Friday, December 30, 2011


The more we know Him the thirstier we get! Ask for a Prophetic picture & be blessed! Please Post under December 2011 Request Here and on & after January 1st under January 2012 Request Here!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Love Unwrapped

We have allowed the Lord to take off all the fancy wrappings from us so others may see His light shining in us as  thru a transparent container. "Love wrapped in flesh" to quote a  Facebook Friend.

Friday, December 23, 2011


Micah, the Prophet, said Jesus would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) but our birthplace doesn't matter...only that He lives in us.
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Lights

I saw a Christmas Tree coverted with strings of colourful light and had the Trinity shining in a halo of heavenly light on the treetop which extended out around the whole world and back to where it was plugged into God!A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my readers/friends around the world!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011 Request Here

Welcome to my Blog!!  God's desire is to build up your spirit in the most delightful ways!  Enjoy and learn  from pix given to others while awaiting yours. Ask for yours if you are asking in December 2011.  Hugs and blessings,   Jane Holland+

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


God's gifts are without repentence. You never lose your gift!

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Tired Feet?

The Lord brings refreshing to those who walk in the shoes of the Gospel of peace!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Heaven's Gates

Do you know the Password to opening Heaven's Gates?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

No more Ads to click

Google has disabled my Ad sense Account as there were too many invalid clicks. We will no longer receive income from  Ad Clicks. Thanks for helping! Bless Google!

Computer Problem

Please ask for Prophetic ministry while computer is restored. Prayers answered under Nov.2010 Request Here in Blog Archive.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Lawn Sprinkler

  • Turn it on and soak us Lord with the Holy Spirit Lord!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

He thinks of you!

" The thoughts I think of you are for good and not for evil to give you a future, a hope and an expected end." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

November 2011 Request Here

Now is the time to let God speak into your life to build you up, to be strengthened, comforted and changed. Requests are answered in the month they are requested, as a Comment, in that same month heading, not by Email or other way. Be blessed here!

Monday, October 31, 2011


Travel to all nations of the world for free -     as an Intercessor!


Are we speaking words that enrich ourselves and others? Let's do it! Give yourself a Hug!Please Please Please Click & look at some Advertising here ! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.Thanks very much!

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Jesus will return but nobody knows the day or hour and we have the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, with us all the time so don't hold your breath...He is the air we breathe!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011


The Lord may surprise us with the ways He provides. We never know how but we know He will provide, maybe even with a gold coin in a fish's mouth !
Please Click & look at some Advertising here ! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God's Diet Plan

He must increase I must decrease! We say "More  Lord!"
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Monday, October 24, 2011

The Target

I saw a target with an arrow that looked like the ones Cupid has on Valentine cards. I heard `You are the target of my love & I never miss the centre!``

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Sending you a Holy Spirit Hug right now!
Please make your request as a Comment in October1-October 2011 Request Here or whatever month you are requesting in the Blog Archive.

Friday, October 21, 2011


Ask for the perfume of the Lord that permeates your soul and spirit! Mmmmm wonderful!
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Wash and Pray

If the Apostle Paul could send out a prayer cloth with Jesus' healing on it we can do the same with our Laundry!
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


Our faith grows when we hear the testimonies of others. Browse the Blog Archive and grow in faith!
Request prayer as a Comment in October 1-October 2011 Request Here in the Blog Archive.
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Ask in October 2011

God longs to speak life to you! Ask for a prophetic word/picture by clicking on the date October 1>October 2011 Request Here in  the Blog Archive.
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


I saw a pencil. "Your name is not written in pencil but engraved in the Book of Life!"
Please Click on some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Friday, October 14, 2011


Set the table, God,  I see my enemies coming! - Mickey Robinson.
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Need Joy?

He meets our need for joy that we never even knew we had!
Please Click & look at some Advertising here! No cost to you but it pays for this free ministry.

Friday, October 7, 2011


I saw us standing in a desert,tired ,thirsty & no way out. Suddenly an old airplane landed near us. The Pilot, wearing an old leather helmet said "Get in. God sent me to take you to a more prosperous place!"

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Be Filled

Let's prime the pump with praise to the
King of Kings!
Request as a Comment under the heading  October 2011 Request Here & Click on some Ads please!

Monday, October 3, 2011


Teach others what
God has taught you!
Jane Holland 2011

I Will Help

When you see the Ads on my Blog please click on them to help this Prophetic Ministry! I invest hours of prayer and care . Every click helps. It only costs you a bit of time!  Say "I will help!" then click some Ads.  Holy Hugs, Jane

Sunday, October 2, 2011


I saw the Lord tuning a violin.  I had the impression He was saying "Now you can play a new tune properly."

Saturday, October 1, 2011

October 2011 Request Here

Our Helper, the Holy Spirit, shows me pictures that are sometimes humorous, sometimes giving direction, never condemning but  encouraging and always Scripturally sound. Request your picture from the Lord today. Free but  you can sow into this ministry.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Joy Clicks!

Click some Ads on this Page with the joy that comes from blessing others! No cost to you!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


God softens hearts like chocolate melts . O taste and see the Lord is good!
Ask for a prophetic picture under the heading September 2011 Request Here in the Blog Archive and be blessed!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Why we do things is just as important as what we do.
Ask for a prophetic picture under the heading September 2011 Request Here in the Blog Archive and be blessed!

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I saw Jesus touching our ears to hear more clearly. TYG!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


It is no accident that you are here. God has drawn you by His love.  He gives each person something different. Browse through the Blog Archive on the right side of the page and let God minister to you while you await your prayer picture.  Tell your friends so they may be blessed too!

Monday, September 19, 2011


While praying for a Student  the Lord showed me a picture of a Giraffe with its very long neck. He said " The Teaching comes into the giraffe's ears, gets chewed , then takes a long time going down that long neck neck to the stomach where it gets digested extremely well and brings forth abundant. glowing health. Don't feel badly because it takes you longer than others to digest things as once you do you are way ahead of everyone else & in time to shine on exams too!

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Red Jacket

A woman testified that she got such a touch from God when a she refused a Ministry Team member's  prayer.. The ministry Team lady said "I have to pray for you. The Holy Spirit told me I must pray for a woman in a red jacket." (Cont'd in Comments below)
Support us today!

