Wednesday, June 1, 2016


All creation sings
in praise and adoration 
the King of all Kings!

Title: Creation Sings -Copyright J.J. Holland Visual Artist 2016
You are not here by accident.
God has  a special prophetic word for your life.  Just ask!
 Read the prophetic pictures given to others from years
 past and present and let God teach you new things!

 Ask for your personal prophecy as a Comment
 under the heading June 2016 Request Here if asking this month. 

Please use less than 5 typed lines to make a prayer request. 
Remember to use a Screen Name or Initials !

To see all of  the June 2016 Requests & Comments
Scroll to the bottom of this Page, Click Load More 
then Scroll back up til you see your name or initials! 
You may have to do this 5 or more times! Persevere!
This always happens when there are over 200 Comments

HOW TO have your Prayer Request  answered first:
YES!: I want to be faithful to do what God has called me to do. All prophecy is free but you can get your Prophetic Prayer  without waiting by sending $35.00 USD via Paypal to ensure that your request is answered in priority to others as well as being put on our Special Friends Prayer List . A decrease has been made due to currency exchange rates.You can  also have a confidential email prophecy sent to your email for this amount via Paypal.  If you ask for prayer & have given to this ministry on Paypal, you will receive prayer the same day it has been received. 
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 Thank you for helping  & blessing this Ministry of Training
and Discipleship with Prophecy.
Thanks for your generosity!
 May the Lord  multiply His gifts to you!
 Jane Holland is Editor  and also shares prophetic pictures
 on The Global Prophetic Voice website and
 Global Prophetic Voice Facebook Page!
You'll be blessed!
Love, Jane


  1. Any words from God regarding advice for Dima's table tennis movement correction next week? Thx-Simon.

    1. @Simon: All I can say about the table tennis tournament is that God loves the players and you! God has a wonderful plan for your life and is at work healing you so that you may fulfill it. Love, Jane

    2. And by the way God, I love all the players too, albeit less than you. If it wasn't for my personal business to finish against China I'm a major Zhang Jike fan and would have liked to side with him instead especially with the persecution from Liu Guoliang, the injury, and the fact that he treats skill with pride. You're not the only one who's ever sighed in this falsely complex extravaganza of life decisions, if you ever have.

  2. Hi Jane!
    This is MDB. Can I have a Word from the Lord regarding what His plans are for my life for the 2nd half of this year 2016?


    1. @ MDB: The Lord showed me that there are no impediments to your progress in the 2nd half of this year. Barriers move away with ease at the sound of the name of Jesus. It is well with your soul, to quote an old hymn.
      Love, Jane

  3. Hi Prophetess, i will like a word form God.Thanks in advance.

    1. @ heyma777: The Lord showed me a picture of you going to the doors of different houses. At some of them you were warmly welcomed and at a few you had the door slammed in your face. I sense that this prophetic picture shows that you have feelings of rejection that God is now healing. The Disciples, even if they were rejected, just shook the dust off their feet and moved on. God is bringing you to a psychological place where you can do the same thing in freedom from past hurts from rejection. Love, Jane

  4. Hi I'd like to request a word for this month especially concerning leaving my home and anything else the Lord will have for me.thanks

    1. @ Nancy: There is a saying that the Lord brought to my mind, "When God closes a door He opens a window." You are off on a new adventure. Like a mama bird letting the chick go free you are being encouraged to fly anywhere in any way you want, in a godly manner. This is an exciting time! Love, Jane

    2. I don't understand.please be a bit clearer

    3. @ Nancy Okantey: You are about to begin a new adventure. Love, Jane

    4. I really wish you'd be more specific.I am going through stuff right now and I don't need more confusion.I've had a lot of word come to that didn't come true.So please be more specific.thanks

    5. @ Nancy Okantey: Pray and ask God, by His Holy Spirit, to reveal the meaning of beginning a new adventure. Love, Jane

  5. -Hey Jane, my name is Aileen,I want to have a baby but haven't been able to conceive. I ask God to provide me with a date, season or something, also Pray for my partner(ODLC) and I.

    1. @ aileen lebron: Is your partner your husband? Are you married? Please let me know soon.
      Love, Jane

    2. @ Aileen Lebron: The Lord spoke the scripture "if any two people agree on anything in heaven or on earth it shall be done for them." The Lord showed me a picture of your husband touching your bare tummy and saying "Welcome to our home, baby." Keep claiming this scripture and believing God's promise. Love, Jane

  6. Hi mother how are you this month . Any prophetic word for me concerning my life and A prophecy I was told by someone that I WILL LOOSE SOMEONE I LOVE GOD WANTS TO TAKE HIM / HER TO HEAVEN . please I am now wondering please help me is it my dad , mom or someone else

