Thursday, November 1, 2012


November 2012 
Prophetic Prayer Requests
should be placed at the bottom of this Post as a Comment
 not under any other heading,please!
Your prophetic picture will be posted as a Reply to your request.
God longs to surprise & delight you while building up your Spirit .
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 to obtain  eternal life & blessings both in Heaven & on earth!


  1. If you requested prophetic prayer in October 2012 your prophetic word or picture will be posted , as a Reply, under your request. Lots of requests have me scrambling to catch up with God's help!

  2. My name is Boris Levin. I need a word from the Lord for my life and ministry.

    1. @Boris Levin: You were sitting on a beach chair on a sandy beach somewhere in the tropics, wearing a bathing suit in this picture from God. You had a very good suntan & grey hair.
      Interpretation: The warm tropics remind me of your warm relationship with the Lord. You welcome the water of life poured out by the Holy Spirit & enjoy sitting quietly while He speaks to you.
      Your suntan spoke of you spending the correct amount of time with Him, you didn't get sunburned by sin, or ignore Him and stay pale. I sense an interest in politics developing and a leading towards Intercession for nations & their leaders. I sense your ministry is winding down rather than revving up . It is having just as dynamic an impact but more quiet.
      The Lord is keeping you healthy "Til hoar hairs I will carry him." He promises.
      Blessings, Love, Jane

  3. Hello, my name is Lori. Today is my birthday- I'm going through a tremendous trial right now. Praying for positive change. I need a word!

    1. @ Lori: Happy Birthday and many more increasingly better!
      Love, Jane

    2. @Lori: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking down a country road where you had come to 4 different crossroads. You were having a really difficult time deciding which road to take. Suddenly you heard Jesus calling "Hey Lori, come over here!" You followed Jesus across a field where a feast of food was set on a table. "I have set a table before your enemies," He said.You looked to see who the enemies were & no people were to be found but several dark clouds floated about with names in them: Fear, Doubt,Financial Disaster,Loneliness,
      Illness,Control and Bitterness."Let's have Lunch, just be togetether & talk. I have wondrous things to show you."said the Lord.
      Bless you dear Lori!

    3. Thank you, Jane so much. God is with you.

  4. Thank you Sister Jane for your reply to my previous request.
    God called me with my name as "Praveen" and showed the Vision with opened Bible and the word as I will give strength & power to you in the year 1998.
    In the year 2008, again i heard the voice of God and God said to me as "you will build many churches in MY Name."
    After that I was completed 40 days fasting for knowing the Will of God. I asked to God what is the name of the Church that I should in Your name. And God replied to me in a vision as" The Kingdom Of God." So that I started The Kingdom of God Church while I still live in many problems from all sides.
    Again after some days later I heard God voice as Pray For India and recently God showed me in a vision as "Restore Holy Spirit".
    I don't understand why I have been living in many trials from family & financially.
    Every time while I am in prayer evil stands in front of me & I saw many devils directly with my eyes in many people.
    So that kindly pray for me tell what to do for God . I saw failures in my life, people are not liking when I share the word of God exactly as written In Bible.
    No encouragement from family,relatives,friends & in another side debts & financial problems.
    pls pray & tell me how & when will the Lord Jesus perform HIS which He said with me.
    what r my problems? but faithfully i am running my life by hoping on HIM.
    How Lord will lift me up for His glory in this world.?
    Waiting for your reply from Holy Spirit direction.
    May God bless You.Amen.

    1. @Praveen: It seems that often the Lord tests us to teach us His ways and to increase our faith. He has chosen you to fulfill a great desire of God's heart, to be a Church Planter in an empoverished area. It seems impossible. You cannot do it without His help. The Lord reminded me of a Pastor from Japan who got a gold tooth miraculously put in his mouth at a Conference at my church in Toronto. The Lord told him "Every morning when you brush your teeth, you will know that I can do anything because of this miracle! Even build 1,000 Churches in Japan!" Keep believing & receiving! You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
      Love, Jane

  5. Pray i need a word concerning this current session of my life even more as the Holy Spirit reveals.


    1. @Pascal: The Lord showed me a picture of you mopping the floor of a retail store while wishing to be out on the mission field doing like the Apostle Paul, whom you admire very much. God has a call for Evangelism on your life. You want to travel the world telling everyone about Jesus and what He can do. Believe these things for yourself too. God has a way to get you out there. Just believe Him!

    2. Thank you Jane for the prophetic word. I so much desire to be active in ministry and i feel like a tag from God pushing me towards this. I'm not good at worldly things but i can be good with the word of God. I pray that the Lord by his spirit may help me in the process, in patience because i know he will do it at the right time. Be blessed Pascal


  6. Hi Jane, Looking for prayer and a word as you feel led, Thank you! Neil

    1. @Neil: The Lord showed me a picture of you on a yacht, in a canal, headed out towards the ocean. You, the owner of the yacht and some friends were on the deck chatting and having fun. Jesus was asleep in a cabin below. Interpretation: You know that Jesus is always there whether He is talking to you or not. Just because He is quiet does not mean He has left you. You know you can always call on Him if a bad storm scared you and that He would be faithful to miraculously stop it or tell you what to do to survive it. You also know you can count on Him as your provider, not on your rich friends. Smooth sailing is yours with His help!
      Love, Jane

  7. I need a word from God..
    thank you for praying for me.
    may god bless you and your ministry!


    1. @GK: I heard the Holy Spirit say "He is an idea machine!" He showed me a picture of you designing and re-designing things that would make our world a lot better. Are you interested in a career in Engineering? I believe this is a path for you. You also have good Management skills, are an encourager and a very patient person. The Lord is on your side & loves you to call on Him and just enjoy Him.
      Blessings of Love from Above,


    2. Thank you Jane. I was considering electrical apprenticeship as a possible career choice. I will continuously ask and pray to the Lord. Thank you again for your prayers, I pray that God will bless your ministry with abundance.

  8. Dear Sister in Christ: Jane
    My name is Sirisha Rani,
    I want to know what is the will of God in my life. How God wants to see me for His Glory. Will God use me for His work. God blessed me with a good husband & two blessed male kids.
    I want Holy Spirit in my life so pls pray and tell me what Lord shows to you about me.

