Thursday, October 1, 2015


Psalm 32:7
Title:  Hiding Place - Copyright J.J. Holland Visual Artist 2015
You are my hiding place.
You preserve me from trouble.
You surround me with 
songs of deliverance.
Ask for your personal prophetic prayer picture, as a Comment under the heading October 2015 Request Here if asking this month.  Please use less than 5 typed lines to make a request.
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YES!: I want to be faithful to do what God has called me to do. All prophecy is free but you can get your Prophetic Prayer  without waiting, by sending $25.00 USD via Pay Pal to ensure that your request is answered in priority to others as well as being put on our Special Friends Prayer List.  If you ask for prayer & have given to this ministry on Pay Pal, you will receive prayer the same day it as it has been received. Just let me know the Initials or Screen Name used.
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Prayer requests are still free or by any amount of donation as God leads you to give but you may have to wait a longer time to receive your personal prophetic picture.
 Please help to make this Ministry of Training & Discipleship with Prophecy to continue.
Thanks for your generosity! May the Lord mightily touch you with His joy!
Jane Holland also shares prophetic pictures and is Editor of
 The Global Prophetic Voice website and
 Global Prophetic Voice Facebook Page!
You'll be blessed!
Love, Jane


  1. Hi Jane, Can I please have word for what I am gifted at. Thank u

    1. @ Yakub: The Lord spoke to me that you have a gift of "Administration". He has gifted you with insight into seeing who is good at what jobs. Administration includes leadership, humility and foresight, which include the prophetic. Love, Jane

  2. Hi sister, asking for prayer again about future husband. In my prayer time I heard God saying one word,"Church." Wondering

    1. @ S: I have a strong sense that the Lord has arranged for you to meet your future husband at a church that you regularly attend. If you don't regularly attend church you had better start if you want to meet this man! He may be a new Pastor who is Interning at your church. I also saw a picture of a Church wedding. Love, Jane

    2. Thanks Jane!
      A church in my area?
      Have not found a church just yet.

    3. @ S: Try any Assemblies of God, Baptist or Pentecostal church. Love, Jane

  3. Hi Jane!
    This is MDB. Can I have a Word from the Lord regarding the month of October 2015?


    1. @ MDB: It's Autumn in Canada now. Colourful Maple Leaves fill our days with beautiful colours that will soon be blown away and raked up from lawns. The Lord showed me that He takes us all through a season where beautiful things will be removed from us and we must endure a hard time before new budding begins, even nice attributes that
      are not from Him, and foliage abounds. This is a time of removal of a dressiness, flashiness, or desire to be outstanding without His anointing. Love, Jane

  4. Please pray prophetic prayer for me.
    Linda E.

    1. @ Linda E.: The Lord showed me a Yin and Yang sign and I received the impression that you may be called to Japan either as an Intercessor or as a visitor to pray for the nation. I recall a time when I was having Lunch, after doing ministry, in the cafe at our church that a Japanese man asked to sit with me. He had just received gold teeth at a Conference. He asked God why he had blessed him that way and God responded, "I've given you these gold teeth so that every time you brush your teeth you will know that with God all things are possible. If I can give you gold teeth, I can help you to plant 1,000 churches in Japan.""
      The Lord will increasingly put Japan on your heart.
      Love, Jane

  5. Hi, Jane, I would like to have a prophetic picture/word regarding my health, business and relationship. There is an upcoming overseas trip at the end of the year. Are there anyone/anything that I need to pay attention to re business/ministry/family in this trip? Many thanks & blessings, V

    1. @ V: The Lord showed me a picture of people in the family business making demands upon you while you travelled to see clients. He spoke "Be a God-pleaser, not a man-pleaser." I received the impression that you will need to rest more than usual from not until the end of your trip and that you need to say "No" to some very appealing invitations. Rest in Him, which is very different from just lying around doing nothing. I heard "Let the grapes ripen in the vineyard." You will know what this means. Love, Jane

    2. Many thanks, Jane, for the word/picture. I know exactly what the Lord is saying to me. It applies to the family business situation as I heard of twists & turns from my mom just few hours ago. Abundance of thanks & blessings, V

  6. Hi Jane, anything for me? Bless you!

    1. @ Dawn: The Lord showed me a picture of you looking at an old scrapbook and received the impression that God will be spending the next two years healing deep wounds from your childhood. Love, Jane

  7. Dearest Jane, How are you doing? I have the desire to leave my current job and my home town to a different place. I needed to know what the holy Spirit says. God bless you. ZHG

    1. The Lord showed me a picture of fruit trees blossoming in the Spring and I sense that Springtime is the time to make a move to a new city and new job. This will bring a great deal of hope and encouragement, a new freshness to your
      life. Love, Jane

  8. Can i please get a word or picture for the month of October,
    Thanks and God bless you.

    1. @ Bolanlevivian: The Lord showed me a picture of coffee beans spread out on the table in front of you. Some were malformed and some moldy. I sense that this is a picture to tell you that God is increasing your awareness of good and bad and helping you to choose only the good and throw out anything not beneficial to you, especially in terms of religious ideas that do not align with scripture.
      Love, Jane

  9. Hi Jane! Please can I have a prophetic word for the month...and confirmation if I met my partner yet.
    God bless you!