    Yours Meredith Makondo

    1. @ meredith makondo: A prophecy that creates torment and upset and fear is not from God! True prophecy builds up your spirit, comforts you and encourages you. You are not losing anyone! Be not afraid! Be at peace in the name of Jesus! Ignore that prophecy and never seek prophecy from that person again. Love, Jane

  7. Dear Jane. What will the Lord say to me this month? Counsel, advice and pictures are requested with gratitude.

    1. In particular, how will be the second half of this year for me?

    2. @ Kelvin: The Lord showed me a picture of a green John Deere tractor ready to prepare for planting in a field. I sense that your field of work is being altered somehow in the next six months. Possibly new company management, new ways of communicating. Love, Jane

  8. A word for me this month? SL
    Thank u:)

  9. Hi,
    Could I have a word

    1. @ Blessy: The Lord showed me several pictures of Early Christian manuscripts and heard "Hallelujah to the ancient of days, to the one who restores the years." Love,Jane

  10. Dear prophetess

    I am requesting a prophetic word for my life regarding my job search. Thank you.

    1. @ Cain M: I have the impression that God is holding the best for the last. When you get this new job you will be there for a long time. You will be of great value to them. Wait a bit longer and polish your resume to be more appealing. See if you have left out any skills or studies that will make a more professional image. Love, Jane

  11. Hi Jane. Blessings of this month to you! A word for this month regarding my career, if God shows you something. Or a general word. God bless

    1. @ Mili: I heard "Don't despise small beginnings." Remember that an oak tree was birthed out of a tiny acorn. Your small prayers now are making a big impact in the heavenlies. Keep praying for people in faith even though you may not see immediate results!
      Love, Jane

    2. I feel this refers to the small spiritual warfare prayers I have started these days. This word has increased my faith in hundred folds. Thank you Jane! You are a blessing!

  12. Jane, A word for this month please.

    1. @ Anzya: The Lord showed me a picture of a Bible wrapped in a red and white striped candy cover. I sense that God wants you to not only look for comforting and uplifting scriptures but to dig into the meaning of words like "Humble yourself under the mighty hand of God."
      Love, Jane

    2. I believe I heard the same verse during Sunday worship.But I wanted to confirm that it was from the Lord. Now I know it came from the Lord. Thanks Jane!

  13. Dear Jane, What does the Lord have to say to me this time?

    1. @ Molly R: The Lord showed me a picture of you lifting up a suitcase that was very heavy to carry. The Lord asked you if you knew how to lighten the load to make it easier to carry. "No, Lord." you responded."Go and pray for your journey." Love, Jane

  14. Hello,
    I'd love to know what the Lord says or shows you.

    1. @ AS: The Lord showed me a picture of you wearing a FitBit watch and I heard the scripture "Run the race with patience". Keep working out your Spirit with prayer and reading the word. There is a wonderful prize at the end of the race and eternity to rest.
      Love, Jane

  15. Hi Jane.Would appretiate a word.Thanks Faith

    1. @ Faith: When I saw your name I heard the scripture "Faith is the evidence of things not seen." I sense that you are a very private person. Most of your feelings and desires are hidden. You are very cautious of opening up to people but are, on the other hand, very open to God because you know that He knows you anyway. Faith healing, which you used to mock, has now become a fascination and 'name it and claim it' now seems totally logical. You are growing. You are changing. God is making you live up to your name. Love, Jane

  16. Hello Sister Jane,

    Requesting a word for myself what God has this year. My birthday is this month.

    Blessings, SEM

    1. @ SEM: My Birthday is this month too, June 18th! Send me a Happy Birthday blessing! The Lord showed me a huge candle on top of a Birthday Cake and I heard the scripture " Let your light shine in the darkness." Love, Jane

  17. Hi there Jane, I just started a new job in a new country and I have been here for a little over a month now. God has been good to me, and though my start here has not been easy, I am interested in what God would like to teach me in this period of life. T.M

    1. @ TM: The Lord showed me a picture of a cabbage. Cabbages are very healthy to eat and have many layers, and they are very inexpensive. I sense that the Lord was speaking to me of the country where you are now living. It is an inexpensive place with many things to discover, kind of like peeling off the layers of a cabbage. If cabbage is not used quickly it will rot and be very smelly. Get to know your environment quickly before you focus on something nasty about the place. This is a wonderful opportunity to widen your horizons.
      Love, Jane

  18. May I please request for a personal prophecy about my wife to be? Where I will meet her how
    Please thank you
    W. A. Hayford

    1. @ Winston Hayford: The Lord showed me a picture of you helping a girl who was struggling to carry a bunch of bags. She was very appreciative of your help and you asked for her phone number so that maybe you could get together again. This was the beginning of your relationship. Start watching for damsels in distress, lol! Love, Jane

    2. Hahahahaha
      Good on. There madam Jane
      Funny though
      Thank yu. Very much
      And I will keep it in mind
      Helping helpless damsels lol :-):-)

  19. Dear Jane, Asking for a prophetic word.

    1. @ Mathews: I was reminded of a poster I saw today. It said: NO GRIT
      NO PEARL
      Love, Jane

  20. Hello. My name is Peter. Please pray for me and hear from the Lord Jesus if he has another job for me or shall I stay in this job for a longer time? Please pray about this! Thanks PH, God bless you!

