Sunday, March 6, 2011

Quiet Time

I have started my day with a Quiet Time ever since I took a YWAM Discipleship Training School a few years after becoming a Christian. Much of that time (over 20 years) was spent in spiritual warfare & getting answers to problems and, I must admit, although I knew a lot about Him and His power, I didn't really know Him, His Presence or who He was as a Daddy, a Friend or a Counselor. One morning, while going through the Prayer Steps I always did (ACTS: Adoration,Confession,Termination of the enemy's plans & Supplication/Asking) the Lord said to me "Oh, quit being so religious! Go get a cup of coffee and let's talk!" We still start each day together but how my Quiet Time has changed.


  1. Totally agree. Am so glad we can just talk to God through Jesus' blood like I'm talking to you (if this was face to face) :-)

  2. @Dawn: Amen. And we talk heart to heart. When He speaks we hear his heart full of mercy and compassion and He, at the same time, heals our hearts and our bodies. We also get His heart for the nations and our very own country!

  3. I totally agree as well. He works so many miracles in each of our lives each day...we just need to take the time to see and seek...

  4. yep Jane every morning i start my day talking to him the best part is when i am worshiping him in the car and how much joy he gives me with music and talking to him like he was right there next to me i bet people think i am crazy oh well i am a Jesus freak!Brenda .B.

  5. I love it...wish He would tell me the same...

  6. God does like coffee! Love the real!!!!!
