Saturday, September 1, 2012


The Lord loves building up His people with prophetic pictures just like Jesus used!
Ask as a Comment (in blue) at the bottom of this Post. 
Read through the words given to others
as you are you awaiting yours and be greatly blessed.
Only request prayer under this heading if you ask this month! Thanks!
If you requested in August 2012 your prophetic pic. will be Posted in August 2012.
September Requests are answered here not in October 2012
Love you with the love of the Lord!


  1. Hi, I am requesting a prophetic word. I'm Jarryd

    1. @Jarryd: The Lord showed me a picture of you being like a bird kicked out of the nest. Sometimes God has to make us a bit uncomfortable to get us to use our gifts. We are never alone as part of the family of God. If you have trouble flying you can always get prayer. I believe God is wanting to teach you more dependence on Him.The Lord has a wonderful plan for your life, just listen, read the Bible daily, meditate on His word and trust Him to lead you in paths of righteousness. Blessings, Jane

  2. Hi Jane, Looking for prayer and a word on my current career situation, I have been unemployed for about 4 months now and have a few options in front of me, option A: I have the opportunity to go back to my former employment, B: I was considering starting my own business, or of course there is always option C: neither/waiting patiently. I’ve been praying about it, but not sure I’m getting clear direction, maybe it because I’m suppose to continue to wait…? Hoping and praying the Spirit may give you a word for me.
    Thank you, Patience

    1. @Patience: I heard the Lord say "Training" then I saw you looking at a huge paper map of the world that was spread out on a table.I sense that the Lord wants to put some adventure in your life. He is calling you not just to pray for the nations but to go to them. My impression is that , a ministry like Mercy Ships, that travels all over the world giving dental & health care in the nations where God calls them would really bless your life & resolve your quandary. Also Training at IHOP, Morningstar or any of the well approved ministries would bless you. Let me know your decision please. Love, Jane


  3. Hi Jane,

    I was blessed by the picture you gave me in August, and it gave me courage to seek God's picture for me again. I'm seeking a word about a desire of my heart that I've been praying about for many years. Am I to continue to endure "what is"? Thanks, Jane.

    1. @Kathy: The Lord showed me a log cabin & I heard the word "Pioneer". I believe that God has shown you many ideas to help people in their Christian walk but you have never followed up on them because of other responsibilities, mainly with your family. I am reminded of a Blog I saw recently that said "I am a mother with a husband & 3 small children, I have no time for anything so, of course I have a Blog." Hahaha. I believe you have wanted to write a book for a long time but have not known how to start. There are lots of good Community College courses for aspiring writers and even some Christian focused ones in North America. Start with a Blog, pray for anointing & for God to bring the people He wants you to reach & be blessed! I believe writing with the Lord will bring you into a receiving mode for other desires of your heart. Love, Jane

    2. Hi Jane,

      Thanks for the word picture. God pulled a divine switcheroo here! I deliberately kept my request somewhat vague, but I had a specific "desire of my heart" in mind when I requested a word. Instead of answering that, God gave me a word about a different desire of my heart (writing)that I had also prayed about for years. I guess God knew what I needed better than I did!. Thank you, Jane.

  4. Hi im sem. I am requesting a Word. God bless you.

    1. @Semyred: Your request came in marked as Spam so I pray that if your intentions were not honourable you will be touched by God anyway. I believe you are sincere.
      The Lord showed me a picture of Spiderman using his web to help people who were in danger. Interpretation: You can either get all tangled up in the web or you can use the web for good to help people who are in trouble. I sense your web is the www. web, the Internet, where you have found yourself entangled in vicious arguments, time-wasting games, videos that confuse you with an information overload and take away from your time with God. Decide right now to put God first so that you may be useful to those in need. Let me know if this speaks to you please.
      Love, Jane


  5. Hi Jane, Your ministry is blessing people online.Thank you for willing to be a vessel used by God and spending your time ministering.
    I have just this request i feel to put here.Help me pray about it and seek the picture from God Almighty.I am just the opposite in some ways from my late brother.He was very social, easily connected with some people and girls, was popular during his school days.I had a shy background, an introvert personality as i grew so i didn't have much connections with many people especially girls.This is the area of my life i feel some kind of challenge.

    Brother Pascal

    1. @Pascal: First of all, it matters little who we are in the flesh, we are a new creation in Christ Jesus and if we compare ourselves to anyone and seem to be lacking it should be Jesus, who will change us into His image.When God picks out a marriage partner we don't have to feel challenged in any way, it's so normal, natural and enjoyable. I believe He has someone for you who is also quiet and shy, most likely with an interest in science, as you have, and is also a Christian, as we are told not to be unequally yoked with an unbeliever. I kept seeing a picture of a huge Office building with a lot of stairs going up to it not far from a canal in a large city. Praying for more from God on this.
      Be blessed, Love, Jane

    2. Thanks Jane for your word of Knowledge.I heard that the baptism of fire can include the refining process when God prunes us as the vine branches ( disciplining us ).I myself have to renew my mind with the word of God for a better perception.Thanks for praying and clarity.All the glory to God and Jesus Christ Amen! Pascal

  6. Hi Jane,
    Can you in any way interpret this recurring dream I had for dozens of times. In this dream I am still going to high school, even though I have completed all the required classes and I have my hish school diploma. In my dream I can't find the right classes and I don't excell in school.
    Lately I had a change in that dream. Now I realize that I already have my high school diploma and that there are no reason to keep going to school.

    Anyway, I am now 33 years old but occasionally I still get this recurring dream. Can anyone can tell me what it means.