    1. @ PH: I received the impression that you can stay in your current job for as long as you want. However, if you begin to experience a holy dissatisfaction and feel like looking for something else, that would be OK too.
      Love, Jane

  21. Dear Jane, what has god for me this month? ZA

    1. @ ZA: Looking at your initials I thought of A to Z, the beginning and the end. I sense that God is currently teaching you about His upside down kingdom where we love our enemies instead of hate them; choose faith instead of fear; believe God for the impossible and more. This teaching will take place over a 10 year time span and possibly for the rest of your life. There is so much to learn and practice!
      Love, Jane


    1. @ Lemlem: I received the impression that the Lord is teaching you about the transforming of the mind that He does for Believers. From my personal experience I've found that He replaces false or hurtful thoughts with life-giving, positive thoughts. One of the ways to do this is to repeat life-giving scripture over and over again. Scriptures like "I can do all things though Christ who strengthens me." This differs from vain repetitions. Restored and renewed minds are powerful in His kingdom.
      Love, Jane

  23. What do you see for me? Jdp

    1. @ Jdp: The Lord showed me a picture of you getting in a car and driving. You had no specific destination because your purpose was to get away alone to listen to Christian teaching tapes from Joyce Meyer. You are being deeply touched and changed by obeying a suggestion that God has given to you.
      Love, Jane


    1. @ Atoz: Shalom!!! The Lord showed me a picture of a prisoner being taken to a jail cell while shouting insults at the person taking him there. I received the scripture "Take every thought captive." I sense that you are learning to allow only Godly thoughts into your mind and to refuse all fear, doubt and belittling thoughts. Love, Jane

  25. Greetings woman of God! What is God saying to me in the rest of 2016? God bless you. ZHG

    1. @ ZHG: I received the impression that God is teaching you patience. You wish it would hurry and be over! lol.
      Love, Jane

  26. Many blessings dear Prophetess, what is the holy Spirit want me to be? thanks. Yelnatan

    1. @ Yelnatan: The Lord showed me a picture of a cob of corn and I received the impression that you like corny, silly, childlike jokes and often use humour as a way to soothe angry reactions. You have been given a wonderful sense of insight and can see causes for people's feelings and actions. God will use this ability more and more.
      Love, Jane

  27. Hi Jane, prophetic words for my life and my family will be very much appreciated. God bless you. Efron Y.

    1. @ Efron Y: The Lord showed me a picture of you throwing your wallet around while playing a game with children because you did not have a frisbee with you. You were having fun until the wallet with all of your money fell into the stream beside the field where you played. As you went to reach for your wallet you noticed a huge crocodile getting ready to munch your wallet. When you asked God what to do He answered "Let it go. Your life is far more valuable than a bit of money." I sense that God is teaching you about the things that are more important than money to Him and is giving you a true sense of values. Love, Jane

  28. hELLO JANE,

    1. @ Yaheph: The Lord showed me a big pile of cardboard boxes and I received the impression that you will be moving out of your current home and maybe even moving to another country. This decision has required a great deal of courage but you can rest assured that it was God's idea, not yours, and many blessings will burst forth because of your obedience.
      Love, Jane

  29. Dear Jane,Prophetic word i ask, thanks!Nisuh Wongel

    1. @ Nisuh Wongel: The Lord showed me a picture of a green field. A gentle breeze was blowing and I felt a wonderful sense of peace. I was reminded of the 23rd Psalm and how God restores your soul. Old hurts are being healed and you are being created into a new creation in Christ and no other family religious doctrine can cling to you. Love, Jane

  30. Greetings woman of God, please i ask prophetic picture about what lies ahead in me and my family. God bless you. Abigail

    1. @ Abigail: The Lord showed me a pathway of your future. It started out dry and dusty and a bit rocky but then continued alongside a lovely, gentle stream that was full of fish. I received the impression that you and your family will be blessed for the rest of your days if you stay on this path beside the stream of the river of God but if you turn off into some other belief that does not exalt Jesus you will all go back to the dry, dusty path.
      Love, Jane

  31. HI JANE,
    What is God saying to me in 2016? Jzoelife

    1. @ Jzoelife: The Lord showed me a head of romaine lettuce and I received the impression that this will be a year of improving your diet. The Lord showed me a picture of a big wooden salad bowl filled with a salad full of cucumbers, tomatoes, garlic and more. You had created a wonderful oil and vinegar dressing to pour on it. This is your year of healthiness.
      Love, Jane