    1. @Sirisha Rani: I heard the Lord say "Home. Home is very important to her." I don't sense that God is calling you out into the world but rather doing ministry at home. You could start a Bible Study and invite your unsaved neighbours to experience the love of God. You could also have Bible Studies for children & include your own children to play & learn while establishing a firm foundation in the Gospel. You have a Teaching anointing I believe and God wants you to use it.

  9. Hi Jane
    My name is Bev I would love a word please ♥

    1. @ Bev: The Lord showed me a picture of the front lawn of a house that had a sign on it that said "Real Estate" in red letters on a white background. Interpretation: Where you live is in a state called "Real or Reality". You are a great seeker of the truth. The sign was not a For Sale sign. You know you cannot buy the truth, it is free and Jesus said "I am the Way, the Truth and the Life." God has recently been showing you more of the truth that sets you and others free. You have a very teachable spirit, which really blesses God. You are a blessing to the Kingdom,
      Love, Jane

  10. Hi Sweet Jane! I would love to be blessed by a Word from God on the future/destiny of my writing and speaking ministry. Thank you so very much! You are a doll! Blessings to you and yours:)

    1. @Sheila: Thanks for the compliments. Just keep watching this space, checking in every so often, under your request to see your prophetic picture. It can take 30 days or more for me to receive a deep word for you, so please be patient. Browse thru the Archives (Bottom of the right side panel) to be blessed by the awesome life-giving pictures God has given to others. Glad God has brought you here. Love, Jane

    2. @Sheila: The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting on a bench in your garden. I thought it strange that there was only one kind of flower growing in your garden...the rose! So many different types and colours of roses! The Lord explained that this has to do with your focus on writing and speaking. Your testimony has been focused, by God, on the growth of beauty and its relation to lessons from the garden. The fact that there are so many colours, shades,fragrances and types refers to expansion to many countries and types of Churches. He has an endless supply of messages to bless all who are hungry for more of
      Him. This is a year of expansion, aerating the soil, loosening it up,feeding, weeding and watering.
      Let me know it this speaks to you Sheila.
      Lots of blessings in the Lord,
      Love, Jane


    3. Dearest Jane,
      Such a beautiful, inspiring and perfect word!
      You are a blessing:)

  11. All of you: October 2012 Requests that I am still praying for will appear as a Reply under your request in October 2012, not under November 2012. Thanks for waiting on me & God! I seem to always have a few that I'm waiting to give pix in the next month. Thanks for understanding.
    Love, Jane

  12. Hello Jane, thanks for allowing the Lord to do great and mighty works through you. I am requesting a word from the Lord concerning something new i am trying to venture into. Thanks

    1. @Shalom: The Lord showed me a Computer screen with an Excel or some other program displaying columns of numbers on a spreadsheet. I have the impression that you would do very well with your own Bookkeeping business. You have a natural gift for mathematics. You could also consider work as an Auditor for a large company but your own business with just a few good, reliable clients would be preferable. There is a possibility of just specializing in doing the books for Churches and local ministries. If you are considering multi-level marketing of vitamins or cosmetics please re-consider & use your gifts as a Bookkeeping business owner.
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

  13. Hello, I am Florence and would like to know what about my marriage. I received so many prophecies from different people, going in the same sense, but I am 36 years old now, I was born again at 12 years, but still now I have never been married, I feel extremely sad and lonely and I reaaly see no hope for my future, please Madam, help me, I am desperate.

    1. @Florence: Like everything else we want and don't receive as quickly as we would like, we must accept that God has a reason for holding back our desire. We just have to accept it and know He is working it for your good. You would be better to be desperate for God, seeking to know Him more, learning His promises in the Bible, seeking His face and desiring to please Him. God is preparing you now to grow in understanding. Ask for prayer at your church to remove, in the name of Jesus, any family curse that may have been put on you. Don't allow yourself to be sad & lonely! When you feel like that ask God who you can go and help. You may even find Mr.Right doing the same thing!
      Love, Jane

  14. I need a word about a new car. Ours was taken. We need financing.

    1. @Anonymous: Please post your Screen name or Initials as a Reply at the bottom of this post. Thanks.

  15. Hi Jane. I am the only christian in my family so I can only cleanse my room. I am in Australia now for healing and deliverance. I left some unpleasant things in my room in Fiji before I came Australia. But I renounced them already so those unpleasant things can't hinder me. Did you get a picture when you prayed for me? Thank you. Johnson from Fiji.

  16. @Johnson from Fiji: The prophetic picture for you is Posted under your prayer request, as a Reply, under the heading October 2012 Request Here. I believe God is doing a mighty work in you for the salvation of your people.
    Love, Jane

  17. Hie Jane Im Olinda i just want to see what God is saying especailly marrige..Thank you God Bless you and may he increase FIRE

    1. @Olinda: "He makes His ministers a flame of fire!" Hebrews 1:7.Thanks and praying for your prophetic picture by the Holy Spirit. Keep watching this space every so often during November as I do not notify people by email or otherwise. It is your responsibility to make a note of the date of your request and checking for its answer.
      Hugs & blessings,

    2. @Olinda: The Lord showed me a picture of you as a Pilot of an old fashioned airplane. You kind of looked like Amelia Earhart, very adventurous and enjoying being lifted up sky high. The Holy Spirit, I believe, said "There's only one thing wrong with this picture. She should not be flying alone. She needs a good navigator to fly with her." God is opening your eyes to see the men who are potential husbands. It often happens quite unexpectedly.
      Love and Blessings,

  18. Hi Jane,

    Not sure how to request a word. But if God lays something on your heart I appreciate it and what He has you doing! Thank you either way! God Bless!
    Jeremy B.

    1. @Jeremy B.: A very strong wind was blowing you forward to an area you did not want to go to in this prophetic picture. It was not responding to you telling it to stop. When you cried out "Lord, help!" you saw a doorway that you could enter into to find shelter. Interpretation: Someone who is a strong influence on your spiritually may be trying to force you into experiences that are not for your benefit. You are wise to step out of the situation into a place of protection and shelter. This could also relate to you seeing indiscretions in business that you would be best not to go along with. You are wise to stick with integrity no matter how spiritual & wonder-working it may be!
      Love, Jane

  19. Hello I'm Ileisha B. I need a word about my ministry please.

    1. @Ileisha B.: The Lord showed me the most beautiful ballet dancers, dressed in diaphanous white, dancing to heavenly music and you speaking the most wonderful words that interpreted their dance. You were in a church but it was unlike any service I've attended. It was like theatre but with stories that reached deep in the heart. I sense that God will be unfolding many of these stories to you as life-lessons for the growth of the church worldwide. Healing and loving are major elements of your ministry taught in this unique way.
      Blessings of His love,

    2. Thanks sis Jane God bless u also if God shows you anything about my music please tell me.

    3. @Iliesha: Please re-read your prophetic picture! It is all about your music and what to do with it!
      Love, Jane

  20. Hello I need a prophecy concerning my ministry my name is Ileisha B. thank you

  21. i have yet to recieve the baptism in the spirit or any spiritual gifts, wondering if u could pray for me as it is something i deeply desire, and please let me know if He shows u something for me, thank u and God bless.