Saturday, September 17, 2011

How 2 Donate

All Canadian  contributions are Tax deductible.Youth With A Mission is a Canadian Registered Charitable Organization authorized to issue Income Tax Receipts.You may donate by Credit Card or Paypal on a one-time or monthly basis. Paypal is FREE and easy to use. Go to Send Money then to my email: janeholland2010@gmail,com  Please contact if you have any questions.
Thanks for your support!

Your Value

God knows your value 
more than you do!
 Click some Ads  for this Ministry. Thanks! Jane

Friday, September 16, 2011

Live Streaming

God's Live Sreaming pours out  Living Water from the River of God bringing  Life and refreshing.Ask for a Prophetic word today. He longs to show you His love!

Glory Blast

A blast of Glory may hit you today ! His presence sometimes  comes totally by surprise to our joy and delight.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


The Holy Spirit showed me an airplane sitting on a runway with people coming down an Emergency Chute onto the ground. Continued in Comments below:
Please Click on some Ads! Free for you & helps this prophetic ministry.xoxo Jane

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

The Greenhouse

The Lord showed me a Greenhouse in the middle of a field.  Only soil with nothing in it, surrounded it. Not even weeds grew there but it looked fertile. Cont'd in Comments below.
Please Click some Ads on my Blog today
It's free for you and helps this prophetic ministry! xoxo Jane

Monday, September 12, 2011

God's Voice

"This is the way, walk in it."  We are guided by an internal knowing but must discern if it's really God
Time to Click on an Ad !        Thanks, Jane

Sunday, September 11, 2011

How to ask for a word

Look on the right  side of the Blog in the Blog Archives, scroll down to September 2011 Request Here. Click and at the bottom of that Post you will see like 35 Comments, click there & a blank space opens up where you can request a prophetic word. Use either a Screen Name or Initials, not Anonymous. Read the words given to others in the Blog Archives and let God minister to you with His love. Glad you're here!


We look into Heaven and see what the Angels are rejoicing  about!
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One Book

The Bible is our teaching tool, our standard but there are many excellent books on Inner Healing, Spiritual Warfare and the Prophetic to  help us apply those lessons.
I really need you to click an Ad today! Love, Jane

Saturday, September 10, 2011

God's Downloads

He downloaded a new life for us. We clicked Save and God deleted our sins thru Jesus .We selected Come Holy Spirit!
Please take a moment to Click some Ads on this Blog!

Friday, September 9, 2011


Now we see through
a glass darkly 
as if we were wearing sunglasses
that prevent total light from reaching us
but then face-to-face!

Ask for a prophetic picture

God delights in blessing you with His wonderful pictures !

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Prophetic Athletes

We do weight lifting of heavy burdens thru Jesus. We are muscle builders in the Spirit. "Prophecy is for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying or building up  of the body of Christ." Ephesians 4:12
See an interesting Ad here? Click on it for me, please!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Scientific Principle

The Lord reminded me of the scientific principle "Nature abhors a vacuum"   If your cupboards are bare He will fill them. If your bank account is a minus He will add to it. Need love?  Just ask!
Your little click on Ads on this Blog are a big help!


We have been in Training.  We have learned a lot.  The Holy Spirit has given us all the skills and equipment we need to impact our world with God! Let's go!!!
Click on some more Ads to spread the Word!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


God showed me a blank Notebook ready to be filled with wondrous words!
Click another Ad please!!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Running Shoes

We put our feet in the running shoes of the Gospel of Peace!
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The Lord showed me how we can grab  hold of a Promise and roll it along the Bowling Alley to knock down our fears like Bowling Pins!
Click some Ads please!

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Urgently desiring to make a move?  Ask yourself "Am I running from something or to something?"

Saturday, September 3, 2011

God's Olympics

I saw athletes jumping hurdles in the Olympic Games.We train for the Heavenly Olympics by reading a book and listening to our Daddy! 
Click on some Ads please!!!!  Costs only a second of time.

September 2011 Request Here

If you are requesting a prophetic picture from God please Post it as a Comment under this heading.using either a Screen Name or Initials.Please do not request using the name Anonymous! (I may scream, hahaha). Prayer requests should always be Posted according to the date you make the request. Thanks ! Be blessed !Love you!

Friday, September 2, 2011


We sow seeds in all seasons and
even reap harvests in the winter!
Sow by looking & clicking on some Ads on my Blog!    Thanks! Jane

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

September 2011 Request Here

If you are requesting a prophetic picture from God please Post it as a Comment under this heading.using either a Screen Name or Initials.Please do not request using the name Anonymous! (I may scream, hahaha). Prayer requests should always be Posted according to the date you make the request. Thanks ! Be blessed !Love you!

Kiss & Make-up!

Unforgiveness can greatly hinder your spiritual sight. Who do you need to forgive today?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

The Jeep

A Jeep can haul people out of  any ditch, in any weather, in any terrain  yet has a great radio & very comfy seats.Kinda like Jesus!
Click some Ads on this Page  if you like my Blog! Thanks & Hugs!!!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Too Small?

Anyone who thinks they are too small to make a difference has never had a mosquito in their bedroom at bedtime!
Click on some Ads  if this made you laugh!

Friday, August 26, 2011

M & M's candy

The Lord showed me how we are like M & M's candies... all in the same container, all different colours and all as  sweet as M & M's inside!
Reminder: Be sweet and Click on some Advertising on my Blog! xoxo Jane

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Be Prepared

Put on the full armour of God, use Scripture as a weapon, put on love and compassion,stay in Christ. You are prepared for any storm!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Jesus cares

I saw the hand of the Lord rising up in the midst of us with a special touch for each one: an encouraging "well done" touch, a compassionate touch for the hurting, joy for the weary...
Click & read an Ad please!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pearl Necklace

The Lord showed me a pearl necklace.  He said each of you is a pearl in this necklace, Jesus in you connects you to one another.
 Click on an Ad on this Page please!Need those clicks!

Monday, August 22, 2011


Please say Thank You for  the picture  you received from God  by clicking on some of the Advertising on my Blog! Bless you!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Word from James Goll

"Hear me and do the little things I tell you to do." - James Goll

It's Time

When I went to see Loren Cunningham, Founder of YWAM, the Lord told me to wear my T-shirt with watches embroidered all over it. He said "It's time!" then proceeded to pour out prophetic words for YWAM internationally. At ministry time a girl came for prayer, looked at my T-shirt and said "It's time!" then God poured out His visions for her life. I say it is time for God to speak to all who read this Blog & I encourage you to act on what He tells you!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Your Bible

Read the Bible
when you feel like it
and when you don't feel like it
Read it until you do!