  32. Greetings wonderful woman of God, prophetic picture regarding anything the lord wants to tell me. Thank you a million times. Jorro

    1. @ Jorro: The Lord showed me a picture of a loaf of bread that looked wonderful from the outside but when you tore off a piece to eat it there were big empty areas that affected most of the loaf of bread. I received the impression that God wants you to make sure that you are getting all the fullness of the word of God when you get preaching and teaching. The word of God is the bread of life. You can't tell right away, looking at the surface, how the bread/teaching will be. It is only when the message appears hollow to you that you will discern where you want to be spiritually fed.
      Love, Jane

  33. This is a prophetic word request to you, dear Jane, anything the lord says will be great to receive. i shall wait. God bless. Joshua J

    1. @ Joshua J.: The Lord showed me a picture of a soccer game and showed how we are to help each other toward winning goals in the way that our Coach has taught us. We get dragged to the ground by the opposition sometimes but we jump up and continue the game, although sometimes the injuries from the enemy are more serious. God's goals for you are much more than a game but He is always your Coach in His kingdom!
      Love, Jane

  34. Hi Jane!

    I would like to know and understand key descriptions about the future wife that God has in store for me in Jesus Christ?

    Thanks by Wesley

    1. @ Wesley: The Lord spoke the words "Sweet and squeaky clean" in regard to your future wife.
      Love, Jane

  35. Dear Jane, a word from the Lord

    1. @ Rose: The Lord showed me that you dwell in the peace of the Lord. You are totally comfortable with everything and this may be a bit of a problem. I sense that the Lord wants you to get excited about a cause of some kind, to really go after mercy and justice in some situation. Ask Him for divine appointments with those He wants to use you with. You'll be so very blessed! Love, Jane

  36. I would like a word of from the Lord concerning his plans concerning me moving to a different location. CH

    1. @ CH: I felt a check in my Spirit about you moving. You must make sure that you are definitely going to the place where God wants you to go or it will be a disaster! Get prayer and confirmation about the right place before you make any commitments. Love, Jane

  37. Hi Jane, New month New blessing to you. I would like a prophet word, pray for me as I am having the sleeve surgery, I feel alone going through this although my boyfriend says I'm not, he doesn't seem to care but I just need God a km d many prayers and see if Hi we reveals something to you. Blessings a NHL d Love!!

    1. @ Charmaine Bouchouka: Surgery is a very serious thing so pray for the presence of the Lord to be with you as you go through the operation and in the healing afterward. Not everyone shows their emotions, as is most likely the case with your boyfriend. Be grateful for him. Love, Jane

    2. Thank You my sweet sister, I am very grateful for him and thank God for him everyday, Satan has been very busy this month its time I take a stand and have a talk with EJ and tell him how blessed I am that he's in my life because I am very blessed that God sent me a good christian man that I prayed for years for. love you Jane

  38. Dear Jane, i ask prophetic words for this season. thank you. Yosef

    1. @ Yosef: The Lord had me focus on the word season and I had the impression that God wants you to be the seasoning in people's lives...especially when they are going through the fire of God in the refining process. Your care and words of encouragement will be like the seasoning on a steak that will make their experience a delicious addition!
      Love, Jane

  39. Hello, prophetess,
    can i ask for prophecy, thank you for the help. God bless. Hanu

    1. @ Hanu: The Lord showed me a vision given to a man we know. He was shown a bus full of people who were yelling at him to hurry up and get on the bus headed for the promised land. As he hopped on the bus he threw away all of his useless luggage then looked back to see others picking up his discarded luggage with glee. I sense this is a warning to you not to go back to pick up old, useless habits and thought patterns. God is doing a new thing in you. Your mind is being renewed. You may have had some good ideas that others will cling to but God has fresh ways for you to look at things.
      Love, Jane

  40. Dear Jane;
    You have prayed for me in April about me and my exboyfriend. Right now I dont know what to do with it, you said you had the impression that he will come back soon. It seems like the opposite is happening (he wrote to me that he does love me the way I love him and that he cannat make plans, etc.). I am not sure how to weigh the obvious statements and your prophetic prayer against each other.
    maybe you can help me out there

    1. @ Paula: Please clarify whether your ex said he does love you the way you love him or he does not love you. I assume it was a typo but need to know to pray properly. Jane

    2. @ Paula: Well, your ex-boyfriend has come back to you soon, as the Lord said, but not in the way that we had expected. It's good to have the air cleared, even if it hurts to know the truth. Turn off your romantic feelings for him, hand him to the Lord and assume that God has someone much better for you. Love, Jane