    1. @ Prince Elhameed: The Lord showed me that you have met several girls who would be good marriage partners so now you just need to ask God which one would be best. And you need to be assured that you have the maturity to be a husband. Don't be discouraged if one or two of these girls don't work out. Love, Jane

  10. Hello Um If your Led to may I have A Word? thank you- Walter Banks

    1. @ Upload3123412: I hear the phrase "Access the power!" I received the impression that God wants you to use His power much more. We get tired out when we try to go through life on our own energy. On the day of Pentecost the disciples received access to the power from on high and it is still available or our use in all situations.
      Love, Jane

  11. Prophetess Jane may God show a technology, strategic policy or geopolitical trade proposal to pray for? Thank you, from Simon.

    1. @ Simon: The Lord showed me an anointing upon you that gave you favour with both God and man in all ventures that were pleasing to Him.Give Him all the praise and all the glory! When things slow down or look like they're turning against you say, "Favour God!!!" and if it is His will, it will turn around. I pray a mighty sense of discernment upon you to see opportunities that will succeed. I speak "Open ears to hear and eyes to see thse opportunities!" Love, Jane

  12. Hi Prophetess, I will appreciate a prophetic picture for this season. Thanks.

    1. @ heyma777: The Lord showed me a picture of a new garden being planted. It was difficult because the grass and weeds being removed had long roots that had been there for a very long time. The soil underneath was full of small rocks. You had to start making compost to
      enrich the soil. I believe that this picture speaks of a new project that may be difficult at first but as you add knowledge that you have previously gained it will be enriched and produce a good crop. Love, Jane

  13. Hie prophetess I am requesting a prophetic picture for my life. What does my future hold? Thank you

    1. @ Cain: The Lord showed me a picture of a bunch of snowflakes; each one was different, each one was beautiful. some were large and some were small. I sense that the Lord is showing you that you are His unique creation. You don't need to compare yourself to anyone else or think that anyone is better than you. God has a plan for your life that is uniquely your own. Your future is in His hands. Stay close to Him and He will guide you in paths of righteousness all the days of your life.
      Love, Jane

  14. Hello Jane. I wish for a word from the Lord concerning breakthrough. Thanks

    1. @ Zinzile: The Lord showed me a picture of an old house that was being demolished by a wrecker's ball. It was beyond being able to be repaired so an Architect had designed a new building that not only looked more beautiful but was structurally sound. I sense that areas of your life that look like they are falling apart are actually being demolished by God's wrecking ball so that He can build
      the wonderful building that He had made plans for from the beginning. Your reactions during this time of destruction
      will determine how quickly the breakthrough that helps to
      build the new, real you, happens. Take it all with joy and thanksgiving! You will see your breakthrough soon!
      Love, Jane

    2. That was a timely word. Thanks and be greatly blessed woman of God

  15. Good day Jane! can you please pray for me, cause a lot has happened badly with me in Sept, please tell me what the Lord has for me in Oct...


    1. @ Sam: It may comfort you to know that even when things go badly that God is working them for your good! Getting bitter and resentful about things that have not worked out as we had hoped, only makes things worse. As the Apostle Paul said from his prison cell "I joy in tribulation". "In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you." Start praising Him now for a wonderful month of October and, in fact, an awesome 2016!
      Love, Jane

  16. Dear Jane, prophetic picture n word and anything else the good Lord reveals. God bless you mightily for using your gift to encourage others


    1. @ SP: Thanks for encouraging me!!! The Lord showed me a picture of an ancient fountain that had run night and day for many centuries. I heard "It seems as if this fountain will never stop but it will unlike my fountain of living water that is always accessible, even for eternity." You can come to the Lord when your spirit is cracked and dry to ask for the refreshing of His living water and He will provide it. We need to drink that water so much! We hunger and thirst for it as the deer pants for water!
      Love, Jane

  17. Blessings my dear Jane,
    Hoping this message finds you in great spirits. I am still having issues with my housing situation; I would appreciate any word you have on this subject. I will send a donation very soon as a token of my appreciation,
    Love Melanie M.

    1. @ Melanie Martin: Thank you for your PaPa visit! The Lord first spoke the words "Bed and Breakfast " to me then I saw you with two girlfriends talking excitedly about putting your money together to buy a charming old house and open a Bed and Breakfast there. The two girls love to cook, everyone loves meeting new people. you would be provided with a suite as House Mistress, as the other two may be married & unable to live there. I smell that corn bread cookin'! Love, Jane

  18. Im going through changes...emotional. Can you please pray for me. Thank you LG.

    1. @ LG: The Lord showed me a picture of a refrigerator stuffed with food, then another picture of cupboards full of canned goods, pastas and sauces. You stood in front of each saying "There's nothing to eat!" I received the impression that you actually have all of what you need for everything in your life if you just put it together properly. Ask God to show you the mix for happiness.
      Love, Jane

  19. Hi Jane,
    This is Mr.Surender Sukumar.
    Can I have a Word from the Lord regarding the month of October 2015?

    1. @ Surender Sukumar: I had the impression that the Lord was saying "Expect suddenlies! Blessings that occur suddenly such as the gas in your car being extended; money appearing in your mailbox; money appearing in your wallet; meeting a friend you've lost track of; finding something you've lost & thought was gone forever. Be blessed suddenly! Love, Jane

  20. Hi Jane,
    I would love a word or picture for the month of October.

    Thank you

    1. @ JJ190: The Lord showed me a picture of a girl's hand wearing a simple engagement ring. This somehow has to do with you and you will know what this picture means. Now move on from the Engagement to the Wedding! Love, Jane

    2. Wow Jane, the lord had given me a dream 3 months ago with an engagement ring in it, in response to prayers for a husband! Thanks for the confirmation!! yay!