    1. @Anonymous: Please use either a Screen Name or Initials so that I can interpret this dream.There are way too many Anonymouses! Thanks!

    2. Hi Jane
      My initials are tn
      This is my first time on your website.

    3. @tn: Praying to discern the meaning of your dream,just like God gave Daniel the meaning of dreams in the Bible. So glad God has sent you here, tn! Be blessed with us!

    4. @tn: You know, as Christians we never stop "going to High School". In fact the higher we get (more mature) the more we need His training. There is a very good book call "With Christ in the School of Discipleship." by Dietrich Bonhoeffer (not sure of the spelling)that will explain this process wonderfully.It could be that, even though you have your High School diploma, God wants you to attend a Discipleship Training School (DTS)to help you to be used more for His glory & teach others.Of course, I recommend Youth With A Mission as the best DTS (the Crossroads DTS)for those over 30 years of
      Blessings, Jane

  7. Hi Jane, I have just stumbled across your blog - what a blessing! I'm not sure if im posting in the right place.. if you are able to pray for my husband and I and our career/financial situation I would be most grateful! God bless, Kobie x

    1. @Kobie:This is the right place! Praying for you now!

    2. @Kobie: It may be because of the Basketball player, Kobie Bryant, but I believe God wants you and your husband, as a Team, to make lots of slam-dunks!
      As I watched this picture I saw the basketball turn into a globe of the world and you accurately ran with it to make a perfect basket. I have the impression that you have goods or services that are being sent around the world, some by Fedex,some by mail, some delivered in person. It could be a book & DVD ministry.Anyway, keep leaping for joy as you make those slam dunks!Please let me know if this speaks to you. Love, Jane

    3. Thank you for your picture Jane, its such a blessing that you took time to pray for us. I will need to pray more about this as I don't know what it means - we don't have any goods or services yet, and my husband doesnt know Jesus yet. Thank you, this brings me hope, K x

    4. @Kobie: While reading your 'thank you' above the Lord showed me a book ministry that both you and your husband were were working on. He had been reading the Christian books and gotten thoroughly saved! You had suggested this book ministry, God had opened up opportunities for you and you were so successful you needed his help. The first book ministry that comes to mind is The Navigators but there are several other well respected ones. Please explore these to receive great blessings. Love, Jane

    5. Hi Jane, thank you so much! I lost my job 4 months ago and at the time God was telling me to sit down and write. I did start something and soon became distracted by fear that I wouldn't be able to pay my bills! God also showed me my husband being saved by reading and I thought I was dreaming. now realise that I've been an idiot! Thank goodness He is patient and forgiving! Thank you for this confirmation, you have a life changing gift from God, bless you k

    6. @Kobie: Praise God! He constantly amazes me with His wondrous knowledge and love! Thanks for telling me. By the way, you're not an idiot!!! Hahaha.
      Love, Jane

  8. My life is foggy i need a word from the lord im hurt i just want the pain to stop i just have no love i just want him to guide me i could lose everything but GoD .. i just want to do what i love in life for the lord and enjoy life name is Jacqueline

    1. @Jacqueline: The Lord showed me a picture of antique gramophone, with a record on the turntable. I have the impression that negative thoughts about being unloved etc. drag you down, and they play, like an old record,over and over again. Replacing those thoughts with Scripture that tells you who you are in Christ would really help you. There are lots of Christian books that have these affirmations. "Weeping may last for a night but joy comes in the morning!" "He has turned my mourning into dancing for me." are two that you can start to meditate on right now. Ask the Lord for joy and receive it. Bless you,
      Love, Jane

  9. My career my financial status lord i haven't been doing the right things but please show me mercy im very mentally tired i know he's here buy yet i seem so far gone and lost my life feel im cursed i pray everyday seek his face volunteer on pray lines helping other yet im weak why has he chose me im not worthy.
    Jane please pray with me my name is eve

    1. @Eve: You're just the kind of person God is looking for...weak and unworthy!!! You need a shot of love from above! You need to quit criticizing yourself and receive the grace that God has freely given you. I got a word today about a whiteboard that I was writing on & erasing over & over again trying to make everything in my life perfect. A sense of relief comes when we know are loved even though we make mistakes. God loves us even if we are imperfect.Know this and relax!
      Love, Jane

  10. Hi Jane.
    Please can you bless me with a word from the Lord about my life.
    Thank you.

    1. @El: The Lord showed me a construction site with a house under construction. The foundation had been poured, the framework was up but the siding and windows still needed to be done; there was no roof and no electrical work done. I wonder if you are a relatively new Christian, under 10 years old. One good thing about the lack of siding on the building is that the wind of the Spirit can blow through without anything to stop it. Haha. "You are being built into a temple fit for God's own dwelling place". Leonard Ravenhill said that it takes 20 years to make a Christian so God will keep building you up into a complete house and even decorate it with beautiful gifts. Another aspect of this picture is actually taking time to build houses for the poor with a ministry like Habitat For Humanity. You get so blessed when you give to the poor. Bless you El!
      Love, Jane

  11. Replies
    1. @bk: The Lord showed me a picture of an airline hangar then you, as the plane's pilot, flying all around the world surveying the lands below while hearing the voice of the Lord telling you each country's prayer needs. We are co-workers with God as Intercessors for the nations. I believe you will find great joy and challenge as you enter this anointing. I recommend 'Intercession' by Dutch Sheets, in my opinion one of the best books ever written on Intercession & available on Amazon. Be blessed in this calling from God. Love, Jane

    2. Ms. Jane. Thank you for your time and gift !!! I receive this Word and will get this book ASAP! Bless you Woman Of GOD! Keep up the great work and if I don't meet you in this life, I hope I get to meet you in Heaven !- BK

  12. Hi Jane,
    Thank you for seeking the lord and getting a picture, I have no idea what it means... I dont work in an office, I work in a very quiet barber shop.... As a barber...
    There's no water cooler, and I don't really know any business Executives...
    I'm not one to talk about people or My possessions and that's because I haven't had a fixed place to live for the last 4 years So I own virtually nothing....
    Hmmm sorry that I don't understand this picture Was it definitely for me??