  41. Hi, Jane, Thank you for last month. I came back from overseas trip. It was packed but I managed to have some free time. What the Lord's showing/saying this month? Many thanks & blessings, V

    1. @ V: The Lord showed me a picture of you peeling an apple. I sensed that you knew the skin of the apple may have been sprayed with toxic chemicals that you did not want to eat. He showed me a spiritual comparison of the word of God being added to by some teachers and prophets to make everything,even sin, look rosy and healthy. This picture is a warning to look beyond a "feel good" word to discern the truth that lines up with the word of the Lord.
      Love, Jane

    2. Many thanks, Jane, for the picture & word. I am well aware of the situation and is a confirmation. God bless, V

  42. Dear Jane can I have prophetic word picture for my next direction in ministry plz thanks T.Robert

    1. @ T Robert: The Lord showed me a picture of performers in a circus and showed me a picture of you in ministry to people with wild hairdos, tattoos and crazy clothing. The Lord does not want you to reject anyone who asks for prayer. I sense that you will be moving out into the streets with others who do this type of ministry and God will show up in awesome power as you move in Him. There will be a 2-year development process that will eventually gel into a well-oiled organization.
      Love, Jane

  43. Good Morning, Wonderful Woman of God, Prophetess Jane Holland:
    May I ask for a prophetic word or picture concerning the combination of Music and Engineering for Marketplace Apostleship in Asian countries (India, China, Japan and Burma). Thank you! God bless you, mighty Woman of God!

    1. @ Harold Richardson: The Lord showed me a picture of an Asian church Worship Service and I received the impression that there is a great need in these countries for sound equipment, such as microphones and speakers as well as for overhead projectors and all of the items commonly used in North American churches. Paul Baloche (he wrote Open The Eyes of My Heart and is a friend of ours) has a lot of equipment and good advice on his website
      This could be a very profitable and fun venture.
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you so much wonderful woman of God for your faithfulness in delivering the Word of the LORD for my life! God bless you!

  44. hi Jane,
    kindly requesting a word.thanks.thomas

    1. @ Thomas: The Lord showed me a picture of Monarch Butterflies. I received the impression that the Lord was referring to the monarchy of heaven... the high levels to which he will take you. You will fly freely in the spirit with no struggles to get to feel God's presence or hear His voice. The Lord is bringing a new awakening to you. You will see and know more than you ever have before and have such peace.
      Love, Jane

  45. Can i please get a word for the month of june. God bless you ma

    1. @ Bolanlevivian: Don't be upset when you hear this but the Lord told me "I want her fat and flourishing." This has to do with so much more than your physical appearance. He is perfecting you in mind, body and spirit. Flourishing thoughts are positive thoughts, thoughts that lead to prosperity, not poverty. Thinness is a sign of poverty. Being well-fed gives you a healthy body that wants to exercise.
      Love, Jane

  46. Dear Jane...any revelation from the fathers heart will be appreciated. Thank U. RM

    1. @ RM: The Lord showed me a picture of you camping, alone, in a tent in the forest. You could hear the sound of wild animals all around but the Lord said "Fear not." I have the impression that God wants you to trust Him completely, even though there are terrorists in the world, disastrous earthquakes and storms. Keep trusting Him even if others do not!
      Love, Jane

  47. Hello Jane,
    Can I have a word for the month?

    1. @ JJJ: The Lord showed me how the three letters "J" curve upward and I received the impression that you are good at being a positive person with a positive attitude. The problem with this attitude is that you really don't call out to God that much for His help.God wants you to be much more dependant on Him. He knows the past, present and future and all the things that are best for you in every area of your life. He loves to be needed.
      Love, Jane

  48. Hello Jane, would love a word. Thank you

    1. My name is Adeline, thanks

    2. @ Unknown/Adeline: I heard "Tell her to always go for the heart." I received the impression that you need to wait upon God for the way in which to answer questions. A superficial answer is never enough. God can give you a word that speaks directly to the heart and need of that person. Wait upon the Lord. Love, Jane

  49. Hey Jane please a word from God and may God bless you truly.PMK

    1. @ PMK: I sense a strong gift of prophecy upon you. You need to practice this gift on a daily basis. You cannot do it just by your natural thinking. Prophecy is given to build up the church. Let the Holy Spirit fill you and flow out of that anointing to strengthen, comfort and heal, in the name of Jesus, as He directs you. Your gift is greatly needed.
      Love, Jane

  50. Dear Jane, What's for me from the Lord this month of June?

    1. @ Ylenia Mino: The Lord showed me a picture of an Early Christian mosaic, as you know they are made with hundreds of tiny pieces of tile. I received the impression that you sometimes feel shattered in a thousand pieces and that it is only the glue of God that keeps you from falling apart. He sees the total picture of your life and can always be relied upon to keep you together. You are His creation; His work of art, precious, museum quality.
      Love, Jane

  51. God Bless you. I need a prophetic word concerning my relationship with my spiritual parents. I love them very much but I feel people are trying to sabotage my relationship with them. God gave me to them but I don't know why people are doing this. Thank you

    1. @ Anonymous: Please ask again next month and be sure to sign with either a Screen name or Initials. Thanks and love, Jane

  52. Hello Jane, May the peace of God be upon you. May i have a picture from God for my life for this Mo the please? Thank you. Love, Nana Akua.