    1. I highly recommend that you read a book called "Nine O'Clock in the Morning" that will open your understanding and spirit to receive all that God has for you with the infilling of the Holy Spirit. The Lord showed me a picture of you kneeling on the shore of River of Life. You were not just tasting the water but gulping it down hahaha, with joy!
      I'm praying that God will just show up & bless you with this wonderful aspect of the Trinity that every Christian needs! Let me know what happens!
      Love and holy hugs,


  22. Want to hear from God. He knows what is happening and i am tired, and there has been a block up around me.

    1. @Shirley: The Lord showed me a picture very similar to one I had received for someone else last year. I saw you standing under a bridge, very close to a cement bridge abutment, so close that you were only focused on that huge, immovable object. The bridge speaks to me of reconciliation with someone or something in your past. It is just a matter of getting up to the level of the bridge and crossing it. The picture then moved to let me see Jesus tapping on your shoulder saying "Follow me." There was a shallow stream that He led you across - "He leads me by the still waters, He restores my soul" - then up a grassy hillside to the road that connected to the bridge. You are free now to make amends and move on. You have learned a lot through this time & have been strengthened for the road ahead.
      Blessings of love,

  23. Please pray for me

    1. @Alethea: The Lord showed me a picture of a Fig Newton cookie and I had the impression He was comparing you to the cookie: your centre was very sweet and full of tiny seeds and wrapped in a soft pastry covering . He absolutely delights in your child-like sweetness! You know it comes from Him and even if you get dropped on the ground, God will lift you up and give you more Fig Newtons!
      Bless you dear,
      Love, Jane

  24. Sister Jane:
    My Beloved Sister Jane, this is Praveen again, Please pray and tell me via Holy Spirit help. Do you see any growing financially and more spiritually before end of this year. Will God helps us financially to buy the land for Church, children's and widows, bible school purpose and How God will be going to bless the ministry I do for God.

    Please pray and tell me...
    May God bless you and Waiting for your loving reply and May God helps you. Amen.

    1. @Praveen: Your prayer request for November 2012 has already been answered. Due to the volume of prophetic prayer requests I can only answer one request per month. Please request again in December.
      Thanks for understanding.
      Blessings to you & yours,

  25. Wondering if you could pray for me, I live in California and I work for a medical Marijuana clinic, I have people in my life I feel judge me for it, but I see terminally ill people that get help every day. Starting to feel convicted for it and wondering if God will show you something for me, I want Gods will in my life, should I leave my job? or stay and endure the judging of others.

    1. @SeekingHiswill: I had the impression that the Lord was comparing your job to that of a Christian who works in a Liquor Store or as a Bartender. It is not surprising that people are not in agreement with your job choice. We are to be in the world but not of it. TV news reported recently that the US State of Colorado has now approved the recreational use of marijuana and it has been shown to reduce the pain of terminally ill cancer patients. Working in that atmosphere must be taking a toll on your spirit and it has nothing to do with condemnation. You may be better to work in a Hospice and pray for the terminally ill and their families. I believe God is protecting your soul from harm by giving you another kind of job. If I get more from God I'll let you know.
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane! I have felt it on my heart to look for other employment ever since I requested a word, I'm going to look for alternate work. Please pray that the right door will open. And if he gives you anything else please let me know. Thank you and God Bless!!!

    3. @SeekingHiswill: Start looking for a job in a Hospital, Hospice , Nursing Home or Retirement Home where you can encourage the sick & quietly pray for them. You could train to be a Hospital Chaplain.
      Ask God and he will lead you to a place of blessing!
      Love, Jane

  26. Dear Jane
    I am the one who believe in God! I believe my thing is on God's hand am just give up in my life and every thing would you pray to me?
    May God bless you!

    1. @Rivaivalist: Giving up your life to God is a very good thing! He knows what is best for us more than we do ourselves. The Lord opened up several pictures of huge fields full of people, weeping, raising their hands and praising God. I was reminded of photos I had seen of Reinhardt Boneke or Benny Hinn praying for thousands in foreign lands with such power. If you want that power, if you want Revival for the nations seek God with a desperation. Seek only Jesus and His presence. Don't give up til you get a blast of the Holy Spirit filling you with joy then He will lead you to the right mission field. Keep seeking Him,
      Love, Jane


  27. Dear Jane I am not in comfort I need the mighty move hands of God please pray for me! I love to hear his hopeful words through you!

    With love

    1. @DJ: I speak peace to you in the mighty name of Jesus. Jesus said "My peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you, not as the world gives it." Start claiming God's promises for you from the Bible. "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" "Our God shall provide all our needs according to His riches in glory!" Let your thoughts be more of God than your circumstances!
      Love, Jane

  28. Hi, I am JR, and I need a Word from the Lord as he leads you. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. @JR: As I waited on the Lord I just saw blackness, sort of a black satin blackness but then the picture showed the Coco Chanel logo on an evening bag made of black satin. As the Lord zoomed in on the logo I noticed it was sparkling with diamonds. My first thought was that you may be involved with Winnie Coco Banov and her husband Georgian. Are you? I have the impression that God is stressing the importance of discerning the difference between different types of darkness and light. Black satin is not sinful, a blackout from drinking too much alcohol is sin and so on. You are being taught discernment and you will teach it to others.
      Bless you with a wealth of wisdom,
      Love, Jane

  29. Hi, wondering if I can request prayer and a word for my church as a whole. I'm not an elder or anything but I'm really involved at the church and I feel God has great things planned for our body. The name of the church is westside. Thank you and God Bless