  21. Hi. Please pray for me. Please let me know what the Lord shows. Thank you. Johnson from Fiji Islands.

    1. @ Johnson from Fiji Islands: I feel a fresh ocean breeze blowing even as I write this! Thank you, Lord! I sense that you need to know that the Bible is not just a book to read from cover to cover but that it is a living word that speaks to you daily to teach, comfort, heal you and more. Preachers can teach us also but even the best can be occasionally in error but when we know Scripture we can discern good teaching from erroneous teaching.
      Love, Jane

    2. Hi Jane. Thanks very much for praying for me and posting here for me. I appreciate it very much. Johnson from Fiji Islands.

  22. Hi jane am requesting a prophetic word or picture from God especially with regards to my career coz i need some finances and also am thinkin of going back to school but am torn between taking medicine and cybersecurity and would like to know what God says.God bless u.pmk

    1. @ u.pmk: The Lord showed me that, surprisingly, medicine and cybersecurity have a lot in common. Both are concerned with protecting people. The difference I was shown was that medicine is a very personal thing involving relationships with patients whereas cybersecurity is more about analysing and manipulating data which is essentially impersonal. This is your choice : a personal or impersonal daily activity in your career. Love, Jane

  23. Hello Jane, requesting a word from God regarding what God wants me to do after I graduate from college. Akku

    1. @ Akku: Much depends on the focus of your college studies.
      If you have been studying Liberal Arts, you can consider pursuing almost any kind of job but if you have focused on Social Work; Engineering or Management or something else. you have already defined your career choices.I sense that the Lord wants you to start job-hunting the week that you graduate from College and He will lead you to a wonderful job. Love, Jane

  24. What do you see for me and relationships? My ex sent me a message last month and I never thought we would talk again. God bless
    You Jane and your ministry. JDP

    1. @ JDP: Wow! Would you be willing to restore your marriage.? A friend of mine was divorced for 14 years and suddenly her husband, who had met Jesus in the interim, contacted her & asked her out to dinner. The Lord had changed both of them so much that communication problems, that previously existed, had gone and love was rekindled. They remarried and run a business together that is such a blessing. I see restoration happening for you!
      She has learned to be a very good cook during your time apart. Praise God! Love, Jane

    2. Yes I want to restore our relationship and praying and believing God to do something miraculous. I just don't know how it's going to happen

  25. Hey Jane, may I have a word please, this birthday month of October.

    1. If possible, may I please know more about the job in connection with Thailand. Reese

    2. @ Reese: Happy Birthday! The Lord showed me two possibilities for work in Thailand - one was working as an English Teacher with an International School and the other was working with a Medical Team there. Love, Jane

  26. Would appreciate a word for october... thank you so much. from Me

    1. @ Me: The Lord showed me a picture of how He had taken all of your sins and put them in a trash bags which He threw up into a pure white recycling bin. You tried to reach up to take one of those sins back but could not because a razor wire fence surrounding the top pf the bin.
      You are washed, you are clean, sin is sin so be glad it's gone. It wasn't love. Love, Jane

  27. Hi Jane,
    Requesting a prophetic word.

    1. @ Blessy: The Lord showed me a picture of a Christian friend calling your cell phone to say "Come and dine the Master calls!" When you arrived He invited you to have Communion at His table. I was reminded of a friend his wife who have Communion every morning with orange juice then pray for the day. Offer your life to Him daily and receive the blessings given in Communion. Love, Jane

  28. Hi Jane,
    please pray for me

    1. @ JJJ: The Lord showed me a funny picture of Him joyously jumping up and down on your bed shouting "Come on. let's have fun!" I received the impression that you often pray lying down in bed and get so serious about many heavy issues. I sensed that He just wants you to keep your eyes on Him, have fun with Him and He will take care of all the heavy issues you are concerned about.
      Love, Jane

  29. Hello Jane
    Please pray for a picture prohecy for my son in law's future career.
    He is at a major and very serious career crisis/ crossroad at the age of 45. He does not want to make any further wrong choices or be on any other path but GOD'S CHOICE for him.
    Thank you and praying for your car replacement and increase of income.

