Thursday, December 16, 2010

Hearing God prophetically

God showed me a picture of big elephant ears.  He said "Pray that people will hear my voice and not doubt that it is me.  Pray that their ears will be open to my leading and that they will follow and speak out what they are told to share and with the people they are to share with.  The prophetic word is life and brings life to both the giver and the receiver."


  1. Thank U Jane, I prayed god would open my eyes spiritually and my ears to hear his word..

    I believe in his mighty power. Again thanks Debbie

  2. @Anonymous, I saw a scene of total chaos in your kitchen: a baby was crying, the TV Radio & i pod were loudly playing, something had boiled over & was baking on the stove element causing black smoke to fill the kitchen while you worried about money & were considering a job at home. Suddenly the voice of the Lord said "My peace I leave with you. There is a lot to do but it will be done more easily after you sit in my Presence." I sense God is wanting you to make more time for Him this year & a beautiful order will manifest in your life. Please let me know if this speaks to you.