    1. @Louise (above reply). You will find that God's prophecies pertain to to the future as well as to the present. Please read the Reply under your original request under the Heading August 01, 2012 Request Here Too for more understanding of God's prophetic picture for you.
      Love, Jane

  13. Dear Jane, i am just totally confused with my life even as a child of God. i am stuck up in a job i have now come to detest so much, by virtue of lack of progress,joy and constant exploitation. i have tried to get another but to no avail. i also wish to be married and settled, still no way. There must be something God wants me to do which i am not. stay blessed

    1. @Shalom: The Lord showed me a Movie Set and the Director yelling "Action"! I sense this is not simply a word to take action but to actually pursue opportunities in the film business.Community Colleges have lots of courses available and Patricia King's Ministry trains people in every area of film & other media. There is a great need for people with your technical and creative skills in these areas plus having your nights filled with studies of something you really enjoy will make your day job much more tolerable until you can find a better job in the film or television industry. Please let me know if this speaks to you. Love, Jane

    2. Thanks a lot for your time Jane. its a priviledge to be promptly attended to among so many requests. Apart from the job i'm doing, i'm into creative writing. it is what i enjoy doing most but have been recently slack and discouraged due to some technicalities. i don't know if this is what God wants me to pursue again but thanks again. You are ever blessed.

    3. @Shalom: Yes, I believe this is a gift that God will anoint more and more for you. Your writing is not just for your own enjoyment but to bless the readers of your writings. The word about the movies is very strong, don't reject it or think it's impossible. Take a Script Writing course. Get prepared for a new career in an area where you are greatly needed. Blessings, Jane

    4. Dear Jane, i just bless the Lord who has used you to bring this picture into my life. I had earlier started on script writing course to learn more about it but later abandoned it due to lack of focus. Now i know where to channel my energy this time around. i am really grateful for your encouragement and the time taken by you. I have written down your words in case i am tempted to give up again. You remain eternally blessed.

  14. Hi jane this is jacqueline and eve two request on Sep1 please don't forget like to know what you see..

    1. @Jacqueline and Eve: It can take up to a month for me to share a prophetic picture for you. I am not a prophecy factory, like some who even charge money for what God freely gives to build up His people, although a thank you via Paypal is nice. It is my delight to pray for you and I appreciate your patience! Let God touch you by browsing through the Archives as you wait for your own picture. Love, Jane

    2. @Jacqueline & Eve: Both of your prophetic pictures are published above. Be blessed,
      Love, Jane

    3. Jane if i came off wrong in any way that is not me thank you for your time such a blessing what your doing for the lord...jacqueline and eve!!

    4. @Jaqueline: You are a sweet blessing. You want a fulfilled life and God will give it to you if you just read His word, pray & do what He says. No need for you to apologize at all. Hug, hug!
      Love, Jane

  15. Hi Jane, I've been looking throughout your website and thank you for your faithfulness to the Lord and for your servant's heart to lift each of us up in prayer - regardless of whether or not you know us. I've been seeking God's direction towards ministry this year and was wondering if you'd also be able to pray for and with me? God's placed various dreams in my heart for ministry but it's a matter of turning dreams into reality. Thanks! -J

    1. Sorry about not naming my previous one. My screen name is "JC".

    2. @JC: The Lord showed me a map of South America and zoomed in on a picture of you working with a medical team that went to small, remote villages. As you were going to sleep on your cot, you heard urgent pleas coming from the continent of Africa (much as the Apostle Paul heard the pleas of the people of Macedonia begging "Come over here!"). My impression is that the South American countries are Argentina and/or Uruguay but no revelation naming the African countries. God wants you out doing new things, getting a fresh approach to ministry in untried areas. Let me know if this speaks to you please. Love, Jane

  16. HI seeking a prophetic word for my life.

    1. Hi sorry about that Jane.My name is Bronwyn

    2. @Bronwyn: The Lord showed me a picture of you wearing a Private School uniform: a plaid skirt, white shirt & tie the next picture showed you playing soccer on a soccer field. I have the impression that God wants you to know that there is absolutely no competition with Him. Unlike Sports, where there are winners and losers, and you are always determined to get a goal, you never have to do anything to earn God's love. Unlike your earthly father, He is always there for you, never too busy to hear your cries and your joys. He wants you to get to know Him more, to rely on Him more, to succeed because of what He has done not you.
      Bless you with an outpouring of His incomparable love,
      xoxoxo Jane

  17. @ Hl or Anonymous: Could you please clarify for me whether Hl is your Screen Name or a typo for the word Hi. I do not pray for anyone named Anonymous so please do this again using either Initials or a Screen name. Thanks, there are way too many people calling themselves Anonymous!Thank you for seeking God's pictures here. Blessings, Jane

  18. Looking for a word as you feel led, Thank you & God Bless!

    1. @Neil: Glad to see you here! Praying for your pic!