    1. @ Grateful child of God: Thank you for your prayers! I am so grateful for all those that are Intercessors for me! When I prayed for your son in law I saw a lot of things that were Chinese: Chinese Dim Sum, Chinese silk robes and Chinese writing. I had the impression that he would do well with his skills in the Banking or Investment Banking business where he would have Chinese clients.
      Love, Jane

  30. Hi Jane I could use some prayer. I'm looking for work,..... and healing. Thanks

    1. @ Kim The Lord showed me a picture of you reading the Classified Ads of a Newspaper and a job popped out that you knew was for you. Keep confessing and believing God for your healing! Love, Jane

  31. Hi Jane,
    I would like yo receive s prophetic words about me.
    thank you
    God bless you,

    1. @ GK: The Lord showed me a picture of you putting on a pair of glasses then taking them off. I received the impression that God has given you spiritual glasses that allow you to see prophetically into events and people's lives but then you take them off to function in ordinary life.
      I sense that He wants you to stay in the prophetic realm at all times in all situations. Love, Jane

  32. Hi Jane. I'm requesting a word concerning direction and when will be the right time to leave where I am. Does God want me to move to another country and if yes where to? Thanks. ROSE

    1. @ Rose: The Lord reminded me of the saying "Bloom where you are planted." I saw a picture of you with your feet firmly planted in the ground but receiving visions from God for other countries, political situations requiring peace and an extraordinary mantle of Intercession upon you. You may never leave where you are in the physical but will be out moving mountains in the Spirit. This is your alternate universe. The life of joy that makes up for everything else!
      Love, Jane

  33. Hello Jane.

    Can I have a prophetic word & do you see love in my future?


    1. @ Kg: The Lord showed me a picture of a big Tent Revival Meeting where you were calling out infirmities and people were being healed as you spoke the word of the Lord to them an laid hands on them. Get prayer for this anointing as you will certainly be attacked as you move out in it! Love, Jane

  34. Please pray regarding future marriage and when I may meet this man of God. As well as my gifts and areas of service. Bless you Jane. Laju

    1. @ Laju: I sense that I heard the Lord say "Down by the Mango trees is where the beloved awaits." I hope that you live in a tropical country or maybe will go to Florida for the winter so that you can go picking mangoes. Please ask again next month about your spiritual gifts and calling. Love, Jane

  35. Dearest Jane, Could You please give me a prophetic picture if Holy Spirit gives you one? I seem to have come up against some walls recently. Thank you so much. God bless. JudeM

    1. @ Jude M: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing very close to a huge, tall, red brick wall. The picture zoomed out to show that the brick wall was not very big and was a free-standing object in the desert all around it. You have been looking to closely at the problem,
      probably because the heat and discomfort of the desert
      Ask God to zoom out to show you all of the ways around the wall that bein with a focus on Him not the enormity of the problem. Discomfort can make you move fast to get out of situations! Love, Jane

  36. Hi Jane do you have a picture for me for this new season in my life? Looking for confirmation. Thanks. God bless.
    Stephanie M

    1. @ Stephanie M.: The Lord showed me a picture of autumn leaves whirling around you and heard the scripture spoken " The whirlwind then the still, small voice." I received the impression that as you move into new levels in the Lord that the material world will whirl around you with beautiful distractions that try to steal your attention from what God is saying but they will calm down as you hear the still small voice and act on it. Love, Jane

  37. Need a word on me and Brandon relelationship. alicia Cooper

    1. @ Alicia Cooper: The Lord showed me a picture of Brandon as a huge lump of uncooked chocolate chip cookie dough. I received the impression that he is sweet but an unfinished work of the Lord. He needs to get hot for God. Pray that God would stir his spirit to do great things for Him. You both will be so blessed. Love, jane

  38. Jane may I have a prophetic picture of the man the God has for me. Thank you!!!

    1. @ ST: The Lord showed me a picture of a man wearing an Engineer's cap. I thought he must be an Engineer but the Lord said, "No, he just likes that Engineer's cap." I saw you talking together at a Farmer's Market but am not sure if that is where you first met. Love, Jane

  39. Blessings Jane! I have someone in my life right now and I want to know what the Lord says about our relationship. NG

    1. @ NG: The Lord showed me a picture of a loose-leaf binder and I received the impression that you are tied as closely together as the pages of a loose-leaf binder but are free to be open and leave at any time.This attitude leads to a sense of uncertainty in the relationship. I believe it is time to reassure one another of your lasting commitment to each other,fill those pages with wonderful memories and even write a book to be published. Love, Jane

  40. Jane, may I have a prophetic picture of the man that God has for me. Thanks

    1. @ Sheryl: The Lord showed me a picture of you at a Cafe with a man who held your hand and was pouring out stories about his life. I sensed that he was a man passionately involved in ministry. He was a bit chubby and had
      blondish hair and wore a yellow sweater. A very warm person who enjoyed being with you. Be aware of chubby,blonde, unmarried men around you, especially at church. I sense that you may get together around Christmastime. Love, Jane

  41. Phohetic word for my husband and I. Thank you in advance for your time.

    1. @ Cristina Moore: The Lord showed me a picture of a braided belt and I heard the scripture "A 3-fold cord is not easily broken." I understood the 3 strands to be God, you and your husband. When problems arise you must stick together with the Lord in the midst of you. Your husband works very hard and is often too tired to hear your problems which does not mean a lack of love. Pray for him to be strengthened. You are blessed to be tied together like this! Love, Jane

  42. Replies
    1. @ Mugisha Eric: The Lord showed me a picture of you lost in the woods. You were going around in circles and could find no way to get out. It was getting dark and you began to panic but you realized you had to call out in urgency to the Lord. A few minutes after praying you heard a helicopter land in a nearby field. You were rescued! This is picture is a reminder to call out to the Lord instead of trying to figure things out yourself.
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane,the truth is that what you said is true,I recently got a job after being jobless for a long period,after getting that job,my employer started harassing me saying that am weak,incompetent so due to that I feel annoyed,Iam not feelings good indeed because of my employer,s harassment fearing that I will be expelled from my work,indeed pray for me so that they will not fire me

    3. It is true,my employer is harassing me so much by saying that am incompetent and weak,pray for me so that they will not fire me.

