many good alternatives to milk nowadays. Just beware of any upset tummy events that may be cause by homogenized milk. By the way this date, 5/15/15 is a day of triple grace! I speak all those gracious blessings into your life today. Love, Jane

  85. Ms Jane I was told that I have the gift of seer and honestly I feel that I do I want to know what the Lord says about this thanks in advance Tora

  86. Need gods word his will and career work or higher studies and future husband .

  87. Hi Jane
    May I please have a prophetic picture regarding where these people should fit into my life, should any of them be a part of my future: FB, TS, WH, KS?
    Thanking you in advance and may you stay blessed.

  88. Hi Jane, it is my first time here. My life has changed a lot this past year, and I know this is what God wanted for me. I am starting to look for my dream job and I also know God wants this for me. However, it is difficult for me to have faith that God will give me a husband. I may still be young, but sometimes the wait is lonely and painful, while others around me do find that love. I would like to know God's timing, and how will I know it's the right guy? Thank you very much, DS

  89. Jane, please pray for me.
    Victor O.

  90. Hi Jane could you give me a prophetic word about future carreer and potential marriage ? YK

  91. Jane, How much longer must I be alone? I am so lonely. Julie from England

  92. Hi Jane
    A couple of years ago you Said I would conceive twins within a two yr period or less. Well it is past that and I don't think I'm ovulating anymore. Can you see what God is saying about this

  93. Hello. I'm coming here becsuse it seems like I have been stuck in this pattern years. I'm not sure what I should be doing I've been praying for years for a change. Anything would be helpful. God Bless!!

  94. Hello, I hope all is well with you. Im coming because I'm just not sure at the direction I should go. Everything seems to have started going right then fell apart. Ive been praying for a change for years...God Bless.


  95. Hi Jane

    What does God show you about my career.

    Blessings LD

  96. Hey Jane what does god show you that I need to do?

  97. Hi jane,
    What do i need to do to draw closer to God? And how am i doing?


  98. @ Ludmar: Please check your email for your answer to prayer and thank you for your Papa inclusion.
    Love, Jane

  99. Dear Beloved Prophetess Jane, I am writing you during the most difficult period of my life. My new born son died hours after birth, he was handsome and alert but latter on unable to breath. The lord is good in all this. I believe the lord has reasons to take him away. A word from God regarding my situation will be highly appreciated. God bless you richly! ZHG

  100. Dear Jane, there is a temptation in my life. please pray to God and bring me the solution from God. Thanks. Ephron.baba

  101. My pain is so great that i do not know how and when God comforts me. Lift me up and bring me his counsel. Thank you and blessings. Lemlem.T

  102. Dear Jane, will God tell some one whether he is written in the book of life or not? If so . i would like to hear that? Eelz

  103. Shalom Jane ,What is God saying about my marriage ,my husband & Me

  104. Dear Jane, please share with me any insight regarding the upcoming changes I sense are about to occur in my life. Thank you. faith