Thursday, August 18, 2011


I saw a church sanctuary covered with a heavy,dark cloud. "Is this oppression over these people,Lord?"  "No this is the Holy Smoke that appears after people have been through the fire. This is the anointed cloud that purifies, builds up, that leads. I am in that cloud  to show my power."
 I really need you to Click any Ad on my Blog right now! Love you!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


I asked the Lord "How are Artists different from other people?" He said "While all the Business people are tryng to think outside the box, the Artists are saying 'What box?" 

Monday, August 15, 2011

Search Your Word!

A Search area has been added to the top right hand side of this Blog. To find the word God has given you just click 'Search This Blog' and type in the name, Initials or Screen name you originally Posted and requested under. You can also still browse through the Blog Archive of the month you requested to find your word but using the Search is waaaay easier! 
Please Click and read some Ads on this Blog. No cost to you but a blessing to this ministry.Thanks!

Sunday, August 14, 2011


"He is the air I breathe!" is not just a worship song title but a way to feel good all over! At TACF/CTF the Holy Spirit told many of us to  breathe a certain way. (Continued in the Comments).


The Lord showed me a rose unfolding very slowly.  He said "Your life unfolds like a rose. As you stare at it nothing seems to happen but after a few days it has unfolded to the full extent of its beauty and fragrance fills the air."
Your little Clicks on this Blog's Advertisments make a big difference!Click,Click!Click!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Get Ready!

Look forward to more Holy boldness. See yourself doing miracles in the name of Jesus just like famous Christians.  Sense your love for God and His word increasing. Being strongly led to use your spiritual gifts without fear!
Click a few Ads to show thanks for this Prophetic Ministry. Hugs!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Once I was reading about moving a mountain and asked the Lord "How can I do that?"  He said "See that tree over there? Practice!"

Monday, August 8, 2011


Faith is the evidence of things not seen.
Click on some Ads you'll be glad and a blessing to God's work!

Kings kids

I saw Jesus, wearing a crown, laughing with children who sat on  His lap.

Sunday, August 7, 2011


"I have called them beloved who were not are the chosen of the living  God!"
Romans 9:25

Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's August

I'm so happy to have you come to my Blog. The Lord always has a special picture and word for each person.  Please Post your requests for prophecy under the heading August 2011 Request Here if you are requesting this month.
Click some Ads to bless this ministry - Click more if you like the word you freely received! Thanks!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The Lord showed me 3 kinds of breakthroughs:
  1. Some things must be broken off and replaced to get a breakthrough:  A hard heart, a mindset stuck solidly with certain ideas rather than a fluid flow, lies from the enemy.
  2. Two pieces of paper  must be pierced by a pushpin and hung on a wall beside your desk to get your breakthrough: as a reminder of promises God has given you, people to pray for who need a breakthrough too, reminders of past victories.
  3. A rubber membrane that simply bounces the problem back to you when you try to remove it with prayer must be pierced with something sharp to open a hole large enough to enter into the Blessing Realm. What is the sharpest object that can be used?  The word of God is sharper than a two edged sword. Ask God for a victory scripture and keep stabbing at the problem and its cause with it and opens up the freedom and breakthrough you need.
Click ,Click, Click on a few Ads on this Blog ! God bless you!

Saturday, July 30, 2011


The Lord showed me a garden that was being planted by someone who was very hungry.  The Lord said "Seeds don't taste very good when you eat them.  They are hard and dry and taste yucky.  When you plant those  same seeds in a garden they will produce a whole bunch of tomatoes which taste really juicy and delicious! "  Jane Holland
Plant a seed or Click on some advertising here and get blessed!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Sweet Dreams/Sweet Days

"Yet the Lord will command His lovingkindness in the daytime and in the night His song shall be with me and my prayer unto the God of my life."    Psalm 42:8
There is no cost to you for Prophetic Ministry but please Click on some Ads to show your support!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Monthly Support

Is God calling  you to sow into this prophetic ministry?  Support is needed as more and more churches request my ministering of prayers  and His prophetic word by pictures that the Lord uses to build people up in their spirits by the Holy Spirit, We are reaching the nations for His Kingdom to come with salvation, strengthening and comfort but all of this costs money.
I pray for the blessing of the Lord in your life as you pray and sow into Jane Holland's prophetic mission.
Hugs, Jane

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Words

New words and prophetic pictures are Posted almost every day.  Thank you for visiting and allowing God to minister to you through words given to other people as well as your own when you make a request! Love you!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Browse all you want!

You are welcome and even encouraged to browse through this Blog by clicking on headings in the Archives while you await your prophetic word/pictures.  God has given some beautiful, inspiring words to others that are meant,not just for one person, but for those He draws to specific words to  help you grow in Him! I hope you will keep coming back to see new words as they are Posted that will also bless you.
And don't forget to click some Ads to help this ministry at no cost to you! Thanks!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Ask for Prophetic Pictures

Please place your request  as a Comment under the Heading of the month and year you are requesting . Please go to the  Blog Archives on the left side column under this heading:
July 2011 Request Here ,when it opens Click where it says like 30 Comments or whatever number of Comments there are and put in your request for a prophetic picture. God loves to touch your heart and life with His wonderful words and pix. Thanks, Jane
Click on some Advertising on here to help support my ministry! Thanks and hugs!

This Blog Got Healed

God has shared His heart with over 20,000 people here in the past 6 months. We have survived an attack  thanks to the expertise of the saints who helped with the HTML and I am a now getting caught up on Requests for prophetic words and pictures.Ask under the heading July 2011 Request Here please.
Click some Advertising on this Blog to bless & say thanks  to this ministry!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Oooops !

Something awful happened to my Blog design.  Something suddenly destroyed the whole look of my Blog and the Archives have disappeared. I am trying to get this fixed but I do not know HTML. Pray for me & this Blog God is using so greatly, please!  Hope this will be fixed soon!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

July 2011 Request Here

Please place your request  as a Comment under the Heading of the month and year you are requesting it. Please type your request as a Comment directly below, under this heading July 2011 Request Here ,where it says like 30 Comments or whatever number of Comments there are. God loves to touch your heart and life with His wonderful words and pix. Thanks, Jane
Click on  some Advertising on my Blog please! Thanks and hugs!