    2. @Neil: The Lord showed me a picture of a peach that was so badly bruised that taking the bruised part out was not enough to make the peach useable, so God had to take the peach pit and plant it in good soil that allowed a whole new peach tree to grow that produced perfect, unbruised fruit.
      I sense that you were badly hurt as a child and young man. God has now made you a new creation in Christ Jesus old things have passed away and all things have become new. When old, hurtful thoughts come to mind refuse them! You are now fruitful for the Lord and the tree is still growing and becoming even more well rooted. Be blessed, you're a peach! Love, Jane

    3. @Neil: I'm unsure as to whether the above is a word for you or a ministry word for people you know who need healing.Let me know please. Love, Jane

    4. Hi Jane, Thank you for the encouraging word! I believe it was for me, it definitely spoke to me, God Bless!

  19. Seeking direction for my life.

    1. @Anonymous: Please ask again for prophetic prayer using either a Screen Name or initials. Requests from Anonymous cannot be answered. Thanks so much!!!

  20. hi Jane, I really need some prophetic encouragement about my job situation.
    thanks, Michelle

  21. Jane,

    Thank you for offering a prophetic picture for me. I am seeking God's will for a relationship that I have with my boyfried Aaron. Is this God's will for me or should I save my heart?

    I appreciate your kindness,
    Brittany M.

    1. @Brittany M.: I have the impression that you may have to change some of your romantic ideas about love and marriage. Often the hot & torrid romances quickly burn out a short time after marriage as they are not based on love but on lust. I I sense that your boyfriend is not all that exciting, just a nice guy; not absolutely gorgeous but quite nice looking; he buys you presents but nothing extravagant and he loves you for who you are and appreciates your uncertainty. get to know him as a person and ask God to put a stop to the marriage if it's not from Him. I believe this comfortable kind of relationship makes for a really good, solid marriage. Blessings, Love, Jane

    2. Dear Jane,
      You are so kind for your wisdom and discernment!! I took your words to heart and believe they were straight from our God.

      The very night I read this I had a dream about your words... can you give me some insights into the meaning?? As I think it would be very important for me to know.

      In the dream I was secure and happy with my relationship, so happy that I was encouraging others in their relationships. On a specific day my boyfriend and I were supposed to meet at the top of the Eiffel Tower. On the way to meet him I called him and he answered that he was on his way. I oddly was carrying with me a large piece of art that I knew was "my life's work". Sadly and shockingly as I got to the top of the Eiffel Tower to meet him... he never showed up and I walked down and left bewildered. Then I woke up.. very sad.

      Any interpretation?
      Thank you so much!

    3. @Brittany M: Your boyfriend may be getting tired of your indecision and be considering breaking up with you. Start treating him with the respect he deserves, pray for him unselfishly, and ask forgiveness for your behaviour.
      Bless you & thank God for this warning dream!

  22. Hi Jane
    Really looking forward to a word over my life.

    1. @Esther: God opened up a picture of you standing under a bridge, on a grassy hill, watching a sightseeing boat go under the bridge on the river in front of you. I heard Him say "You are not a sightseer. You live in this country all the time.You may travel to other countries to tell them of the King and the wonders of this country but you always come home to rest." What's the name of this country, God?" I asked "My Chosen Land, My Territory." I sense God has travel & ministry plans for you whether you think you can afford it or not. Let me know if this speaks to you, please. With love, Jane

  23. Hi Jane, i've really enjoyed going through the archives in your blog. i hope to receive a word from the Lord concerning my marital life. i think i am long overdue to start a family of my own. Thanks

    1. @A.Y: When I first saw your initials I immediately thought of A.Y. Jackson, a famous Canadian Painter/visual artist who was a member of the Group of Seven. I have the impression that you are very creative but a family is something that is best to trust God to create. You could do it yourself but would make a mess of it. Had a couple of quick flashes of a man holding the hand of a little boy, about 4 years old, than another quick pic. of a very pregnant woman. God will give you the desires of your heart for the family you want.Just make sure that you always put God first!
      Blessings to you,
      Love, Jane

    2. Thanks Jane i am grateful for that prophetic word. May the Lord continue to reward you

  24. it's all good:D but did you get a word for me?

    1. @Michelle Voth: Can you hang on a little while? Sometimes I hear from God right away sometimes it takes longer. It can actually take a few weeks sometimes so just keep checking this Blog to see if your word/pic has been Posted. Well worth waiting for! Thanks. Love & blessings, Jane

  25. Hi Jane
    My name is Grace. looking for a prophetic word or picture. Lots has been happening with my family.
    God Bless you Jane

    1. @Grace: The Lord showed me a picture of you lying beside a swimming pool, on a chaise lounge, happily tanning in the sun. A child, just learning to walk, was at the side of the chaise lounge, being ignored by you. I have the impression that you really enjoy soaking in the presence of the Lord, so much so that you are ignoring the ministry God birthed in you about a year ago. I believe God wants you to feed it with prayer, words of knowledge and revelations as well as doing practical things like fundraising, networking with other churches, starting a website and designing posters. I am not getting a picture of what the ministry is but you will know!Get going girl! God has anointed this! Love, Jane

  26. I understand thanks for for telling me:)

    1. @Michelle Voth: The Lord showed me a picture of a white tea rose, with a wonderful perfume but as I looked I began to hear part of Paul Baloche's song 'Above All'..."Like a rose trampled on the ground He cared for me above all." I have the impression that you had been horribly hurt in your youth but the love of God has healed you and enable you to help others who have also suffered. I believe God cares for every part of your life so don't worry, just trust Him. he has done well so far hasn't He? Bless you,
      Love, Jane

    2. wow that is so awesome thank you so much for the encouragement:)God has done amazing things for me and there's more to come:D

