Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Gift

When I was in my Discipleship Training School at YWAM, many long years ago, A Prophet named Brian Pollard, came to teach our class on prophecy.  I sat totally absorbed as each word not only enlightened me but blessed an comforted me. At the end of the week the Teacher said "I have felt all week that that the messages I have been giving were meant for only one person.  Would that person please stand up." The Holy Spirit said "Stand up!" I thought "Is that you God? It can't be me." I waited a while and nobody stood up. Again, this time  in a firm, commanding voice I heard, in my spirit, "Stand up now!"  I stood up and he said "Come into this office so I can pray for you." He prayed "You have a rare gift. You hear God's voice more clearly than anyone else on the planet. God will lead and guide you in how and where  to use your gift. And you will give more money to YWAM in  Canada than anyone else in the history of YWAM."  I am still waiting for the last part of this prophecy to manifest!


  1. Hi Jane ,
    My name is Robert Hunter i saw one of your posts through a friend of mine her name is Bernie Mehl who is one of your friends on FB and was interested in your ministry,i am a born again Christian and got saved in 1981 .
    I would love to here Gods direction for my life as am at cross roads and want to here what God is saying over my life ..
    I would really appreciate your prayers.I can be contacted on FB or on my email addresss which is, looking forward to hearing from you .
    Rgds in Christ

  2. Dear Jane, I was ask to put my Prayer request here, I am sorry It was sent on FB. I am going through a lot right now, both physically and mentally. God only knows what I am facing. I have came here to ask for your Prayer and would love to know if I am missing the mark somewhere, and causing these satanic attacks on my mental and especially physical state. Please let me know where I can find your response when you have Prayed and are led to respond.

    Love In Christ

  3. Constance EllingsonMarch 12, 2011 at 11:13 AM

    Jane, I receive the response of the prophetic word from Feb 25, 2011. It spoke clearly to me both for now and the future. I DO sit each morning in a recliner and surround myself with books on prayer, intercession and a couple of bibles. In the office sits a table model of a globe covered with dust, that i have now dusted off. I am a marketplace intercessor for Tommi Femrites Apostolic Intercessors Network through GateKeepers International. Recently an early retiree and so excited to be in the next phase of an adventure I am "Inclining" my ear to hear what the Holy Spirit is saying. I have a desire to teach intercession and believe it's placed there by the Lord and not just a carnal desire. Now that I've heard and the witness to my spirit is true I heed and obey.. Blessings Constance Ellingson

  4. @Constance: Thanks so much for Posting this. I just had someone criticize me for only prophesying generalities & this certainly shows the specifics that would be impossible for me to know if it were not shown to me by the Lord.

    I have Posted your testimony on my Facebook Jane Holland prophecy page. Bless you!

  5. Hello! It is Colette.

  6. I hope I didn't miss it. I am keeping this page up in my browser, just in case. I'll keep refreshing it.:)Colette

  7. @Colette: It can take a week or more before I get the word of the Lord for you. I appreciate your patience. Bless you.
    xoxoxo Jane

  8. @Robert H.: I saw you at an Outdoor Market, at one end of the street were fruits and vegetables, at the other end tables of fish were for sale. The fish were slimy and smelly. The Lord says "Robert is not offended by unsaved people in their stinky state.He knows that they were bought and paid for by the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and they will be cleaned up. He goes out searching for fish every day and has great success. He gets tired sometimes but refreshing is available. He must look for new outpourings of the water of life to keep going in this difficult work." Let me know if this is meaningful to you, please. Bless you!