It's Recess time.  We've come outside, the bell or buzzer has rung, we can play and laugh and share our lives then go back to learning our lessons.
A Word  at my church , The Centre/a TACF/Partners in Harvest Church.
Click an Ad'll be glad!
Each time you click an Ad you support my prophetic ministry.TY Jane

Subway Encounters 2

It was the last day of a Conference at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (now known as Catch The Fire Ministries) and I had received an awesome touch from God while praying for others.  His oil of joy was flowing in abundance over my life...body, mind and spirit!  As I stood on the subway platform waiting for the train the Holy Spirit highlighted a young man quite far away but on the same side of the platform.  The Holy Spirit spoke with an urgency in my heart  "He needs Jesus!  Go and tell him now!" I argued "I can't go and talk to a  man I've never met before!  He'll think I'm some kind of a nut! He may think I'm coming on to him and attack me or something." In my spirit I heard "Go NOW! This is urgent!"  When the Lord is  this insistent you know it is really important to Him. I made the long walk down the cold, wet platform making a B-line for him. He was well dressed, probably in his early 20's, quite dark and serious looking.  I walked right up to him and with the power of God on me said " You need Jesus!"  He instantly started to cry "Yes, I do. I'm a mess. Nothing is right in my life. I hurt so much and I'm so empty."  As I took his hand to pray the Lord showed me a vision of him standing at the edge of a high rooftop with a huge angel beside him who said " Take a leap of faith, Receive Jesus now." In tears he said "Yes, I do." then I saw, in my spirit, a bunch of Christians glowing with the love of God, on the street below their hands joined together forming a safety net. I knew he could not make it alone & God would provide  Christian friends to disciple him and care for him. He is still growing in the Lord.
My testimony above was originally published in  Catch The Fire  magazine in the early 2,000's.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blog App

My Blog is now available on your Mobile devices!
Be blessed on the move!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Feast

Vision:  There was a huge Buffet Table absolutely loaded with the most wonderful foods.  On one side of the table all the Christians were taking food and feeding each other.  On the other side of the the table the non-believers were all elbowing each other out  of the way, greedily grabbing the food but nobody was able to get more than arm's length of the table.

Please Click on some Ads when you visit here! Thanks & Hugs, Jane

We serve by faith

As a fulltime Missionary at Youth With A Mission (YWAM) we trust God to provide all our needs. All YWAM Missionaries worldwide count on the Monthly or occasional Support of those whom they serve and bless.  I  am English Office Administrator as well as offering  Prophetic Ministry here on my Blog & on Facebook. My costs to produce this Blog go far beyond the $40.00 a month to pay for the Internet. We also must be faithful to pay Rent, Transportation, Phone, Electric, Insurance, Dentist, Food & Clothing & more.
One way to bless us is to click on a few Ads each time you cost to you but we earn a little with each click.You are blessed to be a blessing! I am grateful to all God has called here!

How To Post Your Request

This is the month of June 2011 so if you are making your request today please  go to the Archives, on the left side of this page, and Click the Heading June 2011 Prayer Requests.  You will first click on the Comments area under the Heading where it says like 20 Comments and when you click that area a space will open up where you can make your request.  Each month will have its own heading to make it easier for you to find the word/pic God has given you.  Just make a note of the month you Posted your Request.  God loves to build up His people with His prophetic words & I look forward to bringing it forth for you!

Click on some Ads here today please!   xoxoxo

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Jesus gave all Christians a new software program...
He downloads the renewed mind that softens the heart!

Make a quick click of some Ads here today to bless this ministry! xoxoxo

Friday, June 24, 2011


Need comfort and encouragement? 
Ask me for a prophetic word or  picture!  Jane
Click an Ad get a blessing! 

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

June 2011 Request Here

 Each month a  place for Prophetic Prayer Requests, like this,   is Posted.  You just have to make note of what month you made your request. God delights in building up His people. We don't need to seek answers from anyone but Him.  Sometimes there is a backlog so your prophetic word could take about a month to appear here.  Just keep checking in  and meanwhile let the Lord touch you and bless you  by reading through the Archives to share what He has shown others through His prophetic pictures. I'm so happy to have you here. Put your Request here as a Comment then watch for God's prophetic picture for you.

The Joy of Clicking... Click some Ads here today as a blessing, please!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Making a Request

Would everyone who asks me for a prophetic word or pic please make your request as a Comment under the month you are submitting it , for instance if you ask in June please put it under the Archive heading June 2011.Request Here. Please only make your requests on this Blog and do not send your prayer requests to YWAM Toronto as requested by the Base Administrator. Thanks so much!

 Click some Ads on my Blog today please. Click, Bless, Click, Bless!


I've been thinking about the source of our power to see and know and work miracles. Of course it is God  not us! It's not by our own power or holiness (Acts 3:12) but by faith in His name...the name of Jesus!  We only have the power of our natural thinking and no work or self-cleansing will ever make us holy. As the  Lord told  me "Get out of the way and let me work!"
When you Click Ads on this Blog you help my prophetic ministry! Click!Click!Click and get Blessed,Blessed,Blessed!  Thanks!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Birthday

Today (June 18th) is my Birthday.  I would be really blessed to have everybody Click on the Ads on this Blog.  There is no obligation to buy anything but it helps to support my prophetic ministry as a few pennies are earned with each Click . Have fun! Click,click, click  and here's a Holy Hug in the spirit!  Thanks for giving me this present!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Birthday Present

Tomorrow is my Birthday.  I would be really blessed to have everybody Click on the Ads on this Blog.  There is no obligation to buy anything but it helps to support my prophetic ministry as a few pennies are earned with each Click . Have fun! Click,click, click  and here's a Holy Hug in the spirit!  Thanks for giving me this present!

The Mail Strike is Over across Canada!

There was a Strike by Postal Workers all across Canada ! It's OK to send me Mail now to:
Jane Holland
1 Catherine St.
Caledon, ON
L7K 2N6
Also by:
Credit Card:  Visa or MasterCard : Either send me a private Message on Facebook to Jane Holland or put a Comment here to let me know you want to help Jane Holland Prophecy & I will follow up with you to give you info.
Paypal  is always free and easy to use. >Send Money>
Thank you and bless you everyone!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

My Subway Encounters

One afternoon I had a dental appointment in downtown Toronto and had to take the subway to get there.  The trains were not very crowded and I chose a seat along the wall that was free.  A Chinese couple were chatting in their own language in the seats on an angle to mine.  All was peaceful and quiet as people read or just sat quietly mulling their thoughts. Suddenly, just as the subway train doors opened, a hurricane of a man announced his arrival with violent swearing and flailing of fists. I could sense a spirit of fear,even terror, fill the air as people tried to hide in case something horrible happened.  I felt he could take out a gun and start shooting or attack an innocent bystander. "What should I do Lord?" I asked in my spirit.  "Rebuke him and command him to sit down." The Lord said "And say it really loud,in a commanding, authoritative way"  I shouted "I command you to sit down right now in the name of Jesus!" He fell backwards into the seat opposite mine,his head falling to his chest and his face changed from black rage to a baby-pink tone as he fell asleep.  Everyone stared at me in amazement,especially the Chinese people in the seat kitty-cornered to mine! There's such power in the name of Jesus !