  27. Hi Jane, would love to hear of a prophetic picture for me, love the "Out of the Box" Blessings to you, Angela

    1. @Angela: The Shinto wind-chimes I saw, in a picture from God, of your front porch gave me the impression that you have a great interest in Japan. Unfortunately there is also an interest in mixing Japanese spirituality with the life God has given you through Christ. There is a simplicity in the Gospels that pours life into you rather than empties you to nothingness. These are people to pray for not to imitate. Bless you in the love and wisdom of the Lord,
      Jane xoxoxo

    2. Hi Jane, Thanks for your word, Just a little confused as i have no interest in anything japanese except for sushi? Are you able to clarify as confused and concerned while pondering this, Blessings Angela xoxo

    3. @Angela: I believe this prophecy will manifest several years in the future as God places more and more of His desires in your heart. He will make the connections and divine appointments, don't try to make anything happen yourself! A few years from now you will look back saying to yourself "I had a prophecy about this. I have to be sure not to mix Christianity with other meditation techniques and beliefs no matter how attractive, poetic & sensible."
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

    4. Hi Jane, Thanks for your word, I really appreciate this.
      I have been actively following Christ for 3 years now, I have witnessed some amazing signs and wonders and a personal healing, I also woke from a dream a couple of months ago and asked the Lord what that dream meant as it disturbed me, he said quite audibly, "Do Not Compromise" I really do not have any Desire in other religions or spirituality as I do believe in the holiness and purity of the Living word found in the Bible..But on the other hand, I am surrounded by family and people who do believe in Buddhism and other forms of spirituality so maybe this is a warning to not mix drinks! I have also been a little confused by some of the amazing future prophecies spoken over my life and probably have been trying to "strive" in my own efforts so good to know God has confirmed me to rest and trust in him and his timing, God Bless you Jane xoxo

    5. Hi Jane, Thanks for your word, I really appreciate this.
      I have been actively following Christ for 3 years now, I have witnessed some amazing signs and wonders and a personal healing, I also woke from a dream a couple of months ago and asked the Lord what that dream meant as it disturbed me, he said quite audibly, "Do Not Compromise" I really do not have any Desire in other religions or spirituality as I do believe in the holiness and purity of the Living word found in the Bible..But on the other hand, I am surrounded by family and people who do believe in Buddhism and other forms of spirituality so maybe this is a warning to not mix drinks! I have also been a little confused by some of the amazing future prophecies spoken over my life and probably have been trying to "strive" in my own efforts so good to know God has confirmed me to rest and trust in him and his timing, God Bless you Jane xoxo

    6. @Fern/Angela: God has given you amazing understanding for a 3 year old Christian! I praise Jesus for guiding your life! Thanks e word of confirmation of the Lord to you!

  28. Hi Sister Jane!! I hope I'm doing this right. My name is Leah Cohen & I LOVE JESUS!!!! =) I am a single mama of 3 amazing boys & God is very good to us. You can read my testimony here:
    I would LOVE a prophetic picture if you feel so lead. Thank you in advance for your heart to share your wonderful gift. God's blessings to you & your ministry. Leah =) <+><

    1. @Leah Cohen: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing inside a bus shelter with your 3 children waiting for a bus. When it arrived and you and the children got on I noticed that the name of the bus was Glory Station. I have the impression that the Lord had bought your bus tickets and told you to wait in His shelter for a ride into His glory. You
      are being driven from the provision realm into the glory real where you are simply
      speechless and in awe of who He is...the
      reason why angels sing Holy, Holy, Holy for eternity. You are so blessed!
      Love, Jane

    2. Wow Sister!!! Thank you so much. I'm not real good at blogs, so I didn't see this until now!!! I LOVE IT!!! I'm definitely the Glory Girl!! :) What a blessing you are!! Thanks again & Happy Thanksgiving!!! :) In Him!! xo
      Leah Cohen

  29. Dear Jane
    I would like prayer for what my next step should be.
    All thanks to Jesus for you.

    1. @A.W : The Lord showed me a picture of you standing on the red carpet that led to the Academy Awards of Heaven. Strangely enough you were standing sideways on the carpet smiling at and being concerned about the crowd that lined either side of the red carpet. You heard Jesus say "Turn around and move forward. Walk up to the stage and speak words of truth that will shake people up. Call for the sick, the lame, the blind, the poor and see the power of God do the miraculous. The growing of legs to equal lengths and totally healed minds by the power of God working in you boldly hand- in-hand with God by the Holy Spirit. Expect a great deal more! Jesus said you would do even greater things!Start now!" The red carpet is the ground before you cushioned by the sacrifice of Jesus. Let me know if this speaks to you, please. Love, Jane

  30. Hi Jane, here from Facebook :) I would like a prophetic picture please!

    1. @Ciera: When I saw your name I thought of the Sierra Mountains. I saw a picture of you climbing a mountain, about 1/2 way to the top. The Lord reminded me of a cartoon I saw that made me laugh and say "Ahah!" It showed a mountain with many people climbing it but at the foot of the mountain a Pastor stood, holding his Bible,in front of a door that said Elevator with a button for you to press beside it. Hahaha. I have the impression that you will rise to the top of the mountain by jumping on the elevator of the Holy Spirit who lifts you up, with no effort on your part, closer to God. Be filled with the Spirit and I speak increase of Him in you! Bless you,
      Love, Jane

    2. That reminds me of a dream I had once ... A group from my church stood waiting for the elevator in a lobby, and somehow I got on one all by myself and instead of going 'up' I was going down, but I knew it was the right direction. There was more to it, but I'd have to look it up in my email lol

      And my screen name comes from a character I write, and it originally came from the Sierra Mountains! I just changed the spelling over the years lol

    3. @Cierra: How wonderful! I believe your dream of the elevator going down symbolized "working out you own salvation", not with your church group but just alone with the Lord increasing in you and you decreasing (going down in the elevator of your ego). This is one of the reasons you are ascending the mountain quite quickly! Bless you!
      Love, Jane

  31. Hi Jane,

    I have struggle with drug addiction and porn for many years. I dont do it as much but i find myself right back out there. is there a prayer prophecy for me?