    1. @Westside: A song came to mind "Sing to the North and the South, sing to the East and the West, Jesus is Lord of all." I have the impression that there has been a great humbling of the Leadership in this church which has brought about an honesty and urgency for God's presence and it has blessed the congregation to follow some of the lessons learned and also be humbled, not lifting up man but lifting up God. The only thing I sense that may be a danger area is to beware of a Control Spirit taking over that has quenched many a revival. I too have a sense of great things in the future for this church: many power-filled people being sent out doing signs and wonders and drawing millions to Christ thru Media Ministries. You are on Holy Ground. Keep up the good work!
      Love, Jane

  30. dear brother/sister

    please pray for me i am facing lots of financial problems please pray that lord should help me for repaying my loans which are on high rate of interest please pray that i should be able pay the amount balance which i had brought from private money lenders today i am unable to return this back i am having no sores to get money i am alone to face this situtation i could not tell any one to help me countinously i am facing same problems i am in prayer but don't know what is wrong day to day i have to manage money to refund interest i am fadap with all this day by day the amount is also increasing please pray i am in need of your prayer support please also pray for my court case please pray that lord should take out from all this court cases please send me your prophetic message for me i am facing for very long time i need your guidenace and prayers

    your brother Manoj

    1. @Manoj: My heart goes out to you during this difficult time of learning to trust God not the money lenders. You are also learning to hear the Holy Spirit telling you what to buy and what not to buy. I sensed that God was telling you to ask some of your Lenders to forgive the Loan or consider a greatly reduced amount instead of nothing. There is a story in the Old Testament about a man who was forgiven for his loan then did not forgive someone who owed him money. Make sure when God sets you free to also forgive others. There are many stories in the Bible of God's provision for his people: the fish with a coin in its mouth to pay taxes, the widow who filled jars with oil that never ran out and many more. Read these and be encouraged. God is working all of this for your good! Be blessed!
      Love, Jane

  31. Please pray for my family's financial health. We have relocated to another state away from our family; we are beginning to feel as if this was not the right decision. I pray that God would bless us financially and give us direction or word to where we should go and the discernment to see God's direction for us.
    In Jesus' Name - Amen

    - SMK

    1. @SMK: You have already requested prayer this month so your two requests will be combined in one prophetic prayer picture. It can take 30 or more days for me to receive a deep word for you so please be patient but please keep checking in to see if there is a Reply under your requests.
      Thanks & blessings,

    2. Sis Jane, Sorry, I didn't see my original post for November, so I had re-posted it again.


  32. Hi Jane, Today is my birthday. Please pray for me. Thank you. Evelyn

    1. @Evelyn: The Lord showed me a picture of a piano, very beautiful but covered with dust, as if it had been forgotten and kind of pushed off into a corner. I have the impression that at one time playing the piano and enjoying music in general was one of you greatest joys.Something happened that stopped it but now circumstances are allowing you time to work with God in this area. As God said to us when we finished ministry one time "Go back where you started." I believe he is saying this to you to enrich your life and bless all who hear your music. He will even give you songs in the night & tunes to hum all day.
      Belated Happy Birthday!
      Love, Jane

  33. hi jane, I ask can you pray with me regarding having a baby and for God to bless me with the finances that I am seeking him for. Thank you and God bless you.

    1. @Ruby: I believe God has placed this desire in your heart to have a baby. I saw a picture of a child just learning to walk who was trying to open the cupboard doors in your kitchen but you had already installed baby locks on the doors. Not sure if it was a boy or a girl, the child was wearing white. You may have a struggle with finances but that is just something that will draw you closer to God and lead to praise for His provision for you & your family. You may find a job you can do at home to bring in more income. Start looking now.
      Blessings on you,
      Love, Jane

    2. Thank you Jane, You are a true woman of God, and I speak blessings over your life!!!

  34. Hi Jane,
    I am looking for instruction in ministry from the Lord. Thank you and God Bless.

    1. @ Gail: The countries Thailand and Mongolia came into my thoughts as well as Singapore. I saw a picture of you unzipping a white tent and walking outside to the base of a mountain. I believe this shows that you have been hidden in God's tent of protection but are now released into the world into a freedom that you have never known before. During your time in the tent you learned many things that you are now eager to teach to others all over the world. Climbing a mountain is not easy. You will have to rely totally on God. I pray for your health and strength right now!
      Be blessed more than ever,
      Love, Jane

  35. oh yea Jane also pray for me for direction. I need to know exactly what the lord wants me to do concerning my life in him. My name is Ruby God bless you woman of God.

    1. @Ruby: Scroll up to see your prophetic picture above.
      Love, Jane

  36. dear Jane,
    One more thing, I have my child's mother who's name starts with chiress who is constantly talking to me as if she is talking to a dog. But when she needs prayer and advice, then she is real nice. She has a spiritual mother named T.J. who I guess is mentoring her and its like I"m the enemy. I've done nothing to them but they act like I'm cancerous. She says she is going places and that I'm toxic and am a nobody. She says that many of her christian friends have told her this and I don't know what to say. I have had dreams about her that have come to pass and when I talk to her, I can feel energy and my anointing leaving me and going towards her. What is God showing you and why do they think I'm toxic and a loser.
    Stanley S.

    1. @Stanley: The first thing you must do is find out who God says you are, not who people say you are! You are His beloved and are so precious to God. It's hard not to react to the name-calling of others but we must bless those that curse us and hand them to God to change them...we cannot do it! The people who are calling you names are certainly not acting like Christians! There are many American ministries where you can ask for prayer. Put your confidence in God & he will put His confidence in you. I see a picture of two people tugging on the opposite ends of a rope. Forgiveness and encouragement is needed, especially for the sake of your little daughter.
      I speak peace to you & your family in the name of Jesus. Bless you and know that God's anointing can never be stolen- the gifts of God are without repentance!
      Love, Jane

  37. hi this is Athoniel Ripon Sarker from Bangladesh would you please share the prophetic for me and my family for coming days.

    1. @Anthoniel Ripon Sarker: The Lord showed me a picture of you mixing dough to make bread in a large pottery bowl. The dough had flour, water and the usual bread ingredients but other items were added, like flour petals, unsoaked beans, shoelaces and emeralds. This would not make an edible bread! I have the impression that either your Christianity or that of people you minister to is not the Gospel of the New Testament, pure and undefiled, but a mixture of other religions that sound beautiful but do not have the loving power to give life as the actual word of God does. Teach your family the importance of keeping the word & their lives pure by allowing Jesus to change them and teach them. Keep praying together and for one another. You are a quiet light in your community & God is with you.
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

  38. My name is Judith. I was seeing a Kenyan man for a while and I was sure he was the man the Lord had for me. We separated and did not speak for a while but we are now speaking again. Do I still look for another or is there hope in this relationship as I still would like to make it work between us. The problem is that he just does not communicate a lot.