Please click on some Ads here to help my prophetic ministry!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Subway Encounters

Toronto has a pretty good subway system that I used to have to ride back and forth every day before I started working in fulltime ministry with YWAM (Youth With A Mission).
Some amazing God-times will be in this space over the next few days.  Pleas keep checking in to get a faith blast!

Please click on some Ads on this Blog right now! Hugs & blessings!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Oil of Anointing

God showed me two pictures of oil poured out.  In the first picture I saw Jesus holding  an oil container with a long spout ready to pour oil on a hot skillet. (A skillet has to be at hot or the oil will take a long time to be ready to cook the veggies or whatever.) The second picture showed a mechanic standing over a car with its hood up holding a small oil can which he was directing very precisely at various parts. The Lord said "Those who are being worked on by the Master Mechanic are  having repairs done that cause everything to run better so they  need not be jealous of the large amounts of oil poured out on the hot skillets."

Lord, pour out your anointing oil on us to make food for the hungry and to be repaired so we can smoothly function in every area of our lives.

Please Click on a few Ads here to support Jane Holland Prophetic Ministry.Thanks & Bless you!

Saturday, June 4, 2011

June 2011 Request Here

I am trying to make Posting and finding your prophetic word easier.  Each month a Request Here will be Posted.  You just have to make note of what month you made your request. God delights in building up His people. We don't need to seek answers from anyone but Him.  Sometimes there is a backlog so your prophetic word could take about a month to appear here.  Just keep checking in  and meanwhile let the Lord touch you and bless you  by reading through the Archives to share what He has shown others through His prophetic pictures. I'm so happy to have you here and would you please CLICK ON AN AD on this Blog to help with my prophetic ministry.

Thursday, June 2, 2011


We choose freedom
because of the One who has set us free!
Please click on Ads you like & get blessed!!!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Enjoying it here?

If you have been blessed by God's prophetic pictures I am asking you to put a $1.00 bill (or more) 
in an envelope and mail it to me:
Jane Holland
1 Catherine St.,
Caledon, ON
L7K 2N6

Show your love by Clicking  on some ads here  today too !  Bless you!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Fresh Bread

The Holy Spirit told me 
"Jesus says I hate stale bread.
Ask for fresh bread every day."

Please Click on some Ads on my Blog today!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


A major spirit of fear attacked me. I tried to fight  it off with the word of God but it increased. I cried out to the Lord "Take this horrible fear feeling from me Lord and give me your assurance that everything will be OK.Please help me"  The Lord said " I have a feeling too! " and immediately a luxury feeling came over me. I felt so rich hahaha. Pour out that feeling on everyone who reads this, Lord! Thank you Jesus!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Your Requests

The Lord has asked me not to pray for specific situations like marriages, illnesses and  financial crises  but rather to seek Him for a prophetic picture that covers the whole person's life. Often we think of an area as being the major problem in our life when in fact it is something far deeper or so obvious we can't see it. He has taught me this in times of Ministry with Him saying "Don't ask them what's wrong. Don't ask what they need prayer for. The Holy Spirit knows all things.  He knows far better than you do. He doesn't not need your advice. Get out of the way and let me work!"  So, when you Comment just say "Please pray for me" & don't go into detail. Thanks!

Please click the Ads you like to show me you've been here!  I love you and love praying for you. Thanks!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Treasure Hunting

"We have this treasure in earthen vessels
that the power may be of God and not of us."

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day !
I want to encourage women today to become spiritual Mommy's to younger women (younger in the Lord, not necessarily according to their actual age).  It's a New Testament thing!  This is so richly satisfying for both parties!  Some may call this Discipleship but it goes far beyond that to a deep friendship and sharing  that empowers you to grow by the Holy Spirit in faith, patience, knowledge, courage  and true love. If you have never had a spiritual Mom I pray that God will place you with just the right person or just ask the Lord to show you who in your Church would give you the love and teaching you need.  
In the love of the Lord,
PS. Your Mother's Day gift to me would be to Click on each Ad you like to show me that you were here!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Gold Dust

God wants me to share about how I got gold dust on my face that permanently healed my sinuses.My husband, Jeffery & I attended a huge Conference at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship in around 2003. John Arnott was giving words about dental miracles and people were getting gold teeth, even Heidi Baker had a camera stuck on her mouth as we saw gold teeth form.  Both of us felt a warmth on our mouths but when we looked in each other's mouths saying "Do you see anything?"  "No, I don't see anything."  to each other & felt very disappointed but still hopeful.  The next morning I went to work at the Royal Bank Plaza in downtown Toronto. My co-worker, with whom I worked on projects,looked quizzically at me saying "What's that on your face?  All over your nose & cheeks & some on your forehead?"  I rubbed my fingers over my nasal area then looked at my fingers which were coated in something that looked like gold dust and I suddenly realized that I was breathing normally for the first time in about 10 years!  My teeth didn't get healed but my sinuses did & I have remained healed since that time!  Hahaha, my husband & I are still praying for dental healings as we can't afford dental care at this time.  Awesome God!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


God blesses me with pictures, from the Holy Spirit, to build up His people. I welcome your requests! Click where it says like 25 Comments ,or whatever the number is, and a blank area will open up where you can write your request.  Keep watching for your answer & meanwhile browse through the Comments in the Archives to see the amazing life-giving pictures He has given others.Donations can be made to help God reach out through me as a  YWAM missionary.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Find the Prophetic Word You Requested

When you request a prophetic word at this Blog please remember under what Topic you requested it as a Comment and also the date you requested it.  I suggest that you check that same place frequently until it shows up.  It usually takes about a week but sometimes longer and sometimes the same day!  I just wait on the Lord until He shows me a deep word for you to build up your spirit.And please don't call yourself Anonymous but use either a Screen name or initials.Glad you're here to receive!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Summer Vacation