  43. Hello, Can you pray and see if the Lord has a word for me..Thank you so much.

    1. @ MsWhitesunset: The Lord showed me a picture of you greeting people at your front door and inviting them in for Christmas celebrations. You have always been a very private person but now God has given you the gift of hospitality to befriend the lonely, the needy and the creative people that you meet. Love, Jane

  44. Hello prophet jane, I hope you're okay, I come to you because I want to have a prophetic picture, I thank you in advance. L.T

    1. @ L.T.: I'm OK you're OK! (The name of a very popular book in the 1970s). The Lord showed me a picture of you wearing blinders to keep your focus on Him. You must not let anything become more important than your relationship with Jesus. The enemy loves to tempt us with beautiful and interesting things so we insist on His way!
      Love, Jane

  45. Prayers please!
    Leanne Godfrey

    1. @ Leanne Godfrey: The Lord showed me a huge chocolate heart that appeared in front of you and blocked your sight from seeing what was going on around you. I received the impression that the chocolate heart was symbolic of your huge capacity for compassion of the downtrodden and hurting. It sometimes blinds you to see how to correct and encourage people by your prophetic gift. It even prevents you from correcting your own faults and hurts that Jesus wants to heal. The sweetness will remain but the Lord is replacing that former heart with a new heart filled with laser vision and love in the Spirit to bless all of those touched by it. Love, Jane

  46. Hi Jane. May I have a word for this month? Anything the Lord desires to share! Thank you, T.K.

  47. Hey Jane! I would love a prophetic word! Thanks, Tamika.

    1. @ Tamika: You have requested to be made a prayer priority. The Lord showed me a picture of Jesus working on a clay sculpture, adding and removing pieces to make it more and more beautiful. I received the impression that you are being made into a new creation by Christ Jesus. He is taking away the things that have hindered your life and is adding new aspects of parts of yourself, such as patience and kindness and a hunger for God and His word. His new anointing includes the prophetic and you will see this manifest as you speak out words that come to you often in ordinary conversation. "He is the Potter, you are the clay!" I speak newness of life to you now!
      Love, Jane

  48. HI JANE. MAY JESUS CHRIST lay HIS hands on me and enrich me with HIS gifts for HIS glory. Love WNY

    1. @ WNY: Jesus will not only lay His hands on you, He will fill you to overflowing with His spirit! He will give you the desires of your heart! Just don't doubt Him! The enemy will tell you that nothing has changed but the Lord loves a heart that hungers for Him! You need the baptism of the Holy Spirit to access the multitude of gifting He has for you. Receive now, in the name of Jesus! Love,Jane

  49. HI Jane.

    May the LORD enrich me with HIS gifts for HIS work. Love JV

    1. @ JV: The Lord showed me a picture of you wearing a crimson coloured robe to which He added a golden mantle wthat covered your shoulders. Although the mantle was square in shape it was soft with a cushion of compassion. The mantle sent beams of light to your mind which filled your heart with joy as you received knowledge from on high. No specific gift was highlighted but all that were required for each person's needs flowed out of God's heart inside that mantle. Let it flow, Lord! Love, Jane

  50. Hi, Would like to see if the Lord has anything to show you for me.Thankyou.Jennifer

    1. @ Jennifer: The Lord wants you to know that there are four pillars that help your faith to keep from faltering: one pillar is Praise; one pillar is Prayer; one pillar is Pleading; one pillar is Presence and all four pillars are grounded on a firm foundation of God's word. Love, Jane

  51. Hello Sister Jane
    I was wondering if the Lord had a word for me this month?

    Daughter of the Most High

    1. @ Daughter of the Most High: The Lord showed me a picture of fruit rotting in a basket because it was not used quickly enough. I sense that you have gifts that God wants you to use rather than have them lie dormant. I saw you painting with watercolours but you seemed to have stopped; other things were more important. I want to reassure you that your artistic gift is from God and will provide joyous challenges and delights that will flow into all of the other areas of your life. Go get that brush and paints and paper now! Love, Jane

  52. Hi Jane can I have a word pls...

    1. Need a word abt this dreadful anxiety....n maybe a word for me n mother?..

    2. @ Girl: I had extreme anxiety for many years until a friend gave me the book Sugar Blues. It will shock you to discover the effects of sugar on your body! I discovered that I had hypoglycemia, low blood sugar, the opposite of diabetes. Do some reading on the internet to learn more about hypoglycemia and its natural cures and diets. You will be so blessed and peaceful and steady! Love, Jane

  53. GKinOctober 2, 2015 at 10:26 PM
    Good evening Mrs. Holland. I just sent a donation to you. I am really thankful that my sister told me about you. I'd just really like a word about my future as far as my husband, about school, and my career in the far future. Thank you!!! I sent you this same message on FB but with my name and email so that you could verify the donation.