    1. @Judith: I sense a wonderful warmth between you and this man. I have the impression that he thinks he is communicating. Is he a Christian? If he is, you can pray for him to express his feelings and thoughts more.Some people are just naturally very quiet so it's something you may have to learn to appreciate. If he is not a Christian I advise that you do not proceed any further with this relationship. Being unequally yoked is too painful an experience for you to go through. God has someone else more worthy of you who is a believer.
      Blessings on you and your life,
      Love, Jane

  39. Blessed Jane:

    I believe the Lord has directed me to write and publish my Memoir, since I was having challenges he led to me pay someone to write it for me. 3 months ago I found someone, but discovered the woman wasn't right. She tried to hide her true motive, but the spirit of the living God revealed her true assignment, even through much was revealed, for God will used our enemy to bless us, she confirmed many things that God told me concerning the mission of this book. I lost 2 brothers (younger) during the time this book was in production, I had to end our contract, because something wasn't right and God revealed. I'm here seeking direction again on how to proceed with this process. I been crying out to Him, asking Him who and to send them... I don't have the time and or means to do it alone... I found a few people who could be, but I don't know... It's been prophesied over 7 times that I suppose to have 5 books or more published and they all will be #1 best sellers.. The spirit keeps convicting me on this project showing me things and tell me to do it. I dont want to be disobedient to my father... I'm prayerfully waiting for direction

    God bless you for all you in obedience to the Spirit of the Living God, who's the supplier of your needs, who've blessed in in the midst of your situations...


    1. @Neicy: Have you heard of the website It is a website for writers to get their writings critiqued, polished and ready for publication. It's free. Put some of your work that's already completed to get some suggestions from professional writers who volunteer to help others.
      The Lord showed me several pictures of you lifting books made of heavy iron from place to place. You were exhausted from lifting them but knew you had to move them. The Lord showed me that they just needed to be lifted onto the right vehicle. Then I saw a pick-up truck, with the manuscripts in the back, under a tarpaulin, that you were taking to a Publisher that you had found in the magazine 'Writers' Digest'.
      Praying for good success, a closeness of your relationship with Jesus and completion of the task He has set before you.
      Love, Jane

  40. Dear Jane,

    Please pray for me and my ministry.

    Ben Marol

    1. @Ben Marol: You were lost in the deep woods in this picture God showed me for you. At first I was concerned that you did not know which path to take or that a wild animal might attack you but then I realized that were actually enjoying being lost and that you knew exactly the path to take to get to your Land Rover to drive safely out of the woods. I believe the Lord has already told you what to do & how to do it. Quit getting advice about what tot do and just follow God's advice by the Holy Spirit.
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

    2. Greetings Sis Jane! I take this opportunity to thank you for standing
      with my young ministry in prayers. God is moving in our midst, and
      your word of encouragement has seen our bible school grow. I request
      you to connect our bible school to YWAM and have you come to
      preside-over the graduation ceremony towards the end of this year. We
      are yet to register with our Government but we are trusting the Lord
      for provision because currently we do not have the money required to
      register. Please take this bible school as part of your ministry and
      you will never regret working with us. Am unable to put this message
      on your blog because my phone cannot allow, so please you may put it
      there for me. God bless you as you continue serving Him, Amen ~ Pst
      Ben, from Kenya

  41. Jane,
    I have a cousin who is in a very troubling situation, I have been praying fervently, he has been in severe bondage, and had several health threats. The other thing is that he has feelings for me, and because we are of an eastern culture, that is fine, but he needs to be released from this before he can. I dont want to loose him, need to see him urgently, and need God to make this possible.Am also praying for a husband. miracles needed urgently.please pray. i dont know what to do. I cannot be without him.

    1. @Christi: Intermarriage with a cousin is not biologically wise. It really has nothing to do with culture,it is simply a medical fact. I suggest that you turn these desperate desires of yours to focus on your need for God.

      Blessings & Love, Jane

    2. Hi dear Jane!
      Thank you so much for that. I know that it may sound foreign here in New Zealand, because it is not normal here, but alot of my cousins married first cousins, and are good. I totally agree, that there are biological implications that can arise. And in India, it is very common this sort of thing. Anyway, I will surely take your advice and try to turn my focus to God. I love this person rather dearly and am trying to now forget him, which is painful. Take care wonderful servant of God. Much love and blessings to you too, Christi.



    1. @Katonia: The Lord showed me a picture of you driving a yellow school bus. Your route went along country roads to drop off children after school. The children were delightful and enjoyed singing songs they had learned in school. "Whatsoever things are good, whatever things are lovely and of good report, think on these things." Be kind and good to your husband. Don't argue back. "A soft answer turns away wrath/anger." Speak peace to his blood pressure just like Jesus spoke to the raging storm and it will be 120/80!
      Love and hugs of mercy, Jane


  43. Hi Jane! My Name is Kumar, I want to know the will of God in my life and I have no job, suffering financially and unable to feed my family and I don't know what to do for my family and God. Please tell me and help me with God Jesus. Waiting to know what to do for God and my family.

    1. @Kumar: The Lord showed me a picture of you walking along a dusty, unpaved road, when you noticed a young boy about 8 years old crying beside the road. He was thin and hungry and you felt so sorry for him. Even though you had very little food you brought him home, fed him some thin bread with a delicious paste your wife had made, washed his face and prayed for him. While you were praying you heard a crash outside. A meat truck had driven into a ditch in front of your house and meat packages had fallen onto the roadway. The driver of the truck said "These are all ruined! The packages are all dirty. Can you take them away for me?" Praise God! What an awesome God! God is teaching you to trust Him to provide for you. Your job right now is to pray and have faith. These circumstances have happened for your good. Be grateful and thankful for all that you have be it a little or a lot!
      Blessings to you,
      Love, Jane

  44. Hi Jane, My name is Kristie and I am requesting a word from God as you feel lead. Thank you and God Bless you.

    1. @Kristie: There were the biggest, tallest,almost 40 ft. high, the most delicate and beautiful Banners I had ever seen blowing in the breeze in the downtown of a city, to declare the presence of God in this picture from the Lord. The next picture showed a refugee camp where you were serving bowls of food to thousands of people then I saw you packing boxes of Bibles to send to a distant country. I had the impression God was saying "Quit being so busy doing things for me that you have very little time to spend with Me." It is in the strengthening of your relationship with Him that all of these actions become powerfully fruitful.He loves being with you!
      Love, Jane

  45. Dear Jane,
    As a part of christ's body what is my role(role within the body)? in order to know God's calling Im praying in tongue. Am I on the right track? also pray for my direction. I want to hear prophetic words from God.