Get ready for your  Summer Vacation ! While  praying for a large group of University Students God showed me that He was equipping them for their Summer Vacations but this picture is for everyone, whether or not you are a University Student..we are all students learning the Kingdom's ways every day. He showed me the following delightful pictures, 3 in a row:

Equipment for Your Summer Vacation
  1. A bottle of Suntan Lotion
  2. A piece of an Aloe Vera plant
  3. A colourful Beach Towel
Meaning:  The Suntan Lotion is the protective covering of the spirit of the  Lord to keep  from getting burned by being in the world;  the Aloe Vera plant is for healing the burns from sin  and the Beach Towel is for lying down, soaking in the sun, resting in His presence.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday, April 17, 2011

3 Kinds of Flying

The Lord showed me a picture of an  airplane flying over fields, forest and was aware of mountains up ahead. He said "You can put your trust in this experienced Pilot.  He is leading you where I want you to go.  He knows this airplane and he knows the terrain.  He is watching the radar to foresee difficulties. He has your best interests  in mind.  There are other Pilots who will make you to trust in yourself and at these altitudes it's very dangerous. You may have fun commanding yourself where to go but you don't see the deep pit you can easily fall into in the sphere of selfishness in Astral Projection.  The 3rd type of flying is in a meditative state where you take off with the Lord into heavenly realms to see the glory of God and His Kingdom.  This is the safest way to fly in the spirit, covered in the blood of Jesus, abiding in His word, protected from all harm, finding true, everlasting joy unspeakable."


Give us 
for the

Saturday, April 9, 2011


One Sunday morning the Lord drew my attention  to a young woman in a wheelchair at my wonderful church where so many of us had been powerfully touched by God in revival.  "I will heal her." He said. From then on, for 3 years, at every Conference, every Service and meeting the Lord would ask me to lay hands on her back or spine and pray believing for her Healing.  During a Worship time the Holy Ghost came upon me with a vision of this girl standing  in the entrance to the church completely healed, standing & talking to friends, completely healed, not even using a cane and no wheelchair in sight.  I told my husband and we laughed & wept & we both felt I should go check out the entrance-way. To my amazement, there she stood, just as I had seen in the vision. "Hillary, you're healed!" I exclaimed.  "Hahah, No, I'm her identical twin sister but let's believe she will be totally healed just as the Lord showed you!"  About 6 months later we were at a Conference where Duncan Smith was preaching on healing. The girl was there in her wheelchair when Duncan simply spoke the word "Arise!" and  she shot up out of her wheelchair and ran around the church laughing an praising God and has never returned to a wheelchair in the 10 years since!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Read the Blog Archives

For an exciting adventure in the Spirit read through all the Blog Archives!  God has spoken some amazing and delightful truths for people and each of you will find something edifying or revelatory there to bless your life. Read the Comment/Request then scroll down to read my/Holy Spirit's vision/picture that God has shown. Be blessed a whole bunch! 

Monday, April 4, 2011

How Tall Is Jesus?

One Sunday morning, during Revival at our church, while praising God during Worship I saw Jesus moving up and down the aisles of the church, up and down each row.  He came to our row and His presence was so beautiful, so clean and powerful.  He looked me right in the eye, full of love when I realized His height. "Lord, you're so short!" I exclaimed. He was only about the height of Bob Dylan! He said "Yes, I'm at the level of the heart!"  I told my husband and we melted in a hug of tears.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Doors Opening

I saw doors opening for each person who  reads this.  I saw a  several doors that could be opened. Then I saw a person put their hand on the door handle to take hold of it and noticed a bucket of oil ,hanging above the doorway, tipped forward and covered you with oil!  It is the  oil  of the anointing to do the work God has given you to do for all the jobs, ministries, people, events & challenges ahead.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Lost and Found

The Holy Spirit knows all things.  Recently a guy at work lost his Health Card & was having a conniption fit. I said "Ask the Holy Spirit where it is. He will find it for you."

My husband and I were washing the car in our driveway one sunny Saturday  at our healing House in  East Texas. When we finished we went grocery  shopping and I noticed that my Dad's gold Med. School Graduation ring was missing. We searched the floors and every shelf where I had shopped but there was no sign of it. The months went by and I had almost given up on finding it but knew that eventually the Holy Spirit would find it. We had quite a bit of snow that Winter but in the Spring the driveway became a sea of mud and I was in bed sick with the Flu. A friend of ours had been given a metal detector for Christmas and the first thing he thought of finding was my dad's ring!  He and my husband beep-beeped with the metal detector for just a few minutes when I heard shouts od "Praise God!  Thank You Father!"  The ring was found!

Another time I lost my diamond engagement ring and could not find it anywhere. We prayed and asked the Holy Spirit to find it and suddenly my husband, Jeffery, "knew" that it was stuck in my bath-mitten. Praise God. Thanks Holy Spirit. 

This rejoicing is what we feel when we find the Kingdom of God. The pearl of great price!

So when you lose something you now know how to find it (or  maybe God has also taught you this) and the Health Card was found in less than 1/2 hour after it was lost!

Sunday, March 27, 2011


This is a new ministry,which began with a prophetic gifting imparted during the Outpouring at Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship now called Catch The Fire Ministries but now ministers pictures from God to build up the church worldwide.  God's anointing has brought such rapid growth that I am truly in a state of awe. Jane Holland Prophecy Page on Facebook has had over 1/2 a million views and this Blog has had over 14,000 views in only 5 months. As a full-time unpaid missionary with YWAM Toronto I need your support to continually reach out.

Please you click on the Ads that you like or find interesting on this Blog and help us earn a little bit  each time you click on an Ad .

Email : janeholland

Thanks for your love and prayers.
Love, Jane

Friday, March 25, 2011

Awesome God

If it were not for God wanting to build up His people  and His anointing to do this I could not offer His personal insights for you on this Blog.  If I boast of anything it is to boast of the Lord,  His great love for us, His Healing power, His encouragement and His amazing insight that knows things that in my experience or natural mind, ever know.  I give Him all the praise & all the glory for every prophetic word & picture given!He is an awesome God!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Luke 1:37

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Want a Prophetic Word?

It is God's delight to build up your spirit by using me to impart His  prophetic pictures to you. Just write your prayer request as a Comment, using initials or a screen name to identify you & I will seek the Father who has such great love for you with His son Jesus and the Holy Spirit who knows all things.