    1. @ Nana Akua: The Lord showed me a picture of you at a Yard Sale where you were looking through boxes of old jewellery that was for sale. There was some nice jewellery but the Holy Spirit drew you to an old watch and you noticed the name Cartier marked on it. This is how we can tell which is the true gospel, pure and undefiled- by the name of Jesus shown clearly on any preaching or teaching we receive. Love, Jane

  53. Hi Jane
    What does the Lord say about my business and finances. Many thanks,
    God bless RT

    1. @ RT: The Lord showed me a picture of an office and warehouse then also showed me waves of people contacting your business as if drawn by an electrical current that was His spirit. Pray that God would bring in new customers like a wave to bless your business financially then be sure to give back to your church and other ministries. Love, Jane

  54. Dear Jane,
    Is the Lord showing any potential buyer for our land plot?Is His perfect timing yet?

    1. @ Abraham: A friend of ours has had her building for sale for over a year. She thought nobody had shown interest because of the weather but just found out that the listing had expired! I sense that the Lord wants you to advertise it better; pick out more desireable features of the property but do not reduce the price. Get some Believers to agree with you on the sale and keep believing . Love, Jane

  55. Ma'am, I am not sure if i'm in the right place, but I need answers. I am lost, facing depression, financially unstable, and ready to give up. Any word from The Most High God will help. Thank you.

    1. @ Makeup Prodigy: This is the right place! Claiming scripture always helps to get victory. Start meditating on "Our God shall provide all our needs according to His riches in glory through Jesus Christ." Focusing on these words will block out all depressing thoughts. Get prayer from some of the big Christian TV ministries, unless you have an alive,praying church. Get in your church's Home Group of Cell Group for fellowship and prayer. There is a good reason for you to go through this time.You are learning a lot about faith & how to use it! You are victorious in Christ!
      Love, Jane

  56. May I have a prophetic word?

    1. @ Ashley Johnson: The Lord showed me a picture of a Royal Paige blowing an trumpet and holding a scroll with the words "Decree" written on it. Start claiming things that be not as though they were. All desires of your heart, big and small. Believe the scripture "Decree a thing and it shall be done for you."
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane, that was very encouraging.

  57. Hi Jane,

    I posted and sent a gift (2 paypals for $10 and $25) in May towards the end, but haven't had a response - my initials were 'vg' for the May post, which stands for vinegrafted but my initials for my name on PayPal is 'sw' which might have been confusing. Blessings!

    Thanks! ~vg

    1. @vg: If you look under the date of your May 23 request.under the heading May 2016 Request Here, you will see the prophetic word that was given the same day as your paypal was received, placed as a Reply directly under your request. You may not have been able to find it because you need to go to the bottom of the page and click Load more, then scroll up to May 23,2016. You may have to do this 5 or more times before it is found. This always happens when there are over 200 Comments. My apologies.
      Love, Jane

    2. June 3, 2016 at 12:10 AM
      Found it - thank you!! You're so very blessed in this gift and share so freely with others - thank you and blessings!! ~vg

  58. Hi Jane, please can I have prophetic words for the month of June,2016 what God is saying to me and also what God is saying to me concerning my relationship with Oluchi Nnenna Agbo. Thanks in anticipation

    1. @ Nnamdi: The Lord showed me a spirit of jealousy. Pray that the Lord would give you assurance that He is protecting your relationship and that nobody else can break that bond between you. Love, Jane

    2. I don't understand please be explicit..

    3. @ Nnamdi: You are jealous of others who are friends with Oluchi Nnenna Agbo. This is not from God. It is a spirit of jealousy. Pray to ask God to help you understand more.
      Love, Jane

    4. Thank you J.J.H. for swift reply & God bless

  59. Hi Mrs. Jane,can I please have a word for the month of June?

    God bless,
    Lucinda G

    1. @ Lucinda G.: The Lord showed me a picture of a beautiful garden. The Lord's promise to you is ""I will make you like a watered garden." and one time he told me "The Baptism of the Holy Spirit is like putting Miracle Grow on your plants." He has turned His holy water sprinkler on you! Love, Jane

  60. Hi Jane, My name is Taletha. I'm seeking answers. I am looking to find myself and in Christ. I'm feeling lost right now. I would like a prophetic word about me. I want know what to do in my life the direction to take, my purpose/destiny and family. I would be happy if you could help. Looking forward to hearing from you. Thank you and God bless :)