    1. @Garam: The Lord showed me a picture of you dressed in an Army uniform. I believe God has called you to be a fighter in the Spirit, an Intercessor who breaks strongholds and works with God to bring freedom to people. There are two very good books on Intercession that you could read so that you can learn how to pray effectively for nations and individuals. One is called "Intercession" by Dutch Sheets and James Goll has several books on Intercession also. As you know we are in a war, flesh and spirit fight with one another, that's why God needs you as His Intercessor.
      Blessings be enlarged,
      Love, Jane

  46. Hi Jane. My name is Katie. I just wanted to know what God wants to do in my life right now with my school ministry and outreach group. I also want to know where God sees worship in my life, and how he wants me to worship him. thank you! :)

    1. @Katie: The Lord showed me a picture of you packing a suitcase in a Motel room, then I saw a series of motel rooms and places where you had been booked as a Speaker. You seemed to start every session with worship.I saw a woman playing a piano to lead worship, do you play the piano? The Lord showed me how he had poured a bucket of oil of His anointing over your head and this Speaking Ministry was a result of that. Doors will open for you to take the lessons learned from both your School Ministry and Outreach to teach many others in your own country.
      Be blessed & let me know if this speaks to you,
      Love, Jane

  47. Jane,
    I'm hoping this is where I leave the message. God is doing a new thing for me and my husband. Stepping out in faith and going against the odds.
    Thanks for your encouraging words to the body of Christ! If God gives you something for us please share it.

    Love in Christ,


    1. @Rhoda: The Lord showed me a lake situated in cottage country that had a dock in front of a fishing lodge or retreat centre. "Where is this, Lord?" I asked. "Michigan" was His answer. I heard the sound of loons on this quiet lake and noticed a forest of pine trees. I believe this venture will be a great success for the kingdom of God, many souls will be restored and you will always balance your budget. By taking this leap of faith you show the growth that God has given both of you. You are solidly stuck together with the glue of the Holy Spirit's anointing. Let me know if this speaks to you please.
      In the Love of the Lord,

    2. @Rhoda: If you do not live in the USA there may be a woodsy, cottage country area near you with a name similar to Michigan.

  48. Hi Jane, My prayer request is that the Lord would clearly show me what to do in His will and not my own. My husband and I are in a distant location. He needed a new adventure- seems to pop up every 5 yrs or so.. Where he just needs to start fresh. The first time he left us in the name of providing for his family and was gone for 8 months chasing Hurrincane Katrina. He made very little money and by the grace of God, me and my 4 children were never asked to move even though we not once paid rent.. until he was home after almost moving us. He is now in ND, Minot. Again working in a natural disaster area. He has been paid thus far- very different than the first time he storm chased. He wants us to consider moving up to ND with the thought it is for 2 years max. He has been there a week. My dreams are filled with unrest and warfare. The reoccurring dream is that he is making money and not helping or sending us money again..He just made a deposit yesterday? I also know that God does not want us to stay separated... our hearts are married but the distance and the idea of uprooting to an unstable environment, realistically leaves me filled with pictures of unrest? Please Advise.. Blessings.
    Deon Smith

    1. @Deon Smith: Your request being moved to the heading November 2012 Request Here because all requests are answered under the heading of the month in which they are received. Keep checking under that heading until you see your name and read through some of the wondrous words and pictures God has given to build up not only the spirit of the person who received it but also all who read it.
      Love, Jane

    2. @Deon Smith: Your husband certainly is adventurous and loves to help out in disasters. He sounds like many missionaries in YWAM who leave their wives and children for months at a time to go all over the world doing ministry! In praying about your situation I sensed a peace about you going to ND for 2 weeks to test the waters. I sense there are a lot of Christians in that area who would give you friendship, invite you to Bible Studies and really bless you. Can you leave the children with your Mother or find a way to take them out of school to see how they fit in? Test the waters & be praying for God's will while you are there. Your husband misses you. Bless him by going along with his idea. It's worth a try & may turn into a blessing. Please let me know what happens!
      Love, Jane

  49. I have unrequited love for my best friend. This has put me into a deep depression because I struggle with a deep root of rejection. Things have grown difficult between us now and I don't know what to do about this relationship.

    I want to know Gods will for me regarding this relationship.


    1. @Mariah: You were on a ride at a theme park, like Disneyland, in this Holy Spirit picture . You were in a huge teacup going round and round up & down steep hills screaming with excitement. When the ride stopped it was quite boring just to be standing on the ground. I believe God is encouraging you to take more control of your emotions, not to be led by them or overwhelmed by them but to stand on the holy ground of the word of God when relating to people and situations. Hand this relationship to the Lord & let Him work it out for you. Back off and see what happens! Maybe you could invite him for tea at a Cafe!
      Let me know if this speaks to you, please.
      Lots of blessings,

  50. Hi Jane, My name is Gena, I contacted you on Facebook and you directed me to post here, on your blog. I'm feeling really stuck right now in my life, I'm in a place where I don't know if I should go right, left, up, or down so I don't go at all. I am a spiritual person, I have a strong relationship with God, so I think I do, I don't understand how I can feel trapped like this.

    1. @Gena: You may be a spiritual person with a strong relationship with God but unless you have Jesus as your savior you will be lacking the power and authority to use His name and all the other gifts that come with salvation. I encourage you to say right now "Jesus I need you. I want to have everything you died for me to have. I want to know you and have you as the centre of my life! I need to be saved to walk in the newness of your life, leaving the past behind."
      The Lord showed me a picture of you on a sailboat, anchored in a Marina. You were in a cabin enjoying the sound & rhythm of the waves but were anxious to get going out in the deep. The Captain of the boat was not there so you had to wait for him to go out into deep water to explore other lands. I believe you are learning may things about patiently waiting.When Jesus is the Captain of your life you will find His timing is always perfect! You are not trapped. You are just on hold for the moment.