  54. @ GKin: Giving via Paypal has made you a prayer priority. The Lord showed me a picture of a Courtroom and a gavel. I sense that God's direction for you is in the area of Law, either as a Lawyer, Law Clerk or specialist in some area of the Law. The Lord also showed me a picture of the Lord touching your heart and turning it into soft gold. I sense that your are moving into a much deeper, more valuable relationship with Jesus that will lead you into areas where you will need to use that soft, golden heart. Your Daddy in heaven just loves you to pieces! You make Him smile!
    Love, Jane

  55. Ok, thank you. Nothing about a husband?

    1. @ GKin:: Now word from God about a husband at this time.
      Love, Jane

  56. Dear Jane, please pray for me on October . I word from God regarding a job . I needed a Godly job. God bless you. Zeray

    1. @ Zeray: You can get a godly job at a Christian ministry. Start researching the Employees wanted sections of some of the big international ministry websites. Get your Resume together and highlight your areas of expertise. has lots of good resume ideas and coaching for interviews.. Praying for open doors for you.
      Love, Jane

  57. Hello Jane. Prophetic words about my finances and a possible job is appreciated. I am kind of lost the way regarding a job. Thanks . Jorro

    1. @ Jorro: The Lord showed me that your failure to find a good job has worn you down and you need to get refreshed and energized by the Holy Spirit to zoom forward into all the good things God has for you. Again, is not only a good place to find a job but has a huge amount of excellent advice on Resume preparation and successful Interview suggestions.
      May the Lord bless you as you begin anew!. Love, Jane

  58. Replies
    1. @ dirkmike: The Lord showed me a picture of huge angels surrounding you. They had giant white wings that spread out to protect you from harm of all kind. They are invisible to you but God has a special reason for them being there at this time. Do you live in a war zone? Anyway, you are blessed and protected in the name of Jesus, Love, Jane

  59. hi Jane,i woud like to have e word from god for my husband,church and work,thn god bless.SUCO

    1. @ SUCO: Are you married or are you praying for a husband?
      Love, Jane

    2. @ SUCO: The Lord showed me pictures of you disappearing into doorways just as opportunities at Church and meeting marriageable men were presented. God wants you to be used more in your church and also to meet and marry a godly man. I'm praying for God's timing to take over your daily activities so that you will be able to accept opportunities instead of missing out on them because of bad timing. Love, Jane

  60. Dear Jane. When will I fully recover from the discomfort and tinnitus symptoms in both ears caused by man made spiritual attack? I recently released a lot of money to UK agencies trying to retrieve internet marketing funds generated by a software headed by John Douglas Wild. I gave up after feeling betrayed by the agencies. Will John refund me my expenses as promised by him? Terribly upset and hurt.

    1. @ Kelvin: The Lord showed me a picture of you having hands laid on you at a Revival conference where you got completely healed of tinnitus. You can trust God to bring the refund of funds to you in the name of Jesus. I prayed for a woman whose husband had not provided child support for 2 years and the day after we prayed Fedex delivered a parcel with a certified cheque for the 2 years owing plus post-dated cheques for the next 2 years. Believing that God will miraculously do it for you! If not, He will find another way to reimburse you!
      Love, Jane

  61. Can you prophesy over me? Thanks!

  62. May I have a prophetic word for October 2015?

  63. Hi Jane can I have a prophetic picture about my future wife .... Plz thanks

    1. Jane....My husband and I are about to take RI from a Jehovah Witness...we are both Catholic and Born-again Christian respectively. What does Jesus Christ think of that?? Should we go ahead with the Bible Studies with this lady??

  64. @ Diane Egan: I am surprised that Jehova's Witnesses would be having Bible studies as they do not believe in the Resurrection of Christ or in the power of the blood He shed when He died for our sins on the cross. Do not get involved with this cult!!! If you want to attend a Bible Study you should go to a Baptist Church! Many Catholic churches now have Bible studies and many Catholics are charismatic. When the Pope was here recently he quoted a lot of scripture. Stay away from any involvement with JW's!
    Love, Jane

  65. Okay Jane, thanks so very much for your super quick reply to this question. I will copy/paste your answer to a printed page and show my husband, Anthony this. I hope he heeds your advice. Many kind thanks for speaking to Jesus about this.

  66. Hi Jane, may I have a word concerning my relationship with my ex fiancé? I have been praying for him and for God to restore our relationship. I had a dream he was driving a car and crying. My dreams always seem to involve us talking in a car.

  67. Can I please request for a personal prophecy about my job W.A.Hayford

  68. Hi Jane, May i have a prophetic word please, if the Lord leads you,
    Thank you,

  69. Hi Jane,
    This is Mrs.Shashikala
    Can I have a Word from the Lord regarding the month of October 2015?

  70. I would like you pray for my husband,work,and ministry.god bless

    1. @ Anonymous: Please ask again next month and include either a Screen name or Initials. Blessings, Jane

  71. Hello,
    I would like a prophetic picture or word from the most High concerning my future husband. Have I already met him already, if not when? If i have already met him then who is he...

    Many blessings to you,
    Shayne L.