  9. @Etta: I saw you surrounded by stacks of newspapers & all kinds of memorabilia that you could not bear to part with. You were lying on a navy blue couch covered with several blankets that weighed heavily on you. A cute cat was curled up on a chair. The Lord pointed a finger right through all the layers, right into your heart to inject His love into you. I sensed He was reassuring you that He had everything under control but you must do some spiritual housecleaning, even leaving behind some of the promises and prophetic words you had received in order to receive fresh revelation & fresh flesh. You must start praising Him while you shed your old life like a snake leaves its skin behind after the new skin has grown. Bless you. Let me know if this is meaningful to you,please. Love,Jane

  10. @Collette: The Lord showed me a picture of you at a University campus. Many of the buildings were covered with ivy, very old. You went into a Library to study but your mind had difficulty focusing. You decided to pray but could not. The situation reminded me of C.S.Lewis's book The Screwtape Letters. The enemy brought every kind of distraction until you laughed at how obviously ridiculous it was & settled in to pray.My impression was that you were a Professor at the University & a very good teacher. You had some ideas out writing a serious book but your heart kept leaning toward beautifully illustrated stories for children. I believe the Lord is saying "Do what appeals to your heart, as long is not sin." You have a gift for writing & should pursue it.Let me know if this speaks to you, please.

  11. Jane Holland said...

    @Etta: I saw you surrounded by stacks of newspapers & all kinds of memorabilia that you could not bear to part with. You were lying on a navy blue couch covered with several blankets that weighed heavily on you. A cute cat was curled up on a chair. The Lord pointed a finger right through all the layers, right into your heart to inject His love into you. I sensed He was reassuring you that He had everything under control but you must do some spiritual housecleaning, even leaving behind some of the promises and prophetic words you had received in order to receive fresh revelation & fresh flesh. You must start praising Him while you shed your old life like a snake leaves its skin behind after the new skin has grown. Bless you. Let me know if this is meaningful to you,please. Love,Jane
    March 19, 2011 10:32 PM

    I hope I am doing this right. Jane, thank you so much for your word. Some of it I understand fully, some is kind of confusing.First of all I do have so much stuff that I cannot bear to Part with, and I feel as though a lot of it is weighing me down. Cats are my favorite animal, and there is always one lying close to me. There is no way you could have known that,as it is not on my profile, nor have I ever discussed it on facebook. You are exactly right when you state that I need to do some spiritual housecleaning!- (RE:even leaving behind some of the promises and prophetic words you had received in order to receive fresh revelation & fresh flesh.) Can you please explain what this means, because I have had prophetic words and the one I have been hanging onto the most is "The Lord said is is not time for you to die, but to get your affairs in order to start a new life" Please Pray that God will open my eyes to see what he wants me to see and to be what he wants me to be. My Prayer is to be healed physically so that I can get out of bed, have a good quality of life,be able to take my Grandchildren to Church because their parents wont.Also, my Prayer is for my Family to come back to the Lord before it is too late. Please continue to Pray for me and my Family,I will check back here to see if there are any more words for me. But yes, your answer does bear witness with my Spirit, I just need to know where to go from here and how to get back to where I need to be. Thank You Jane for letting the Lord speak through you,and God Bless You!

  12. Thanks everyone for letting me know how God has given an accurate, life-giving word to you!

  13. @Etta: I love your testimony above & have Posted it on my Facebook Jane Holland Prophecy Page. Thanks for sharing! love, Jane

  14. Hi Jane ,
    Just wanted to ask for your prayers as am not feeling so fine and just need Gods strength and peace .
    God bless Robert .Hunter

  15. Well Jane your prophetic word threw me right off for the last two days since I read it. I am typing on the laptop that we bought two years ago so I could write children's books. With three children under five, two part time jobs, homeschool, helping at church and health problems for a time I felt I had no time.

    Additionally I felt very inadequate for the task even though I really wanted to do it. I did have many distractions in my mind when I went about my writing. Since those past times I have grown in my walk with our Heavenly Father, and know more about spiritual warfare and prayer than I did back then. It was a real battle in the mind then (just like your prophetic word). So I am praying about starting to work at my writing once again, now that I have more tools to fight the enemy.

    I am not sure about the University Campus, old buildings, ivy, professor, etc. as I am a mom at home, but I am excited to pray about your word more and see what the Lord has for us. I have never read the Screwtape Letters - maybe I will. Thank you very much! God bless you ministry, Colette

  16. @Collette: You may be able to attend University & make more money by Bursaries, Scholarships & Grants than you would working at 2 jobs & still have lots of time with the children. You could do an English major and work on your books at the same time.