Monday, March 14, 2011



Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Gift

When I was in my Discipleship Training School at YWAM, many long years ago, A Prophet named Brian Pollard, came to teach our class on prophecy.  I sat totally absorbed as each word not only enlightened me but blessed an comforted me. At the end of the week the Teacher said "I have felt all week that that the messages I have been giving were meant for only one person.  Would that person please stand up." The Holy Spirit said "Stand up!" I thought "Is that you God? It can't be me." I waited a while and nobody stood up. Again, this time  in a firm, commanding voice I heard, in my spirit, "Stand up now!"  I stood up and he said "Come into this office so I can pray for you." He prayed "You have a rare gift. You hear God's voice more clearly than anyone else on the planet. God will lead and guide you in how and where  to use your gift. And you will give more money to YWAM in  Canada than anyone else in the history of YWAM."  I am still waiting for the last part of this prophecy to manifest!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Quiet Time

I have started my day with a Quiet Time ever since I took a YWAM Discipleship Training School a few years after becoming a Christian. Much of that time (over 20 years) was spent in spiritual warfare & getting answers to problems and, I must admit, although I knew a lot about Him and His power, I didn't really know Him, His Presence or who He was as a Daddy, a Friend or a Counselor. One morning, while going through the Prayer Steps I always did (ACTS: Adoration,Confession,Termination of the enemy's plans & Supplication/Asking) the Lord said to me "Oh, quit being so religious! Go get a cup of coffee and let's talk!" We still start each day together but how my Quiet Time has changed.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Please click all the Ads that appeal to you on my Blog.  A bit is earned  each time you Click which helps my  Prophetic Ministry at Youth With A Mission  Toronto. Bless you and thanks! 

Click the Link above to learn more about Youth With A Mission (YWAM).

The Strongman 2

Mark 3:27  - When God gives us a challenge to possess the land we will encounter a strongman or stronghold that must be encountered before we can actually possess it.  Whether the 'land'  is a  nation, a ministry or something tangible like a house or car we  must do some preparation ahead of time.  When we bind the strongman with the weapons given to us in Ephesians 6 :11-18 The Full Armour of God, we find doors opening to us so much more easily.This is spiritual warfare directed at a specific spirit to be bound. 

Monday, February 28, 2011

A Dream Come True

We had a healing House in a small town in Texas.  Just after we had bought the house the Holy Spirit told me that He was giving us a gift of Hospitality. "Oh, how nice, I thought, maybe we'll have a Christmas Party every year." The very next day  about 4 people who needed prayer & healing arrived at the door and the numbers increased on a daily basis. Needless to say there were tons of dishes to do and constant cleaning going on. I was exhausted physically but my Spirit was always ready to pray and party sharing the joy of the Presence  of the Lord we had brought from the Outpouring in Toronto.One Sunday morning I woke up with a dream strongly in my mind and Spirit.  Driving in the car to church I shared the dream with my husband. "I was in the kitchen when I heard the front doorbell ring "Come in it's open", I yelled. I saw a girl in her early twenties, with dark hair and twinkly eyes and said "What is your name dear and why did you come?" I'm Rachel and God sent me to help you. I have an anointing for cleaning. Where shall I start?"  "In the Living Room I guess." She swished her arms around to all corners of the room and suddenly the carpet was glowing all the cups and glasses were put on a tray, a man who sat there watching TV got an awesome touch from God.During  Ministry time at church we went forward to pray for people.  After we had prayed for about 5 people my husband left to go to the car but I sensed I should stay and when I opened my eyes the girl from my dream was standing there in front of me. "Lord what should I do?" "Ask what her name is." He answered.. I asked and the girl said "My name is Rachel." I told her about the dream and she said "I have not been to this church for many years but I felt so strongly to come today. I have been cleaning my mother's house & came to get prayer as I feel so tired." We prayed & hugged & wept and God showed me a great lesson about dreams coming true!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Asking God.

The Lord showed me a picture of a man standing alone in a huge field with his arms raised in a position of pleading with God (palms up-raised). I was reminded of a man, in Texas, my husband and I were once asked to pray for. He had become homeless and was living in a small tent in a farmer's field.  When I asked how this happened he answered "I told God I always wanted to be outstanding in a field and now here I am. I have learned that with God you have to be more specific. Hahaha"  Just a reminder to be specific when you pray for your needs.  When you ask for money tell Him how much then give Him the option of providing more. When you look at the precision of the universe or even a flower you will see how he loves specifics.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Strong man

Mark 3:27 ""No man can enter into a strong man's house and spoil his goods except he will first bind the 
strong man and then he will spoil his house." I  have had a great deal of teaching based on this scripture that refers to spiritual warfare...binding the enemy from harming you but today I saw this scripture in a different light. I see that we need to be strengthened by the Lord to protect our homes and everything that concerns us. What does the prophetic word do?  It strengthens us!  If you are fighting battles today I gladly strengthen you, by the power of the Holy Spirit, by His prophetic word in prayer.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


Not every thought that comes to us while praying  prophetically for people is from God. It may be beautiful, it may be encouraging but it may not be what God wants to say to that person or group of people at the time.  Random thoughts always pass through our minds and we must discern what is from God and what is not.  These thoughts are not necessarily from the enemy.I use James 3:17 as a standard to judge whether something is from God or not. "The wisdom from above is first of all peaceful, easily entreated, full of mercy and good fruits,without partiality and without hypocrisy." I saw an ad today on Facebook for a Meditative Retreat Centre, held in an ancient Italian monastery that was offering Tai Chi along with prayer.  Watch out for mixture. We want a pure and powerful life that only Jesus offers by the Holy Spirit indwelling and leading us.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Beware, Be Prepared, Be Filled

The Holy Spirit spoke these words to me several years ago and since that time often speaks a word of warning using one of these according to my needs at the moment.  I sense that the readers of this Blog will benefit by asking God to lead and guide you by using these nudges in your spirit to lead or prevent you from following a wrong direction and to stay filled before you get spiritually dry.

Donate Now!

Support Jane Holland Prophetic Ministry
with a  monthly or one-time gift of
$1.00 a day/$30.00 a month or more by:

Paypal (Using a Credit Card)

 Mail Cheque or Money Order: Payable to
Jane Holland
1 Catherine St.
Caledon, ON
L7K 2N6
For further information phone 1-519-938-9840
Canadian donations over  $25.00 may receive a Tax Receipt upon request for Canadian Charitable Donations  via YWAM Toronto as I work full-time on Staff in the Office  and am, the
Leader of YWAM Toronto Prophetic Ministry..