  72. Dearest Jane
    Praying for direction in ministry, in life, in relationship, calling.
    Do not know anymore. God Bless ! ilona

  73. I am going through some things in my marriage. What do you see for me?

  74. Hi Jane,

    Does the Lord want me to stand for the marriage? My husband is pursuing the divorce? I have been praying but can't come up with a solution that is needed for this season in my life. Please help - RTM

  75. Dear jane

    can I have a prophet word for this month.



  76. Hi Jane, just would like to know if I will be traveling or just relocating. Thank you, Marcy

  77. Hi Jane, May I request a word or picture. Thank you and God Bless, Donna712

  78. Hi Jane
    I'm wanting a word from God about my marriage.
    I'm currently seperated due to my husbands infidelity and pornography addiction.
    Kirsty ☺️

  79. Hi Jane, I would like a prophetic word for this month. Thanks! NicoleH

  80. Hi!I would like a word from God about his calling in my life and my relationship with him.Blessing.Suada

  81. Hi, I would like a prophetic word for this month. I am feeling depressed lately and need some direction.
    God Bless,
    Sis. L

  82. Hello! Please I would like a prophetic word on a big upcoming exam. I have worked hard. Time is crunching in. Revision is slow and discouraging. I felt God give me numbers pertaining to the exam. Do you sense a confirmation that these numbers are indeed from Him? A prophetic word would be so uplifting. Thank you! Sis C.

  83. @ Sis C.: Your prayer request has been made a priority today via PaPa. I speak supernatural and divine favour upon you as you study and take this important exam. I pray that the Holy Spirit would spring forth with answers at just the time required. Know that you are not in this alone. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you. As for the numbers that may have come from the Lord, I sense that you will know whether or not they should be used at the time you are answering the exam questions. Don't focus on the difficulty of the material but focus on Him and His extravagant power and love! You have been faithful and you have studied hard and you may do much better than you'd hoped. Be blessed in the name of Jesus! Be filled with his peace! Let us know how you did when you get your marks! Love, Jane

    1. Thank you so much Sis Jane! So up lifting! I had done a practice test during my revision and didn't do well on it sadly, after all my study. I cried terribly. I am asking the Lord if I should go ahead in faith and sit the actual test. Keeping faith that He will come through. That I pass. Please do you sense this go ahead? thank you so so much. Sis C.

    2. Continued: The numbers were actually a potential "score" on the test. I was surprised and happy, but I wanted to get His confirmation that the 'score' was from Him. Especially now that things aren't looking up with my practice tests. Many blessings! Sis C.

    3. Dear Jane :) Happy Canadian thanksgiving! I thank you in advance for your response. Any word/picture would do please. Many blessings! Sis C.

  84. Hello do you see me getting back custody of my son on November 5, 2015 when I go to court?

  85. Hi, I want to know if I would travel abroad next year?

  86. Can you tell me if I go back to Garfield will he leave again or should I leave that alone and marry C will I be truly happy. Will I have a child

  87. I am going through a lot of issues at this time. Where is the LORD taking me?

  88. Dear Blessed Jane
    I have been suffering from leaky gut(small intestine), due to which there bad body odour sickening and terrible. I am also suffering from impotence, and I am not married. Could you kindly pray for my healing, and also my life partner? I will be very thankful to you. I will be happy too to receive any words or picture from the Lord. PSK

  89. Dear woman of God
    I thank you for your prayer and ministry. I would like to request for anything God reveals about my future life partner, may be like her description, where I will meet her or anything. KANSA

  90. Dear woman of God, I thank you for your prayer and ministry. I would like to request for anything God reveals about my future life partner, may be like her description, where I will meet her or anything. KANSA

  91. Much Blessings to you and ALL of your loved ones.
    I am open to hear what ever God wants to say through you. I have an open ear.

    My FAITH IS in Jesus

  92. Hi Jane.
    I wanted to send a request for prayer and a word regarding three areas: (1) my profession growing more in it (2) my relationships (3) my calling--how to develop it more. If you are able to provide any insight that would be much appreciated.

    Andre C.

  93. Much Blessings to you and your loved ones. I need to hear from God, please provide me with a prophetic Word from Him please.
    My FAITH IS in Jesus

  94. Hi Jane,happy canadian thanksgiving!!!. Looking for a word from the Lord. Thanks

    1. @ Anonymous: Thank you for Canadian Thanksgiving greetings but you still need to add either a Screen Name or Initials so I can pray for you. Blessings, Jane

  95. Life mate? What does God say about this? Thank you.

  96. @ Ashley Thomas: The Lord showed me a picture of you living on a Houseboat that was anchored at a Marina. When the waters became rough your boat stayed steadily anchored.This was not just a place where you visited sometimes. It was the place where you lived. I sense that this is a picture showing how you live in Christ and He is your anchor in the storms of life. Love, Jane

  97. Dear!Thank you for this blog!Im in need of smth strong from the Lord this days,an image ore pic about my relationship with him.I would appriciate if you pray for me.God bless!!ADA

  98. brianna.deutsch,
    Hi Jane, I was wondering if could maybe help. I'm currently going through some internal struggles and I'm confused about the direction to take. Was wondering if you sense or hear anything about this? Thanks for your time, Brianna

  99. Hi Jane. I would like to hear what The Lord says about my career choice which path to take, and to work at home or not? Also direction in my marriage, with my children, family, relatives, neighbors etc.. both saved and unsaved. Seems I'm alone in my life with my beliefs concerning Jesus and The Bible. Most friends and family do not share the same beliefs. As long as I stay on superficial topics we are all good, but when I talk of of deeper things of God, like salvation etc. people get angry with me. Should I let go and try not to discuss and just leave it in Gods hands? Thank You so very much and May God Richly Bless You and Yours!!