    1. @svb: The Lord reminded me of the acronym for "FEAR":
      You seem to be believing that you have not been delivered from these unhealthy, unholy urges but you have control over them by one of the fruits of the spirit which is self-control. Just believe it by repeating this truth to yourself over and over again. Your mind does not control you! You control your mind!Fill your mind with the word of God, especially from the New Testament and a healthy, renewed mind will begin to create you into the loving character of Jesus.
      Bless you. Love, Jane

  32. Looking for prayer and a word in relation to something that has been on my heart and mind, looking for affirmation as to what I feel the Lord is telling me. Thank you for my word last month it was very well received

    1. Hi Jane, just wanted to make sure you didn't overlook my request :) Thank you, and may God Bless you abundantly for your service!

    2. @Jacob: You have not been forgotten, Jacob. Here is your prophetic picture: I believe you are praying for a wife. Keep praying and let God do the rest. You also have a strong desire to travel and your wife-to-be also has this desire. This is one of the attributes of the Gift of Evangelism.
      Bless you, Love, Jane

    3. Hi Jane, This word did not really speak to me, I am married already and my wife and I are unable to travel right now for various reasons. Please continue to pray for me as there is storms in my life right now, I feel the Lord keeps ansering me with the same answer, "keep the faith" so that is what Im trying to do and doing well for the most part, but I do get weak at times. Please keep me in your prayers and if the Lord gives you a word for me I would love to hear it. Thank you for your service!

    4. @Jacob: It could be that because of illness or a disability your wife is not really a wife in the way that she would be if she were healed by the Lord. And you are not able to travel as you both desire as you both for the same reason.Faith for healing is good. God is stretching you faith right now.Believe that this mountain shall be removed but rejoice everyday anyway. Blessings, Jane

  33. Hi Jane, love what the Lord is doing through you. I am going through a difficult time in my life and feel like I am disappointing people who are looking up to me. Would like a prophetic picture. I believe I have been hearing the Lord on this situation but would like some encouragement. Thanks and God bless you. SK

    1. @SK: The Lord showed me what I believe is a picture of the Living Room of your house. All the furniture was black leather,there were three black & white photographs hanging elegantly on the wall, the dark drapes were closed to keep the sun from over-heating the room and I was reminded of what St.John The Divine called "The Dark Night of the soul." Jesus is with you in this storm. Learn what you can from t his time, let Him heal your hurts and ask the Lord what it is that you need to change in your life.It may be simply to get down from that pedestal people have put you on, and in your weakness become empowered by God the name of Jesus through the Holy Spirit. As you lean on Him he will brighten & enlighten you &
      may even lead you to buy some red leather pillows! Hugs & love, Jane

    2. Jane:-) thanks for taking time to pray for me. I am so encouraged and the prophetic picture is just awesome. Glory to Jesus!
      I will continue to lean on Jesus 100%. It is very true, people have put me on a pedestal and that is the reason for all this pressure I'm feeling right now. I'm stepping down from that pedestal in Jesus' name and may God's strength be made perfect in my weakness. I will not try to be strong for everybody around me anymore in a way that is not of the Lord, may Jesus shine through me. Love, SK.

    3. @SK: I love your response! More Lord!
      xoxoxo Jane

  34. Hi Jane, I would really appreciate a Rhema word right now. My name is Maria. Bless you x

    1. @Maria: The Lord showed me a picture of you eating a piece of Apple Pie. The filling tasted delicious but you suddenly realized that the crust was not baked. Yuck! Raw crust is unhealthy & does not taste good! Interpretaton: The Lord has given you a very sweet spirit that blesses all who meet you but I believe He is wanting to teach you major lessons about the fundamentals of Christianity, a foundation that was left undone and He is about to put you in the oven (the fire) to provide a delicious layer that holds everything together to finish the work He has already done in you.(The finished work of Christ as a reality in your life, not just a concept.) Blessings on you Maria,
      Love, Jane

  35. Hi Jane,

    I'm a Christian,but have never seen anyone offering a prophetic word online before.I'm mostly just curious.It's difficult to tell what is real and what is not sometimes.I'd like a word if possible.Thank you. -Sherry

    1. @Sherry: God has sent you here to build up your Spirit, to strengthen, guide and comfort you. Nobody is on this Blog by accident so WELCOME!
      The Lord showed me a huge red, puffy, heart that was attempting to enter through prison bars on a window to enter the prisoner's heart. The heart tried several times but failed to enter between the narrow bars. Suddenly the heart deflated, rolled itself up into an arrow and entered, with power, into the heart that needed love. I believe you have your suspicions about the validity of
      prophecy but the true word of God is meant to build up the church & impart
      love...with a "Shot of Love" like the
      Bob Dylan song. Blessings to you,
      Love, Jane

    2. That's beautiful Jane.Thank you and God bless you.
      Love in Christ Jesus,Sherry

  36. hello Jane can you please seek a word from the Lord for me thanks -aleisha

    1. @Aleisha: I have the impression that you are doubting many things. The Lord showed me a picture of big black question marks over some people's heads, over some books, even over some prophets. Healthy questioning is good but you must discern whether you are being critical or whether God is showing you to avoid certain people and teachings. You must believe God's promises and never doubt them! And never doubt His love for you, ask Him for more awareness of it! He is so blessed when you share His love with others and you get blessed too! He loves you with an everlasting love. He is the Father you always hoped for! Bless you.
      Love, Jane