    1. @ Taletha: The Lord showed me a picture of you looking off into the distance at your future with a telescope. I sense that God wants you to know who you are in Him, right here, right now. Gloria Copeland has some very good teaching on this subject. Love, Jane

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @ K Mari: The Lord showed me a picture of a peeled orange that you were slicing to put into a fruit salad. You were removing all the seeds and gathering them to throw into the compost. I sense that this is a time of you removing things from your life that could hurt you if ingested. Watch for expiry dates on drinks and dairy products. Dispose of anything that has even the slightest bit of mold! Take a Probiotic every day. Love, Jane

  62. Hello Jane. I would like to request a word. God bless and thanks. Sincerely, Irene

    1. @ Irene: I heard "Mighty men of valour." I sense that your life has been touched by war at some time and that you have known some mighty men of valour who affected your life. They are gone but Jesus remains as your supporter, comforter, compassionate uplifter and protecter. Love, Jane

  63. I told my ex keai happy birthday and no response. I'm thinking I must be blocked or I was ignored. What do you see for that. Jay and keai

    1. @ Jay and Keai: The Lord reminded me of the scripture "Behold I stand at the door and knock." It is our choice whether to let Jesus into our lives or not. It seems Keai has chosen not to allow you into his life at this time. All you can do is trust God for reconciliation. Love, Jane

    2. Its fine my heart is with someone else anyways.

  64. Hello dear Jane, I would like to hear from the Lord;I am not comfortable in this new environment i am in and really want to move. I will be glad to hear whatever the Lord will tell you concerning my life.
    thank you
    Car Mar

    1. @ Car Mar: There is such a thing as holy discomfort. Start praying for a better place, an anointed place where you will be totally comfortable and fit in completely. God must have a better location for you or you would not be feeling discomfort. Love, Jane

  65. Hi Jane, our daughter was stillborn on 4/11/16 will you ask God for a word for us as we start to try again for another baby. Thank you.

    1. @ Erin Kelley: I speak life to a new baby growing in your womb. I speak life and health to you as well, Erin. I saw a picture of you covered in a cocoon of heavenly gauze as a protection for you and the baby. As Jesus to touch you and your family's life as often as possible. Love, Jane

  66. How are you Prophetess
    I would like to hear from the Lord concerning relationships
    Is there someone out there for me
    Is it the right time for me to be focusing on that?

    1. @ chiedza mucheka: I sense that the time is right for you to pursue a relationship. I have found that when you go to places that you find extremely interesting, for me it Art Galleries and Museums, you are most likely to meet the right person but make sure they are a Believer! I met my husband in an Art Gallery where he had a painting in a group show. Meeting someone online works for a lot of people too.
      Love, Jane

  67. Hey there Jane, may I have a prophetic picture or word? :D Thanks, God bless you.

    1. @ AM: Your screen name "AM" reminds me of someone who asked God what He meant when he called himself "I am that I am."? The Lord replied "It means you're not!" This is a good thing to remember.
      Love, Jane

  68. Hello and God bless you Jane.. Someone once told me a lady who is or was a Christian Prophet said when I pass on and go to the Pearly Gates of Heaven I am in for a very rude shock. Can you please confirm that this is so or not so and ask Jesus Christ if him and I are good. ����. I don't want to go to Hell thanks very much. I want to make amends to Jesus if I can. I do love and respect his authority by the way. ����

    1. @ Diane McKenzie-Egan: Grrr! God would never tell you that, Diane! God will probably hold His arms wide open saying "Welcome home, my daughter!" You would never get as far as the Pearly Gates unless His spirit drew you there! Asking forgiveness for even tiny sins every day keeps your heart clear. The Lord loves you and wants to spend eternity with you. Remember, when you get a prophetic word that there is no condemnation! That is the main way to tell if it really a God-word. Love, Jane

    2. Thank God for your help Jane. I was getting really worried there for a minute. Yes I will ask for forgiveness of sins daily as often as I can remember. What a wonderful blessing you are to me. Phew. Glad that's over. Everything is sorted. Mwah. 👻👻👻

  69. A word about my parents,please.

    1. @ Limy: I saw the word "Hope" lit up in bright lights against the darkness of night. I was also reminded of what Jeremiah said "Without a vision the people perish." I sense that they both need to encourage themselves. There is much more to be accomplished and much more of God to know.
      Love, Jane