Thanks and may God pbless all seeds planted here!

Friday, February 11, 2011

A Warm Welcome! (February 2011)

God has encouraged me to build your spirit by His prophetic words.  When you write a request for prophecy as a Comment I will lift it up to the Lord ,who will then show me a picture or series of pictures, sometimes like a movie, full of love and compassion & deep understanding.  It usually takes a few days, sometimes longer, as I wait on God to speak into your life and bless you at the same time.  I hope you will browse through the Archives, on the left side of the page, under each title and read some of the words the Lord has given to others. All prophecies given are meant for all to read.  Nothing is given in secret, unless it is a deeply private healing word that would embarrass a person, in which case it will be given most discretely.  The Lord has a sense of humor so you never know what He may say or show. I pray that you will receive God's touch and be blessed here!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Need a Prophetic word? (February 2011)

Prophetic Prayer requests are welcome here. Please write your request as a Comment.  Prayer can take time so please hang in there!  While waiting please read through the Archives to be blessed by Prophetic Words given to others.Prayerfully allow God to speak wisdom and love to your heart. Bless you !

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Get a Prophetic Word

The Lord longs to touch your heart and your life with His Prophetic words. In His infinite loving wisdom from the Holy Spirit  I am shown  pictures, in the way that Jesus used parables (The mountain, the fig tree, the seeds on rocky ground). Answers are not necessarily given on a first-come-first-served basis, it depends on God's timing. Be strengthened and comforted by prophetic words each month on this Blog. Love, Jane

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Your prophetic word

Just wanted to let you know that some of the words requested by some of you in January will be provided in the under the January topics in the Archives, even though it is now February.  Everyone is encouraged to prayerfully read through the prophetic words already given allowing God to speak life into your spirit.


Vegetables are good and we get nutrients from them but we feel even better when we also take a multi-vitamin. In the same way, God's prophetic word gives you an injection of the spiritual vitamins of encouragement, comfort, hope and direction. I pray blessings into your life in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Warm Welcome To You!

God has encouraged me to build your spirit by His prophetic words.  When you write a request for prophecy as a Comment I will lift it up to the Lord ,who will then show me a picture or series of pictures, sometimes like a movie, full of love and compassion & deep understanding.  It usually takes a few days, sometimes longer, as I wait on God to speak into your life and bless you at the same time.  I hope you will browse through the Archives, on the left side of the page, under each title and read some of the words the Lord has given to others. All prophecies given are meant for all to read.  Nothing is given in secret, unless it is a deeply private healing word that would embarrass a person, in which case it will be given most discretely.  The Lord has a sense of humor so you never know what He may say or show. I pray that you will receive God's touch and be blessed here! There is no charge for this ministry but prayer & financial gifts are always needed.  Bless you! Love, Jane

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


God wants to touch every Christian in the whole wide word with His uplifting words and prophetic pictures.  Please click on the Blog Archives on the left hand side of this Blog and as you read the Comments let God minister His healing, love and understanding to you. Write a Comment if you want a prophetic pic. To Follow Jane Holland Prophetic Words just click the Follow icon on the left side of the Blog, fill in your email info (if you do not use Google yet you can use hotmail or another email and click Create Google Account) then Follow & a bit more confidential info).A heartfelt thank you for being here, even daily if you want to!

Young Lions

I had a dream about young lions in our hallway, being playful but very powerful. I have the impression God is speaking to the church worldwide about the importance of young lions. After more prayer a friend  led me to Isaiah 11:6-9 "The lion shall eat straw like an ox." and "They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain  for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea." (KJV)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Prophetic Words will bless you

There's something about the Word of God... it's alive and brings life!  When God shows me a picture in the spirit for you it will bring life.  You always feel so much better after a prophetic word is spoken to you. I encourage you to read through all the Comments and let God speak to you through them as you personally identify with them.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Your word or pic

I am quite new to the Blogosphere so am counting on God to guide me to make it easier for people to receive their Prophetic Words and Pictures. I sometimes have to wait for days, even weeks to see or hear something from God for you. Thanks for being patient! I can only Post your word or pic  if you use your first name & last initial.All Posts will be visible to share  & to bless all who read it. A Message can only be sent to those who Follow this Blog. There are too many people called Anonymous with no way to contact you to give your pic to you and also many people are called Christine or Dave or other common names.  I bless you in the name of the Lord!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Following me

When you Follow this Blog you are actually  following the Lord Jesus Christ, who intimately knows you, your past, present and future plus all the desires of your heart, all your circumstances and all the people with whom you interact 24 hours a day even in cyberspace! I have noticed that thousands of people are reading but not Following this Blog.  Why, I wonder.  Would you pleeeeeeeease start to Follow! And I would be so blessed if you would also click any ads you find interesting here as we earn a little for every click to help us in ministry at Youth With A Mission Toronto . Thanks so much. Loving you all with the love of the Lord!!!!

Donate Now

 Prophetic Ministry at this Blog is free  but  donations are suggested  as God leads you in the amount to sow . Thank you, my friends, for helping me to continue  this service to the Body of Christ by your generous support of Prophetic Missions. You are a wonderful blessing!

To Donate  by Visa or MasterCard please send an Email to or 
Phone 519-938-9840 Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 12:30 pm.

By Paypal, Send Money, Amount,

By MailCheque or Money Order to:
Jane Holland
1 Catherine Street
Caledon, ON
 L7K 2N6
Jane Holland Prophetic Words is fully authorized by Youth With A Mission Toronto (a Registered Non-Profit Association in Canada.) Canadian Tax receipts are available upon request.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Need a Prophetic word?

This Topic is now closed for further prophetic prayer requests.  Please ask, as a Comment, under the heading of the date (year and month) in which you are requesting).  For example if  you were to request today you would click on the heading July 2015 Request Here  .Thanks and blessings
Jane Holland

Monday, January 3, 2011

Hello 2011 I hope you're friendly

We can not only hope we can speak to this coming year and command it to be friendly/prosperous.  Jesus told us that we could speak to a mountain and it would have to be removed because of the power in His name.  We can also speak blessings on each other.  God is pouring out His prophetic spirit to build up each of you into His likeness. It is my delight to share His anointing with you!  be blessed!