  37. Jane, it is your friend Joe Jr. lol I'm all ears.

    1. @ Joe Jr.: The Lord showed me a prophetic picture of you on a submarine in very deep water. You could see everything surrounding you: the fish, old discared Coke cans & other garbage floating by. You were sitting in front of an instrument panel listening to God giving you navigational directions on a radio that only you could hear. I
      believe God has given you a gift of seeing deeply into people- seeing their
      motivation, their fears, their potential
      and their hurts/garbage. You are blessed to have ears that hear and eyes that see the deep things of God and you are led by God in ways that will never leave you high and dry. Be blessed!
      Love, Jane

  38. Hi Jane,

    I came across your blog tonight from a friends wall that you had commented on. I dont think I have ever asked for a prophetic word from anyone. They have been given to me but not sure I ever asked specifically so this is kind of new to me. I have an amazing testimony to share regarding a home that my son & I are living in since my divorce a year & half ago. All of this has been nothing short of a miracle the entire process. However, I still do not actually own this home yet, we have been renting. But now is the time when I will either have to buy or move out by end of Nov. my son & I are still praying, & still believing God is going to work another miracle that will allow us to stay here. This truly has been an amazing journey. I want to share it all with you but on here it may be too long. Right now I am in limbo not sure what is goung to happen. The bank owns it. I have been praying that God leads me. God brought us here & this is my dream home & has been a blessing to my son, myself & many, many others. I am a bit nervous to ask for a picture because faith has gotten my son & I this far so not sure if I am out of line for asking. I only want this if God wants me to have a picture.

    1. @Jennifer LaCharite: The Lord showed me a picture of a Farm with a red barn on it and fields divided into small patches that looked like a Community Garden. At the edge of the farm I saw an apple orchard where someone had tried to chop down several of the trees but hey still produced fruit. I believe this is a picture that shows how you have been very blessed by planting seeds and giving back to God. Even when the enemy tried to chop down one of your sources of seed it survived and even thrived. He is taking care of you like a husband and father to both you and your son. Thy will be done with Jennifer's dream house, God, in the name of Jesus!
      Love, Jane

  39. Dear Jane,
    I am tempted to ask God if this is all what life is about. I am so fed up with it. Life is a gift from God why can't i find joy in it. I feel so out of place in a world of so much cruelty.

    1. @Titi: You are a stranger in a strange land so it is not surprising that you feel out place amidst a cruel world. You can overcome the feelings you are having by acting the same way Paul and Silas did in their prison cell, where they praised God loudly and joyously, so much that the prison shook so much that the prison gates opened and an angel led them out to continue ministry. Remember what you say is what you get! Stop saying you have no joy! Stop agreeing with lies! The joy of the Lord is your strength! Get into's a lot more fun than doom & gloom no matter what the circumstances!
      Love, Jane

  40. I need a word from God for my life,especially concerning educational pursuit and sentimental relationship.i feel down sometimes.KATIELEE

    1. @KATIELEE: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing inside a big carboard box. You felt so confined. The only light came in through a narrow crack at the top of the box. You could hardly breathe in there but did not know how to get out. Suddenly you recalled the scriptures "With God all things are possible." and "Speak to this mountain be removed." As you spoke to the box one side fell off and you walked out into a green field where Jesus was waiting with some good news for you out your education & your relationships.
      Be blessed,
      Love, Jane


  41. Hello Ms Jane I'm Demetrius morgan I just wanna know was in store for me this year financial n spiratually n loove thanks :-)

    1. @Demetrius morgan: The Lord showed me a picture of a Garbage truck picking up all the trashy, non-Christian books and magazines, the self-help books, the "Success Newsletters" and other things that were offensive to God, that you had placed in garbage bags at the curb. God had spoken a deep word to you about faith in Him and your decision was made to fully rely on God for everything: your relationships, your career, your desires, your income, your health...all of your life! His yoke is easy & His burden is light as you enter into a year of putting God first and seeing the benefits of that.
      Bless you Demetrius,
      Love, Jane

  42. Hello::jane it's jacqueline just tell me a word please when you receive it.Thanks

    1. @Jacqueline: The Lord has given you a prophetic picture which is posted as a Reply to your re quest above. Due to the volume of requests I can only pray for each person once a month. Thanks for understanding.
      Love, Jane

  43. Hi Jane - looking forward to a Word as God leads you - thanks!

    1. @Alesha: The Lord showed me a picture of you fishing, not with a fishing rod but with a huge net that you cast out into the water of the stream, where you stood on its bank. God has made you a fisher of men, I believe, and He wants to encourage you to keep casting out the nets even when your arms are tired, the sun is hot, it's raining and you have caught only one fish all week. That one fish may be the one that will bring whole schools of fish to the net. God is speaking to people through you, although you may be unaware of it. He will continue to lead you beside still waters and restore your soul. You are a delight to God, even in the midst of trials!
      Bless you, Love, Jane

    2. Jane - this is 100% on point! I know that God is using me as a vessel to minister to His people, and I feel as though, over the past 4 months, He has been drawing me closer, equipping me and giving more revelation, rhema Word and biblical knowledge. I am encouraged by your prophetic gifting, as I know He is about to bring me into the same area to minister to His children. This speaks and stirs my spirit - I just finished reading Matthew 4:19 earlier this week! I have also heard it revealed to me (in the past) that I was a delicate flower and a delight to God. May God continue to strengthen you!