  100. Dear Jane,
    Could I please have a picture regarding my career please.

  101. I need a prophetic word for my life. Simon

  102. I am candis goodday msjane and I would like a prophetic reading and insight on my future as iam currently doing a online ministry and I go anywhere and teach other about Christ love but sometimes I confused about what my true gift area is ...thnx for you time love dc

  103. I need very much a word from God regarding my relationship wih god,my future and my calling,god bless

  104. Hi Jane.My name is Luis Espinoza, I would like to hear what The God is saying about my career choice or what path to take, i am currently a security officer with a Bachelors, and have no idea what to do next. I would also like to know where will i meet and how close till i meet my future wife.

  105. fierywitnessofGodsgloryOctober 16, 2015 at 11:25 PM

    hi Jane. You are a major blessing! You have been such a great friend and witness of Jesus to me and many. Can you pray and see what you get for C and L? Love to you

  106. Hi Jane! Can I have a Prophetic word for my current situations. Praise be to God! Thank you.

  107. Please pray for me.
    Tanisha Parkinson

  108. Hisgurl: Hi Jane, I did make a donation. I just fell and I can't live or do anything on my own. Do I just lay down and die? I can't do anything with my heart and my soul lost and I messed up and it seems like God has made everyone turn from me and I feel like I should quit. Jesus, I'm here that's all I can say. It's very dark for me. I don't expect much but I need help.I don't want anything now but a new heart and mind. I can't live without him and I don't know his love . I have been a Pharisee, but I don't want to be like that anymore but I am lost and can't find my way.My heart is full of sin and it seems like this is it. What does the Lord want me to do? I messed up and tried to fix and get back right but it's not working and my heart is worse and my love for him seems gone. Thank you if there is a word for me. My intellect has messed me up but I can't fix what wrong only he can. A lady prophesied and told me Lazarus come forth. How can I without him. He left me. Hard Heart TParkinson (Prov 14:12) I know I have sin and selfishness in my heart but I can't do anything with the heart I have.

  109. Hi Jane I'm currently seeing a man who loves the Lord but I don't know if the relationship is right long term. Any prophetic words that may help would be great - Y

  110. Hi Jane ,I and my partner are awaiting for religion legal conversion case from muslim to christianity before we could proceed with our wedding .We have struggled too much our life seem too dark and we seem to be very unlucky and failed in everything we do with effort .Please advise we planning to engage next year and wedding on 2017 will this happen will God Bless us

  111. This comment has been removed by the author.

  112. Hi Jane. Do you have a word for me. Thanks . Quinton

  113. Can i please hav a prophetic word regarding my new business and the future. Thank you. Kevj

  114. I am pretty sure l have made two big decisions against God's will, but in the situation l am its kind of hard to go back to where l think l ought to be. Second there is a specific calling on my life, but the gifting to enable this calling seems so elusive. Third l have strayed away from my Papa, l miss the relationship l have always had with God. Last but not least, l am wondering whether am where am supposed to be physically right now for a season. Please pray with me that God will show clarity to this burden on my heart. Thank you

    Nicholas P

  115. I had a dream last night i was at Apostle David E. Taylors church or gathering. there was some fighting going on and he stepped in to break it up. we were all on a rug with a group of people and he approached me and said what does it mean to have an open microphone and i said its an opportunity to speak and he laughed and shook his head and i kinda felt bad. the dreamed progressed on and i was with my brother Kevin and we were in the same place sleeping on a rug and talking and and we looked around the room and no one else was there and the room was absolutely beautiful ! The crown molding was red with Gold designs, about 3ft wide going around the perimeter of the ceiling and look similar to highly detailed Christmas gift wrapping, there were these jewels in the wall as well as gem stones, some were diamonds and some were rubies, In the dream i wanted to do the work of an evangelist and my brother tried to lay on my rug and i told him to move and the dream ended

  116. Dear jane.thank you for takinig time to pray for everyone.In fact there are so many thinks to be prayed for but i want to bring before,two of my close friend,can i have a phrophetic word for them individually,us as friends and what god has for us.God bless!!@J.O.Y

  117. Hi Jane. I need direction in my career and to work @ home or not? Also with my marriage, friends and family, both saved and unsaved. Does God want me to share the deeper things of God.. like salvation, taking up our cross etc..? Is God happy with me and how I serve him and others? Thanks SMG

  118. Greeting Sister Jane

    Seeking a word from the Lord con whether I should pursue a Master of Science in Business this coming year 2016. Would the Lord bless this path?



    1. @ MSM: The Lord showed me many doors of career opportunities that would open if you were to pursue this Masters degree. Scheduling your life could be difficult but easily overcome with prayer to the Lord who is always there for you. You will be blessed, i believe.
      Love, Jane

  119. I also sent a PaPa donation

    Blessings! "MSM"

    1. @ MSM: Thank you for helping and may God bless you back bigtime! Love, Jane