    2. I believe my relationship with Jesus is strong. Your vision is a very accurate vision, and I thank you for taking the time to respond to me. I have always been a very anxious person up until recently. I am learning to wait and wait patiently just as you visualized.
      Thank you and God bless you!

    3. @Gena: Thanks so much for verifying the word of the Lord to you! Being built into a temple fit for God's own dwelling place is not easy but such a blessing and honour!
      Hugs and Hope
      Love, Jane


  51. Sister,

    My name is Dondapati Venkateswara Rao, and my name was changed as Rajpal after I took the baptism from my Pastor. And I want to know the will of God in my life and I want to serve the Lord Jesus Christ but I don't know which way is better to serve the Lord. Recently I took 20 days fasting but God doesn't tell anything to me. So tell me will am I to serve the Lord Jesus as a Pastor , Evangelist, Singer...etc...

    So kindly pray and tell me because I am hurry to do anything for God and I married and God blessed me with two daughters and waiting for another one and looking for male kid but my wife is not yet pregnant on 3rd time.

    Please pray and tell me what God shows to you and the word of God tells me for what to do for HIS glory.

    Dondapati Venkateswara Rao

    1. @Dondapati Venkateswara Rao: When I read your job titles I was reminded of a friend of ours, Paul Baloche, who defines himself as Father, Pastor,Songwriter & Worship Leader. I believe you will be very blessed by browsing his website
      Praying for your family & your heart's desire to have a son. Bless him Lord!
      I believe God will give you a Scripture to lead & guide you. "His word is a light unto my path."
      Be blessed,
      Love, Jane

  52. Dear Jane, My name is Toby and I am requesting a word from God as you are led. Remain blessed.

    1. @Toby: I am so blessed doing this ministry! God's love just pours out on me when He shows me prophetic pictures for people. Here is yours:
      "To be or not to be, that is the question". This verse from Shakespeare came to my mind. I had the impression that you constantly re-examine decisions that you have made. You wonder if another career path would have been better, if a different church would be better, or if a different city may be better. God is teaching you to know that you know, to hear His voice more powerfully and more clearly.A new hunger for His word is manifesting in you as you weep when God's heart touches yours. You are learning to just 'be', living in His grace without any pretensions or doubts. This attitude draws people to you giving you great favour in many areas.Please let me know if this speaks to you,
      Love and blessings,

  53. Hi Prophetess Jane, My name is Jo Ann, My prayer requests: 1) I need directions, I moved to Indiana from Washington State, whether or not God wants me to reside here any longer, 2) My ministry, 3) My relationship whether or not God wants me to get married to this man that I know. 4) What is God's will for me? and 5) Finances.

    May God Bless you and your ministry.

    1. @ Jo Ann: The Lord showed me a picture of you driving a car up and down the eastern seaboard of the US doing some kind of a job that had to do with dentists or dental supplies. Is this man that you are considering marrying in the dental profession. I also had the impression that your ministry focus has to do with the mouth,positive confession of God's word and the pursuit of purity. I sense that 2013 will be a year of financial stability and stability in the New England area and traditions and culture. Keep going in His love, keep hearing Him and you will find great blessings. Let me know if this word is meaningful to you, please.
      Love, Jane

    2. Hi Jane this is Jo Ann, Praise the Lord! Woman of God the word was meaningful to me and so encouraging. God Bless you.

  54. @Jo Ann: I appreciate your recognition of me as a prophet but I really prefer to be called just plain Jane. Praying for you now for the word of the Lord.

    Holy Hugs, Jane

  55. Dear Jane, my name is Ian and I seriously need a word from the Lord that speaks directly into my situation. I need a word about my job/financial situation as well as for my marriage.

    TY & God Bless

    1. @Ian: The Lord showed me a picture of you and a woman, I assume she was your wife, in a cabin in the woods. The cabin was surrounded by howling wolves, bears and other wild animals who were clawing at the building and terrifying both of you. In the midst of your fear you notice a Bible and opened it to proclaim "No weapon formed against me shall prosper" and other Scriptures to give you victory. Then there was silence, you opened the door and all the animals had disappeared! Yay God! He and His word are so powerful! I have the impression that one of the fears attacking you is the fear of your company being downsized and you losing your job. You need to take some courses to upgrade your skills and even add new skills that would make you an invaluable employee. The Lord has added courage to you like David and the giant! You are a winner!
      Bless you,
      Love, Jane

    2. TY for your word.
      My wife "took a break" from our marriage nearly 6 weeks ago. There are to many issues involved. But I do believe restoration is in God's plan and my wife DOES NOT want a divorce. But as of right now, there is NO communication.
      My company, however, is not downsizing. I work at a hospital. But I do not have a specific skill. So I am in a "general" position. But the pay is double minimum wage. But I only work (technically) 30hrs a month unless I get called in (which lately God has done a lot of that! Praise Jesus!). I have been applying for better positions but since this is a union job, its based on seniority hours not job performance that the position gets offered to you. I have applied to 3 positions lately and am hoping the good Lord opens a door for me to 1 of them. Otherwise I need serious direction for a job. School is not an option at the moment. I have no money and cannot get assistance because it would mean both my wife and I sign the assistance papers. And until God restores us, that too, unfortunately is not an option.
      I did however, lose my 2nd job 2 weeks ago, with no reason given except that the new GM "Didn't want me there". My boss was sorry but it was outta his hands. I think its a blessing in disguise but am still waiting on God to open another door or give direction in this area.
      TY again and God Bless!

  56. Dear Jane , This Athoniel Ripon Sarker . Thank you for sharing what GOD showed you. Would you please ask GOD to show HIS plan in my life and my family's life on migrating to Canada. Please ask GOD to show you his plan on our migration to Canada and which state we should stay in
    Canada . Thank you.