  44. @Alesha: Are you the same person as the Aleisha who requested above? Let me know please.Thank you & bless you,

    1. this is the aleisha from the first post we are not the same person i am on your facebook and made requestand you told me to come here im aleisha pritt thanks

    2. @Aleisha: Thanks ! The mystery is solved!

  45. Hi Jane hope You didnt forget about me,I sent a request in this but i didnt get a reply yet.God Bless U .

  46. @Bronwyn: It can take up to a month of prayer to receive a prophetic picture for you. I do not have a big staff doing's just me and God having intimate conversations, as you have been blessed by in April and again in July,2012. Thanks for waiting a little bit more.
    Love, Jane

    1. @Bronwyn: Your prophetic picture was published September 29, 2012. Scroll up to see it.
      Blessings and holy hugs,

  47. I found it!:) Im Judith and I'd like a word.

  48. I found it!:) Im Judith and I'd like a word.

    1. @Judith: Thanks for waiting on me and God! He showed me an awesome picture of you dressed as a warrior of Biblical times, wearing fur garments & carrying a bow and arrow, which you shot with great skill at the enemies of God. I have the impression that God has made you a powerful intercessor for your church and community.He has taught you to loose and bind spiritual things with the authority you have gained through the power of Jesus and the Holy Spirit. You are in the right place, don't run ahead of God. This is not a career it's a ministry from God.You may be recognized for other gifts but God values you most as an Intercessor. Please let me know if this speaks to you.
      Love, Jane

  49. Hi Jane,there is a lot of things that are happening around me that is so discouraging and devastating so would like encouragement. Thank you! May Lord bless you abundantly beyond measure!

    1. @Helen: You were being citicized and corrected very harshly as a young child in this prophetic picture. I have the impression that this training made you into a very compliant, submissive adult, easy to get along with, kind to everyone, very agreeable. I sense God giving you a new sense of discernment, seeing and saying boldly what is wrong. You are learning spiritual warfare & how to apply it. You will be so much more alive! Much happier in this holy boldness!
      Love and blessings, Jane

    2. Jane thank you for the amazing picture God gave you for me. I wanted to post on your blog a reply but wasn't sure how. I posted on 29th September. Thank you for spending time praying for me, its not something I'm used to. God has given you an amazing gift I pray that as you spend time praying for us that God will will bless you abundantly. Helen

  50. Hey Jane, I was wondering if God has a prophetic word for me.

    1. @SamK: The Lord showed me two prophetic pictures of you. In the first one you were in a large retail Bakery Shop, making loaves of bread by kneading them on a bread board. You enegetically pulled off hunks and added them back in to make perfect loaves ready to bake in the oven. The 2nd pic. showed you in the back of a Pottery Shop where you watched a Potter turn a bowl on a pottery wheel while removing and replacing clay as he added water. You are being formed and moulded into the image of Christ."We have this treasure in earthen vessels that the power may be of Him and not of us." and "He is the bread of life." are two scriptures that come to mind.
      Be blessed a whole bunch,
      Love, Jane

  51. Hi Jane. I was seeking a word from the lord during this time in my life. Thank you. God Bless you. Warmly, JoyT

    1. @ JoyT: I have the impression that God wants to lift you up into heavenly places because of your hunger to know Him more and desperately depend on Him. The Lord showed me a picture of you driving s car on a highway when an angel suddenly appeared just above your windshield. You were afraid & not sure what you were seeing but knew the angel was there to lift you into a secret place in heaven that would give you great understanding of the way the Kingdom of God operates to your benefit.You must share these visions.Ask God how he wants you to do it. Let me knowif this speaks to you,
      Love xoxoxoxo Jane

  52. Ms. Jane. I forgot to change my profile picture which has only two of my children in it.

    1. @Joy tobu: That's OK. Bless you all.
      xoxoxo Jane

  53. TessSeptember 30, 2012 12:51 AM

    Hi jane, are you still doing this? I would love a word.

    1. @Tess: Yes, God is still showing me prophetic pictures to build up the church worldwide. Praying for you. Even if your word is given in October it will still appear under the heading September 2012 Request Here since this is the month and year in which you have requested.

    2. @ Tess: The Lord showed me a picture of a muddy road where you had fallen into a deep pit. He reached down and pulled you out then gave you a warm, compassionate hug. I believe this is the source of your testimony that helps lift those who hear it out of their impossible problems. You have a gift of preaching & I have the impression are called to teach young girls about the love and power of Jesus.Keep praying for new opportunities! You are tenacious!
      Let me know if this speaks to you,
      Love, Jane

  54. September 30, 2012 11:36 AM

    Hi, my name is Lisa
    I really need a word concerning my current situation.

    1. @Lisa: I was reminded of the Scripture "Many are the trials of the righteous but the Lord delivers you out of them all." A picture of a Courtroom opened up and I saw Jesus at a table facing the Judge acting as your Lawyer. The Judge looked angry and held up a thick pile of documents naming many things you were being accused of. Jesus moved forward and whispered something in the Judge's ear. Tears came to his eyes as he said "I release this woman into your custody. You will be completely responsible for her.I never want to see her in this Courtroom again. She is free to go." What a joy to have Jesus as your Advocate!He will always set you free!
      Love, Jane

  55. Hi name is Marcia. I could really use a prayer and prophetic word right now. Looking for the Lord to direct my steps in the days ahead. Are you seeing anything for me? thank you!

    1. @Marcia: Prayer requests are published and answered in the month in which they are received so your request is being moved to the heading October 2012 Request Here. It takes me some time to pray for each one so check into my Blog til you see your name and word or picture & be blessed. Thanks for being here!
      Love, Jane