  70. Hello Ma'am, can I have a word from the LORD? I'm really desperate to hear from God. Thank u and God bless. ~ Akhil

  71. Hello..If your Led to may I have a Word Or Prophetic Picture? thank you - Walter

  72. Hello Jane my name is Raving, I would like some word from the lord

  73. Dear Jane,
    Do you see hear anything in regards to buying a vehicle? I have started praying for provisions.

  74. Hi Prophetess, May I have a word on relocation?

  75. Hello Jane, Gods blessings on your ministry. Thank you for edifying and building up the Lords body. Any word for this season? Thanks KImberly

  76. Good evening, it's STL
    I wonder if it was possible to have a prophetic message for my life and for my studies ... I have a friend who is far from me and I wish to know if our friendship will be there again.
    Thank you a lot

  77. Mbali Maseko 3:05 PM

  78. Blessings Jane. I'm seeking a prophetic word from the Lord. Not sure if this is the right place to request it, I placed a request on another form of yours and didn't see it. God bless and thank you

    1. @ Min Tracie: This is the right place. All prophetic prayer requests are to be made under the heading of the month and year in which they are requested. You may not see it immediately because it needs to be approved by Admin. Now wait up to 30 days to receive a word of the Lord, which will be posted as a Reply, directly below for you and browse around to let His words to others minister to you too.
      Love, Jane

  79. Jane, im going through things i dont understand. I need a wood from the Lord. David

  80. I'm needing direction in my life when it comes to what god wants me to do/my life calling.I feel like I'm at a stand still with my calling and where my desire for companionship

  81. Blessing to you Jane. Ive been asking God for direction in my life regarding marriage,kids, ministry, career growth. Eager to hear what God says over any area of my life. Thanks .....Carol

  82. Hello Jane I need Gods word concerning the lady I love and wish to marry (Linda I) as she has been proving tough, I also started a mobile app business (SS) which seems slow. I hope to get a word from God about it.

  83. Please help me I am believing on a promise FROM 82 OR 83

  84. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Ryviera June 15, 2016 at 6:00 AM
      Hey Jane... something is bothering me about not knowing how to navigate friendship with a certain man. I already told you about this guy who I am having trouble with in the past and he still likes me romantically. I asked him about it recently and he admitted to still liking me. I do not know what to do about him. He will be leaving California for three months this June. I have been feeling upset about this relationship that I would like to discuss with you for the purpose of clarity.

  85. Blessings Jane. I'm seeking a prophetic word from the Lord. On my financial life.

  86. Hello,i would like to request a prophetic word.


  87. Hi Jane. This is Ben. Seeking a prophetic word from God. Grateful if you could share what does the Lord show you. Blessings.

  88. Hi Jane. Would like to move to a new home. Any word regarding this?

  89. Hello jane
    Can I have a word for this month especially regarding my job. Thank you .
    Love jewel

  90. Hello there! I would love to hear anything God shows you. Thank you!

    10:04 AM (14 hours ago)
    Thank you for all you are doing there it is a great work you are doing.I am your friend on fb i have a prayer request for you mam. Pray for my ministry am having a school that needs some help 180 kids. hoping to hearing from you .Paul

  92. Hello Jane and God Bless. Could really use a word from God. Recently lost my job, confused, lonely and really hoping for direction from God, physical/mental/spiritual healing.
    Very very lonely and wish I had the right girl in my life.
    Live in Vancouver, BC and only been here 3 years this month. Moved because of a divorce. I love it out here but have little friends or money to do the things I love, for what I moved out here to do.
    God Bless
    Ian Keeler

    1. @ Ian Keeler: A friend of mine in Vancouver suggested that you go to the wonderful revival ar Renaissance Centre in Vancouver. Starts at 7 pm nightly, I believe. Still praying for your prophetic picture from the Lord. Love, Jane

    2. @ Ian Keeler: A really good church for you:
      Pentecostal Lighthouse,
      12256 98 Ave.
      Surrey, BC V3V 2J8

  93. Hello
    I need some hepl
    God bless you Jane

    1. @ Hello: @ Anonymous: Your prophetic prayer request will not be answered this time because you need to end your request with either your screen name or initials, in addition to Anonymous. Please ask again next month signing the correct way. Love, Jane

  94. am requesting for a prophecy about the nature of the Ministry I want to start and the type of relationship/ person I need in life

    1. @ Anonymous: Your prophetic prayer request will not be answered this time because you need to end your request with either your screen name or initials, in addition to Anonymous. Please ask again next month signing the correct way. Love, Jane

  95. Helo Jane. I would like a word from God please for my own life as well as my friend Kevin. I have been praying for him. Thank you. God bless. T.O SA

  96. I'm needing direction in my life when it comes to what god wants me to do/my life calling.I feel like I'm at a stand still with my calling and where my desire for companionship

  97. Hi Prophetess, A word for this month,please.

  98. Hello, My name is Alana Mc Gregor and I am contacting you requesting that you seek God for me regarding a personal prophecy.

  99. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Prophetic prayer please.

  100. Who am I?
    What's next?