    1. @Anthoniel Ripon Sarker: The first thing to know about Canada is that there are Provinces not States. Secondly, to immigrate to Canada you must first have a job offer, in writing, from a company or organization in Canada, to apply as a Temporary Resident of Canada.Google Citizenship and Immigration Canada & it
      will tell you everything you need to know. For finding jobs I suggest browsing at
      With prayer I believe God will open doors for you to come to Canada, especially if you have relatives in Canada already.
      Bless you,

  57. Hi Jane,looking for direction. If you could pray and see if the Lord has a word for me. Thank you.

    1. @Jacob: Your name reminded me of Jacob in the Old Testament who saw a ladder leading to heaven. I have the impression that 2013 will be a year of seeing and hearing from God as you never have before. I saw a picture of you looking at the stars through a telescope then camping in the mountains where you examined sparkly things in the rocks there. This may be a job direction or simply showing an interest in things that shine, even yourself shining with the light of Christ.
      Merry Christmas
      Love, Jane

  58. dear jane,
    i need a rhema word, i pray the lord will reveal it to you, even as he increases and strengthens you, remain blessed.

    1. @ Suzy: The Lord showed me fabric in a tartan pattern which spoke to me of Scotland & the Edinburgh Festival of the Arts. I believe God has anointed you for Christian Theatre , music and dance that does not simply entertain but ministers to those hungry for God. Start now to get some contacts in Scotland as I have the impression this is where God wants you to be & possibly performing all over the world. His love is upon you! His provision is too!
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane


  59. hi Jane. God bless you! my name is Alison. i'm a 20-year-old Christian with a lot of love for Him but also a lot of issues, mostly self-inflicted ... i would appreciate it so much if you could share any word that God gives you for me. thank you so much in advance and God bless you.

    1. @ Alison: The Lord showed me a picture of you standing in front of a television screen that showed a man pointing a finger at you & accusing you of things that Jesus had already forgiven you for. Suddenly Jesus appeared beside you, put His arm around your shoulder and said "Shut off the TV. Read your Bible and find out who I say you are!" Buy a One year Bible and read it every day to get the full counsel of God. God is changing you from glory to glory, whether you feel it or not. Leonard Ravenhill, an American evangelist, said that it takes 20 years to make a Christian, so relax. LOL. If you look back just a week you'll see how He has already changed you! You're on the right path! If we we perfect already we wouldn't need Him!
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane

  60. Hi my name is gina I would like a prophetic word thanks

    1. @Gina: Someone named Gena has already requested prayer this month. Are you the same person? Please let me know so that I don't duplicate efforts. Thanks and blessings!

    2. Dear Jane, Thank you. yes that is me. God bless and thank you for praying for me.

    3. @Gina: The Lord showed me two vases of flowers. One vase had real flowers that made you cry and sneeze, the other vase had flowers made of silk. They looked very much alike but you could tell the difference when you touched them. I have the impression that you have been given prophetic words that were real (the real flowers that made you cry) and false prophecy that sounded good on the surface but did not reach your heart or spirit (the silk flowers). Genuine prophecy will build up your spirit not just with words but with God's power and intimate touch. Your hunger for God is a good thing. This (2013) will be a year of growth for you in many aspects of your life. I bless you and pray for discernment for you.
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane


  61. Hi Jane, hoping the Lord gives you a word to share with me. Lots of trials over last few yrs and i really need to make a big decision in about 30 days. Started a process that I thot I needed to do and now Im not sure if its the Lords decision. Hoping you reveal something for me.

    1. @Christine: Is your big decision about going through with a Divorce? The Lord showed me a picture of you sitting in a Living Room. As I looked around the room I noticed a door off its hinges, the fireplace covered with soot and shutters with peeling paint. You were so sorry that you were not able to fix these things. You felt so many things were impossible for you to accomplish. Suddenly the doorbell rang. A young man with rosy cheeks, wearing a Tool-belt, said "God sent me to volunteer to do repairs for you. I can even repair your hurting heart, Jesus lives in me and we will help. You can't do this yourself. Sit down and be relieved." I believe you must trust the Helper (the Holy Spirit)to guide and direct you to positive solutions.
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane


    2. Hi Jane, yes the decision is about a divorce, me and my (our) 5 kids where abandoned about 3 yrs ago and left to fend for ourselves. I know he felt like a terrible husband, and a terrible father because the money was so tight...(we had to sell our house or have it taken from us by finance company) I guess he decided it was easier to walk away. And we must have reminded him of that failure. I feel like I need to move on, my married life was mostly alone and alot of work with my job and the kids and I really just want to feel happy and loved. I had a car accident that deemed me unable to work so I will now have provision( thank you Lord) and time to work on a relationship. There has been lots of ppl (men) calling but I just having a hard time with starting over, we where married 25 yrs, and he does have a new girlfriend now. Because of my accident I have a hard time remembering things and details and I feel it makes a date think your not interested because you ask them stuff again that they already answered. I can trust the helper(I think) but now I just not sure if Im supposed to go ahead and finish the paperwork. I guess Im kicking a dead dog. Christine


  62. Hello Jane. My name is Adeline and I would like a picture or a word please. I really need a word in this season in my life. Thanks in advance

    1. @ Adeline: I have the impression that you are very tired of being "Sweet Adeline" because God has injected you with the power of the Holy Spirit and you are starting to see the possibilities of using His power to make amazing changes, not only in your own life, but in the world, the nations. You are not too old, you are not too inexperienced you are just the person God has chosen to use for some important projects. He is leading you into the fields you have already planted seeds in to be joined by others in fulfilling the plans God is about to reveal to you. A very exciting 2013 is ahead of you "Adrenaline not Sweet Adeline."
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane

  63. Hey jane I'm facing a real bad time in finding a job in the medical field and its been two years now that i've been looking and I feel its something god wants me to know can you please help me out.

    1. @Gelissia: I believe God is asking you "What jobs are most advertised and most needed in the Medical field? Get training in those areas or tailor your Resume to fit some of these jobs, focusing on your skills." Nursing Homes are an area of growth at this time so it may be wise to just start phoning them to see what their needs are. You could consider doing Medical Sales of equipment or Medical Supplies. God has a good job for you. Don't let the enemy tell you otherwise!
      Merry Christmas,
      Love, Jane

  64. Hi, Jane. I am requesting a word concerning provision, direction, or whatever God say's concerning me and my family.

  65. @Felicia Gardner: Your request has been moved to December 2012 Request Here as all requests should be Posted under the heading of the month they are sent. Keep watching under the December heading by checking in every so often until you see your name and prophetic picture. Browse thru the Blog Archives (lower right side of this page) for words that will speak to your heart so beautifully. Awesome God!
    Love, Jane

  66. Need a word from The Lord and that I do his will I'm struggling with loneliness since my divorce...
