Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your Requests

The Lord has asked me not to pray for specific situations like marriages, illnesses and  financial crises  but rather to seek Him for a prophetic picture that covers the whole person's life. Often we think of an area as being the major problem in our life when in fact it is something far deeper or so obvious we can't see it. He has taught me this in times of Ministry with Him saying "Don't ask them what's wrong. Don't ask what they need prayer for. The Holy Spirit knows all things.  He knows far better than you do. He doesn't not need your advice. Get out of the way and let me work!"  So, when you Comment just say "Please pray for me" & don't go into detail. Thanks!

Please click the Ads you like to show me you've been here!  I love you and love praying for you. Thanks!


  1. I was wondering if you had any phrophetic word for me, i would be interested in anyting you hear or see, thank you.,

  2. Requests for prophetic words signed Anonymous will not be answered. Please use your initials, a screen name or some other identifier to discern who you are. Thanks!

  3. I'd appreciate anything God gives you for me and I'm thankful for your time, prayers and energy. May God bless you a hundred fold for your obedience and sacrifice.
    Much Love,
    Sister Di P.

  4. I would also appreciate any prophetic words for myself also. Thank you also for everything that you do.

  5. Hi Jane,
    I came across your webpage tonight and wanted to see if the Lord would give you a picture for me:)

    Thank you for allowing yourself to be used by God so awesomely, Leah M.

  6. Hi Jane, I need a Word from God! Please Pray for me.

    Thank You,

  7. Hello Jane my name is Natasha need some serious inspiration or something from God because it almost feels like everything is falling apart over here lol.


    Natasha S
    Riverside, CA

  8. Hello Jane

    God bless you for the work you are doing.

    I desire a prophecy from the Lord.

    Many thanks

  9. I need prayer
    God Bless you are such a blessing for so many.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. @EJF: I saw a picture of you struggling with decisions. First you would decide on something then backtrack then change your mind upsetting yourself emotionally so that you are in quite a state of distress. "A double-minded man is unstable in all his ways" is a scripture that currently applies to you. You must believe that it's OK to make decisions when God does not give you specific direction. He will definitely correct you if you have made a wrong decision. Try to get to know God more, not just His laws and directions.You will finally find great peace.

  12. @Dolapo: The Lord showed me a picture of you riding a motorcycle on a curvy mountain road. You felt so free but obeyed the speed limit and even a crash helmet for safety though you felt like you looked stupid in it. The Lord is very pleased about how you have learned to control your rebellious side and now you even notice God's creation and praise Him for it as you ride.I believe God is leading you to teach others what you have learned about the fine-tuning and mechanics of the soul. You will have great success in this area as you are led by the Holy Spirit. You are an encourager of the true freedom there is in Christ. Let me know if this speaks to you, please. Jane

  13. @Natasha: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing in front of a huge canvas with paint cans all around you and a paintbrush in your hand. Each area symbolized an area of your life. There were bright, colourful areas and some grey,dead areas. I saw Jesus holding and guiding your hand. The scripture "He holds you in the palm of His hand." came to mind.You are a work of art in progress.He is restoring and painting a fresh new you. The fact that the canvas was so large spoke to me of God enlarging your territory and your thinking of larger possibilities, even working miracles.
    Let me know if this speaks to you, please. Bless you Natasha.Love, Jane

  14. @Grace: The Lord showed me a picture of you blowing up a red balloon. It was nice that you did this, especially for those having a Birthday party, but in the long run it was rather meaningless compared to other skills you have. I kept seeing pictures of your mouth & scriptures came to mind such as "Open your mouth and I will fill it." You may also have been gifted with a beautiful singing voice that God wants you to use for His glory in many more places. For some reason Africa, singing in Africa, came to mind. Please let me know if this is accurate. Blessings, Jane

  15. Hello Jane,

    Thank you for this word that is confirmation of what I have been feeling in my spirit. Nevertheless when you are in a shady color in your life you tend to wonder where the light at the end of the tunnel is. Thank you for you faithfulness and obedience to His calling upon you. Natasha Suttle
